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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 55
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 58

58 Battle Part 2

Thomas POV

“As usual, Thomas, they sent you to do a job that you can’t handle.” “You were a piss poor excuse for

an Alpha and mate.” “You are going to be so sorry you f**king b**ch when I get my hands on you.” “The

only thing I’m sorry about Thomas is being mated to you all those years when I could have been having

orgasms with River, my true mate.” “Mom I could have done without that little detail.” I turn to see my

daughter leaning against the wall. Fern laughs and I can’t wait to rip her f**king throat out. “Now Willow

your mom deserves orgasms after all those years with a cheater like him.” I turn and that human b**ch

is pointing at me while standing on the opposite side of the room. “Willow, you are my daughter, if you

don’t want to end up dead like that b**ch and your mother you better leave now.” Willow smiles “you

are no father of mine after all you have done to my family.” “Her father’s name is River Brady” Fern

says. I growl and turn running at Fern while extending my claws. When I make contact with her neck, I

smile. “That piece of sh*t rogue is dead and now you’ll be joining him.” She has a look of shock on her

face as I start to squeeze. My daughter screams and I rip her throat out, dropping it to the floor. The

feeling of knowing she is dead gives me great pleasure as her body falls to the ground. I turn back,

intending to kill the human b**ch next.

When I turn, Harris and a woman I’ve never seen are smiling at me. Willow and that human b**ch are

gone. “Where the f**k is that human and what are you doing in my pack house Harris?” “My Alpha is

out killing your associates and this is his pack house.” “Your Alpha, you are a damn leech not a

member of my pack.” “I’m a damn leech who is mated to Willow and a member of Archer’s pack.” I

growl, “like hell you are.” He pulls down his collar showing me his mark. “All the more reason she

needs to die just like her wh*re of a mother just did.” I watch his eyes flash red before they return to

their normal color. “You are very lucky I’m only here for the show or I would bleed you dry.” “What the

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f**k are you going on about?” “I’m sorry where are my manners” Harris says. “Tabitha, this is Thomas

Lyons the a**hat that Fern was telling you about.” “Thomas this is Tabitha another member of Archer’s

pack.” “Oh, I forgot to mention she is a powerful witch and she doesn’t like you very much.” Before I

can say another word, she says the word “pain” and I feel pain like I have never known throughout my

body. I fall to the floor because the pain is so bad. This can’t be happening.

“What seems to be the problem, Thomas?” “Is a weak woman making you suffer?” I look up in utter

disbelief but I can’t even speak with the pain that is all over my body. “You can stop now, Tabitha.”

“Stop” the witch says and I try to catch my breath. “No, it can’t be, your dead.” I look back to where I

dropped her body and sand lays on the floor. She laughs “you really believed it would be that easy to

kill an Alpha wolf or did you forget that I’m an Alpha too.” “You are no Alpha, Fern.” “I am the first born

of an Alpha, which makes me an Alpha too you pathetic excuse for a wolf.” I laugh and get to my feet.

Before I can even lunge at her, I feel pain burst through my eye and I’m back on the floor.

Fern POV

“What’s the matter Thomas, did a woman just knock you on your a**.” “I thought men were stronger

and better than women.” “You f**king b**ch, the only reason you think you can do this is because of the

witch standing over there protecting you.” “Make no mistake, letting you think that you killed me was

quite funny to watch but I will be the only one doing the killing today.” He laughs “the only way you can

kill me is if the witch helps you.” “Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, you are so wrong.” “Before I kill your a** I

promised the girls they could have their turn.” “Willow and Sabrina come and join us.” My daughter and

daughter-in-law come into the living room. Willow walks over and kisses Harris before she stands next

to me. “Go ahead Tabitha”, I say and take a step back. “What did you do you b**ch, why can’t I move”,

Thomas screams. Sabrina steps in front of Thomas and kicks him in the balls, knocking him to the

ground again. Like one of those punching bags, Tabitha puts him back on his feet. Willow walks over

and punches him in the face, breaking his nose. “Do you girls feel better now?” They nod and I laugh.

“This is the only way you pathetic women can hurt a man like me.”

