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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 59
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 62

62 Bonus Chapter

Thirteen Years Later

Sabrina POV

The girls come running out of the pool toward us. “Grandpa, can we have ice cream”, Gabby says,

asking for her and Serina. They are inseparable and I love that they have each other. The boys are like

fish in the pool. They are still swimming and it’s been two hours. “Of course, you can, my sweet girls”

Steven says. “Do the boys want some,” Steven asks. Gabby rolls her eyes. “Gabrielle Lyons don’t be

fresh” I say. “I wasn’t trying to be fresh, I’m sorry mom.” “That’s all they do is eat, that’s why I rolled my

eyes.” “Just be nice Gabby, your brothers are growing boys.” The girls follow Steven into his house and

I turn to see Archer coming out of the water. My goddess, this man still takes my breath away with how

hot he is. When he reaches me, he bends down, kissing me hard. I hear the boys gagging and I laugh

against his lips. He pulls back and whispers in my ear “if you keep looking at me like that love we’ll be

having another pup.” I slap his arm “no we won’t, four is enough.” He chuckles and stands back up.

“I hate for us to leave but we need to get back for the Alpha meeting.” “I know I’m just glad that Steven

got to spend time with the kids.” “He’s had them for three days, I’m sure he is ready to ship them back

to us.” “Not true I love having my grandbabies anytime” Steven says. “I can’t tell you how much we

appreciate you spending time with them.” I get up going over to hug him. “You never have to thank me,

I love having all of them.” Steven is amazing. When I took Gabby to see him after we had Serina, he

wanted to be grandpa to all my children despite everything that happened. “I know you do” I kiss his

cheek. “Ok boys it’s time to go home.” They groan but get out of the pool, drying off. Once they have all

hugged Steven goodbye, we hop in the car to head back to the pack.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

When we reach the pack, I tell the pups to get ready for introductions at the meeting. Since we are

hosting, Archer wants to introduce the pups to the Alphas. Gabby is sixteen now, Serina and the boys

are thirteen. It’s so strange to have them all be the same age. When they come down, they are all

dressed and ready for the meeting. “Mom, why do we have to go to this,” Gabby asks. Before I can

answer, Archer speaks up. “You are the future Alpha of the pack and I want them to meet you and your

siblings.” Our faces must be one of shock because Archer laughs. “Why do you both look like this is

news to you?” “Gabby is my oldest child and the pack is her birthright.” Gabby knows that Archer isn’t

her father by blood but he is her father in every way that matters. Archer leads us upstairs before

everyone arrives to finish this conversation. The boys sit on the couch entertaining themselves as

usual. Serina and Gabby sit in the chairs in front of the desk and I stand next to Archer. “Dad, you can’t

be serious”, Gabby says.

Archer POV

“I most certainly am serious.” “I love you dad and I know how much you love me but I am not a wolf.”

“Your mother isn’t a wolf either but she is the best Luna I could have ever asked for.” “I agree dad but

being a Luna is totally different than trying to be an Alpha over this pack.” “Serina should be Alpha

when she is old enough, not me.” “She is your blood” I stop her immediately with a growl that is not

only mine but Brutus’s too. “Don’t you dare say you are not my daughter in anyway.” I go around the

desk and bend down in front of Gabby.” “Blood does not make you my daughter the love I have for you

in my heart does.” “You are the next Alpha of this pack and anyone that doesn’t like it can leave or go

to hell.” She wraps her hands around my neck and I hate that she thought she wasn’t enough to be this

pack’s Alpha. I look back and Sabrina has tears in her eyes. I walk over and hug my mate before I sit

down in my chair. “Dad, can I ask for one thing if you really want me to be Alpha?” “Of course, you

can.” “I would like for Serina and I to share the Alpha title and duties.” I smile, “nothing would make me

happier than to have you all be part of running this pack.” “I think that is a brilliant idea, your attached at

the hip anyway.” I smile at Serina and she runs over kissing my cheek before she runs back hugging

her sister. I have truly been blessed with my children and mate. “Boys, what do you think about the plan

for the pack when you are grown?” “About what dad” they ask. Clearly, they weren’t paying attention to

our conversation. I laugh “your sisters taking over together as Alphas when I retire.” “Sounds good, we

want to be warriors and kick some butt.” We all burst out laughing. I get a link from Levi “I have shown

the Alpha’s to the conference room.” “Thank you, we are on our way down.”

