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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 56
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 59

59 Good News

Sabrina POV

We reach the hospital and we don’t stop to talk to anyone before we head to the nurse’s station on our

floor. We walk toward the supply closet and when I reach for the handle I stop. “Good morning, ladies”,

we hear from behind us and turn to see Maggie, the head nurse, smiling. Maggie is a very pretty, kind

older woman who is an awesome nurse. I smile walking back toward her. “We aren’t working today,

Maggie.” “Oh, I’m sorry Luna, I just assumed you were here to work.” “Maggie, you don’t have to call

me Luna just because I’m not on the clock.” She smiles “so what are you two up to that your here

today.” I look at Tracey before I answer. “I have felt nauseated the last two days and I’m late for my

period.” “Oh, my goddess Sabrina are you having a pup?” “That’s why we came early because I didn’t

want to get the Alpha’s hopes up if it’s just stress.” “Well let’s go see if you two are expecting.” She

leads us to one of the exam rooms and gives me a urine cup before she draws some blood. I hop on

the exam table and Tracey sits in the chair. “I’ll be back as soon as I have any results.” She leaves and

I have butterflies in my belly about the possibility of having a pup with Archer.

“How are you feeling” I say to Tracey to take my mind off the waiting. “Really good, I don’t feel sick at

all.” “I already have a bump.” “I can’t believe the pregnancy will only be five months.” “I know when the

doctor told me that I almost fell off the bed.” “I was sick every morning with Gabby but I felt better after I

threw up.” “I’m glad I’m not having that, I hate throwing up” I laugh and we turn on the tv in the room to

pass the time.

Archer POV

When I reach for Sabrina, she isn’t in bed. I open my eyes and head to the bathroom to see if she is in

there. When she isn’t I can’t imagine how she got up before me. We never went to bed until the middle

of the night and she likes to sleep in if she isn’t working. I throw on my sweats and a t-shirt before I go

to find her. When I reach Gabby’s room, I can hear voices. I open the door to find Lindsay not Sabrina.

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“Good morning, Alpha”, she says with a smile. I can see the fresh mark on her shoulder. “Good

morning, congratulations, I see that you and Jeremiah have made it official.” She blushes but thanks

me. “Not to be rude but do you know where my lovely Luna is?” “No Alpha, she just asked me to come

up early this morning to take care of Gabby.” What could she be doing that she wouldn’t tell me about?”

I can’t imagine she planned to work today after everything that happened yesterday. Maybe they

needed help, but why didn’t she just wake me? I’m just going to go check on her to make sure

everything is alright so I don’t dry myself crazy.

“Lindsay, I’m going to go check on the Luna.” “Can you get Gabby breakfast?” “I would appreciate it.”

“Of course, Alpha” she says and I head downstairs. I check the dining room before I head over to the

hospital. When I walk in my mother, father, Harold, and Misty are all having breakfast. “Hey guys, have

you seen Sabrina this morning?” “No, we haven’t” my mom says. When I turn to Harold, I notice he has

a fresh mark on his neck. Misty smiles at me and pulls her shirt to the side. Tabitha’s amazing work

again. “Congratulations, I’m glad the two of you are happy.” “Thank you, Alpha”, Misty says. “Oh no the

Alpha thing is finished.” “You are my mother-in-law now, family doesn’t use titles.” She stands up and

wraps me in a hug before I shake Harold’s hand. “Alright I have to go find my mate before Brutus and I

go nuts.” They all laugh and I head toward the pack hospital.

“Why do you think she didn’t tell us she was leaving or at least leave a note, Brutus?” “I don’t know, but

she must have had a really good reason, so don’t get all crazy.” I laugh “I think out of the two of us

that’s your department.” He snickers at me and I laugh. We head inside and up to the floor where

Sabrina was working the last time we were here. I walk to the nurse’s station and an older nurse is

working on the computer. I clear my throat and she looks up with a smile until she sees who it is. What

the hell is that about? “Alpha, what can I help you with something” she says with nerves in her voice.

“I’m looking for the Luna, have you seen her?” I can see she is torn by my question. “Can you give me

one moment, Alpha?” I nod but now I can feel nerves in my belly. What the hell is happening right now?

I watch her walk in a door half way down the hall.