“Now it’s my turn, Thomas, but Tabitha won’t be helping.” “Liza and I will be taking care of you

ourselves.” I turn to walk out into the pack yard without any more explanation. A few seconds later,

Thomas appears across from me. “You ready to end this, Liza.” “I will take great pleasure in ripping him

and his wolf apart.” I shift and Liza nods at Tabitha, who releases her hold on Thomas. He smiles

because he really believes I am no match for him. He shifts into Dax, who is an average Alpha Wolf.

We start to circle each other and he snaps his jaws at me as a scare tactic. We watch his body

movements, anticipating his first attack. He lunges, attempting to bite down on our hind leg but we

dodge. Liza immediately spins, latching on to his shoulder and biting down hard. I hear bones break

and his wolf whimpers. Liza starts to shake him and he is able to pull free but he can’t bear weight on

that leg. He attempts to back up, but this is far from over. Liza runs full speed biting down on his back

leg on the opposite side this time. She rolls and pulls the leg from his body, spitting it on the ground.

Dax is trying to drag himself away from us with the two functioning legs he has left, but really it’s just

pathetic to watch. “It’s time, Liza.” She stalks forward and when we reach him, she bends down, sinking

her canines into his throat. She pulls back with enough force to rip his throat out. She drops it to the

ground and howls, finally completely free of this ba**ard.

River POV

As soon as Archer heads back toward us and doesn’t stop, I don’t need him to tell me what’s

happening. I feel sick to my stomach thinking about anything happening to Fern. Jasper runs as fast as

our legs can carry us. We are almost back at the pack yard when I hear a howl. Jasper pushes harder

and Archer is right by my side. I can’t lose her. I’m going to kill that ba**ard. When we reach the pack

yard, I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Liza is standing over a very dead Dax. She killed the ba**ard. My

mate killed him. I shift and Fern does the same as I reach her. Willow throws us a blanket and I wrap us

both in it as I pull her into me. “It’s over” I say before I slam my mouth down on hers. “Alright, mom and

dad get a room.” “None of us want to see that” Archer says. “Did you just call me dad?” “I did, that’s

what you are River to both of us.” “If I wasn’t naked right now, I would hug you son.” “I can’t tell you

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how much I appreciate that you didn’t.” Everyone bursts out laughing. Archer walks over to pick

Sabrina up and we head inside to grab clothes.

Archer POV

When we reach the pack yard and my mother is standing over Thomas’s dead wolf, a sense of peace

washes over me. It’s finally over. I pray to the goddess he gets everything he deserves in the afterlife. I

grab shorts from one of the trees as River runs to my mother. I’m so glad she finally knows what it is to

have a mate that loves her the way a mate should. Once we head inside and my parents go to get

clothes, we all sit on the couch so they can tell us what happened. Jeremiah went to tell everyone it’s

safe to leave the bunker. Levi heads to find Tracey. When Tabitha says she used a replication spell to

make my father think he killed my mother, I’m in awe at the plan they put into action. “That was all your

mate’s idea” Tabitha says. I turn to Sabrina, “that was brilliant.” “I just figured he would let his guard

down if he thought he had gotten rid of Fern.” I kiss her forehead. “You are an amazing Luna.” A few

seconds later, Jeremiah comes in followed by Lindsay holding a half-asleep Gabby. I have missed this

little girl. I know it has only been a few hours but what happened made it feel like days. “There’s my

little one” I say and Lindsay lays her in my arms. “I missed you daddy and mama.” “I missed you too.” I

kiss her forehead and pull Sabrina closer to my side. She falls back to sleep. It’s about two in the

morning when we put her in her bed and head to ours. I plan to sleep in that’s for sure. Once we are

cleaned up, I slide in and wrap Sabrina in my arms. I dream of pups and a bright future with my mate

and family.

The Next Day

Sabrina POV

I slide out of bed and Archer is still fast asleep. We didn’t get to bed until about two in the morning but I

need to meet Tracey early. I slide on yoga pants and t-shirt before I open the door slowly to not wake

Archer. I head down the hallway and down to Levi and Tracey’s floor. Thankfully, she is coming out of

the room, so I don’t have to knock. “Are you ready?” “I am, I’m nervous.” “Don’t be this is going to be

awesome.” I let Lindsay know we are leaving so she can check in on Gabby and we head over to the

pack hospital.