We head downstairs and the Alpha’s are waiting in the room, including Alpha Brian. I walk over shaking

each of their hands, making sure my aura is strong. “Welcome gentleman, why don’t you all have a

seat and we can get started.” Most of the Alpha’s in attendance today have an alliance with our pack.

Five packs, including Brian’s, have an alliance with us. Three we are friendly with but have no formal

alliance. My goal is to hopefully change that today. The one remaining pack I’ve really had no dealings

with. The Alpha is said to be an a**hole but I’m sure people have said the same about me too. He is

the last to arrive and one of the omegas shows him in.

Alpha Raymond POV

I hate attending these stupid meetings. I link my son to get downstairs. “Lake hurry up, I want to get this

over with.” “Dad, I still don’t understand why I have to attend this meeting, I’m not Alpha yet.” “I still

have two years before I’m Alpha.” I growl “you need to go because you will be the pack Alpha now stop

being a pain in my a**.” “Seeing the Alpha’s of the other packs will let us know who is weak.” “We don’t

align ourselves with weak packs.” We drive the hour to the the Scarlett Howl pack and when we pull

into the driveway I’m already over this meeting. A guard leads us to the pack house and an omega

leads us to the room they are holding the meeting in. The other Alpha’s are sitting down and Alpha

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Archer greets us. “Welcome Alpha Raymond, we are glad you could make it.” “Thank you, Alpha

Archer.” “This is my son, Lake, the future Alpha of the Blood Rose pack.” They shake hands and we

take our seats. Archer’s aura is significant, which shows great strength. The other Alpha’s seem

average, but Archer is definitely someone that we want to align our pack with depending on his

warrior’s strength.

“Thank you all for coming today so we can talk about rogues and alliances.” “Before we start, I would

like to introduce you to my mate and the future Alphas of our pack.” I watch as a woman and four

children come in to stand next to Alpha Archer. I catch her scent, she’s a human. Why would a strong

Alpha take a human mate? Archer starts to speak, bringing me out of my thoughts about the weak

human. “This is my Luna, Sabrina, and our pups.” “Our twin boys, Johnathon and James.” “The future

Alpha’s of the Scarlett Howl pack Gabriella and Serina Lyons.” I take a deep breath and scent that one

of the girls is a human too. Not only is he putting girls in charge, but a human. What the f**k, she

cannot be an Alpha? I stand “are you out of your mind?” “Excuse me” Archer says with anger in his

voice. “It’s bad enough you took a pathetic human as a Luna, but you plan on putting a human in

charge of a wolf pack.” “I believe it’s time for you to leave Raymond as you are no longer welcome in

our pack.” “That’s fine, I want no alliance with such a pathetic pack.” “Your are no Alpha.” I stand to

leave and Lake follows me out. When we reach the car, I’m ready to shift with the bullshit we just

learned. Humans are pathetic and not worthy of being mated to wolves.

Once I’m in the car with Lake, I speed back to our pack. We head right to my office. “I cannot believe

that such a strong Alpha would accept that worthless human or her human child.” Lake sits quietly not

saying a word. “You mark my words he is going to be very sorry he brought humans into the wolf

world.” “Why do you care what he does, we won’t align the pack with him?” “How he runs his pack has

nothing to do with us.” I slap Lake across the face knocking him to the floor. I lean down as he holds his

hand on his cheek. “You better start acting like the Alpha you were born to be or so help me you will

regret it.” He stands but lets no tears fall. He knows what will happen if he does. “Fine sir, what do you

want to do?” “All in good time, Lake, just leave me for now.”