Sabrina POV

The door flies open and Maggie rushes inside. I expect she will have my results but instead she starts

rambling. “Maggie, slow down, what’s wrong?” “I believe she is trying to tell you that your husband is

here looking for you.” I look up at the doorway and an angry Archer is staring back at me. Tracey

stands kissing my cheek “don’t worry he won’t be mad long.” She leaves with Maggie and Archer walks

over to me. “Do you want to explain what is going on?” “Don’t be mad at me, I didn’t want you to be

disappointed if the test was negative.” “I had hoped I would be done and back to bed before you woke

up if it was negative.” I see him fighting a smile before he leans down so we are face to face.” “Next

time you don’t try to spare my feelings and you wake me up.” “There is no secrets between us love.”

He leans in and kisses my lips. He lifts me off the table, taking a seat with me in his lap.

“Ok, I’ve been nauseated for a couple of days and I’m late.” “So, we might be having a pup?” “I’m going

to be a dad” I can’t help the excitement in my voice. “This is why I didn’t want to say anything until, I

was sure.” “If Maggie comes back in here and it’s negative you’re going to be disappointed.” “So will

you and all that means is we get to keep trying which will do if your pregnant or not.” He slams his lips

down on mine and kisses me breathless. I hear someone clearing their throat and we pull apart. “I’m

sorry I don’t mean to interrupt Alpha and Luna, but I have your results” Maggie says. I feel his grip on

me tighten a little until she says “congratulations, you’re having a pup.” She immediately leaves the

room and Archer looks back into my eyes. “Thank you, love.” I can see unshed tears pooling in his

eyes. “Thank you, Archer, for loving me and being the best father to our pups.” He kisses me again

before we head out to a waiting Tracey. I nod and she wraps me in a hug. “We are going to have pups

together, this is amazing.” Maggie gives me some vitamins to take before she sets me up to come back

in a week to have an ultrasound since I’m so early.

Archer POV

“I can’t wait to tell our family” I say as we walk back to the pack house. I can feel her nerves through

our bond. I turn to her and pull her into my arms. “What’s wrong love?” “What if we tell them and then

something happens?” “If goddess forbid something happened then our family would be there to help us

get through it.” “That’s what family is for to support us love?” “We won’t tell the whole pack till your

further along but I think we should tell our family.” She smiles and leans up kissing me. I take her hand

“let’s take Gabby shopping and grab a big sister t-shirt so we can surprise everyone.” “That’s sounds

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perfect” Sabrina says. We get our little one and head to the human mall. After we shop for an hour, we

head back to the pack. Sabrina had told Tracey not to tell anyone yet and we invited everyone over for

dinner in our private dining room. I feel like a kid with how excited I feel right now.

Everyone is waiting in the dining room when I carry Gabby in setting her in her booster seat at the head

of the table. Sabrina is standing next to me and everyone is looking at me confused. My mother

screams and jumps out of the chair, heading right for Sabrina. She wraps her in a hug and starts to cry.

No one else has caught on yet and Tracey finally shouts “read Gabby’s shirt.” I laugh and once they all

get it they start to congratulate us. I’m happy we didn’t wait to tell them. I know Sabrina learned not to

depend on others but she is slowly learning that these are people that will always be here for us. We all

sit down and dinner is amazing. The most important people in my world sitting around this table. I lean

over and kiss my Luna.

Sabrina POV

A week later we head to the pack hospital and I’m nervous but excited to see our pup for the first time.

When we get to the floor Maggie is waiting and leads us to the exam room. After I have a gown on, I

get up on the exam table. The doctor comes in and bares his neck to me and Archer before he starts to

move the wand over my belly. When the screen lights up it takes my breath away. Our pup looks as big

as Tracey and Levi’s but I’m nowhere as far along as they are. I look at the doctor with concern and he

smiles. “Luna, you are carrying an Alpha wolf, they develop even faster than regular wolves.” I swear

my head starts to spin and I can hear Archer saying my name. When I come too, I have a cold rag on

my face and Archer looks worried. “Alpha, I told you she is fine it was just the shock of the news.”

Archer shoots him a look and I put my hand on his. “I’m fine it was just a shock.” “The pup is healthy

and growing at a perfect rate.” “How long will my pregnancy be if Alpha’s are different?” “About four

and a half months.” “I can tell you what you’re having if you would like to know.” I look at Archer “I’m

fine either way love, it’s up to you.” I turn back to the doctor “yes please.” “It’s a girl and she is perfect.”

I look at Archer expecting to see disappointment that it’s not a boy but his smile is brilliant and it

definitely reaches his eyes. “Another perfect little girl love.” He leans down and kisses me. I’m so

blessed to have this man as my mate and Alpha.