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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 54
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 57

57 Battle Part 1

Lawrence POV

“Is that your great plan just to sit here like idiots and wait for them to come for us?” I growl and turn

punching Thomas in the face knocking his a** to the ground. “I have warned you about disrespecting

me in my pack.” “Now, get your a** up and follow me to my office.” I can see he wants to hit me back

but he knows that with all my men around he doesn’t have a chance. Two of my men follow and we

head to my office. Once we are inside, I sit behind my desk. “That is the last time I will warn you

Thomas, next time I’ll snap your neck and cut my losses.” “Am I clear about the rules here?” “Yes” he

spits out and sits down. “Now my plan is that we will be ready when Archer and his men show up here

for battle.” “I also plan on sending a group of rogues that you will be leading to the pack where he will

leave the women if he is any kind of Alpha.” “Women need protection from big bad wolves like us.”

Thomas laughs “I can’t wait to see that b**ches face before I kill her a**.” “I hope River drops dead after

I kill her, if not I’ll enjoy torturing him to death.” “Don’t get to cocky we need to win first.” “Don’t

underestimate them or you will f**k everything up.” “I know what I’m doing Lawrence I have fought and

won before, I am an Alpha or do you forget.” “No, you were an Alpha trying to be one again.” He grits

his teeth but says no more.

“You will leave now with fifty rogues, but you need to stay far enough from the pack that they will not

catch the rogue’s scent.” “I will signal you when the attack begins, so you can move in.” “You better

make sure that Archer and River are saved for me Lawrence as we discussed.” “You have my word,

Thomas.” I lead him outside and address the men that will be going with him. “Thomas is your lead and

you will do as he says on this mission.” They bare their necks and Thomas leads them through the

trees and out of the territory. I wonder if he thinks my word really means something. I’ll kill them both if I

get the opportunity, and if he has a problem, then he can die with them.

Tracey POV

I came home from the hospital this morning and Levi is driving me insane already. “Do you need

anything, love?” “Levi, what I need is for you to sit down and tell me exactly what the plan is, so I don’t

go crazy while you’re gone.” He comes to kneel in front of me resting his head on my stomach which

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makes me smile. I hadn’t really noticed but I have a little bump. “You, Fern, Tabitha, Willow, Sabrina,

Lindsay, Gabby, and Harris will be secured in the pack house with thirty warriors outside just in case

they get any ideas.” “I’m not talking about us I want to know you will be safe.” “We can handle

ourselves Levi.” “I have no doubt you can but I need the peace of mind that you and our pup are safe

so I can focus on the battle.” “Fine, now tell me the plan for you guys.” “Tabitha is going to mask our

scent before we head for the pack at dusk.” “We assume they will expect us after the message Archer

sent but were hoping they won’t think it would be so soon.”

I can feel the nerves in my belly at the thought of him being hurt by these ba**ards. He sits up and

takes my face in his hands. “I promise you that I will be back and we are going to have the greatest life

raising our pups.” I know he can’t really make that promise but I don’t push him because I don’t want to

fight before he leaves. “Pups, how many are we talking here?” He leans in and pecks my lips before he

kisses my belly. “Well, we’re wolves so at least ten” he says and laughs. “That better be a joke mister.”

“I’m kidding, I was hoping three or maybe four.” “I’m ok with three.” He kisses me again and wraps me

in his arms. I say a silent prayer to the goddess that he comes back to me in one piece. “This is what I

need till you leave, to be held.” “That I can absolutely do.”

Archer POV

Sabrina, my mother, River, Gabby and I are sitting in our living room. Gabby is playing with her dolls

oblivious to all that is happening, which I’m glad for. I pull Sabrina closer to my side and placing my arm

around her shoulders. She leans into me and I can feel her fear through our bond. My mother must

know by my face that we need a moment alone. “Archer, why don’t you and Sabrina go talk alone for a

moment while we stay with Gabby before you have to leave.” I get up and kiss my mother’s forehead

before I lead Sabrina into our room. I sit in our big comfy chair and pull her onto my lap. “I know your

afraid but I have faith that the goddess will keep us both safe.” “I have faith too, Archer, but it doesn’t

make me any less scared when we’re dealing with men that have no problem killing.” “We can’t lose

you and I don’t even want to think about it but I need to say something so I have no regret.”

“I never knew what love was before I met you.” “I thought I did but honestly it was not even close to

what I feel for you.” “You mean everything to me and I need you to come back to me so we can have

pups and run this pack.” I grab her face and look into her eyes. “I have no intention of leaving you or

our pups.” “I know I can’t make promises because only the goddess knows what will happen but I am

not done loving you.” “I’ll never be done loving you.” I kiss the tears running down her cheeks. “I have

no idea what will happen but you need to stay safe too.” “You focus on the battle and I will focus on

keeping us all safe here.” “Now, let’s go spend some time with Gabby before I have to leave.” We

spend another hour with Gabby and I read her a story as I do every night. “I love you little one.” “I love

you daddy.” I kiss her forehead and Lindsay is waiting in the hallway. I nod at her when we pass.

All the warriors are gathered in the yard ready to finish what Thomas started. Sabrina is standing at my

side as I look out among our warriors. They quiet waiting for my words. “I want you to fight these

pathetic wolves like our pack and lives depend on it.” “We are dealing with men without honor, so watch

each other’s backs.” “They will show no mercy and I expect the same from all of you.” “These men

pose a threat to your Alpha and Luna.” “I want them ended quickly.” The men shift in front of us and

howl the cries of battle. Tabitha steps forward and begins to chant. After about ten minutes, she turns to

me and nods. I breathe in deep and I can’t smell one of the warrior wolves. I turn and kiss Sabrina

before I shift running to the head of the pack. River shifts and runs beside me to lead us since he

knows where the pack is located. “Brutus, are you ready to end this.” “I’ve been ready and I plan on

making a lot of wolves dead tonight.” I laugh at his words and we run with one thing in mind, killing

those ba**ards.

As Jasper starts to slow, so does Brutus. Everyone stops behind us and River and I shift. “The land

starts just beyond these trees.” “As much as I hate to say it Archer, he isn’t stupid, he is probably

waiting for us.” “Well then, let’s not disappoint him.” We shift back and begin to walk through the trees

with the warriors remaining in wolf form behind us. We try not to sound like a stampede to keep the

element of surprise. When we reach the tree line, I link all the warriors at once to attack. We take off

through the tree line running and there are wolves everywhere. I wasn’t expecting this many wolves but

it doesn’t matter we will kill them all. The wolves in human form look shocked that they couldn’t smell

us coming, but they weren’t unprepared as I had hoped. The warriors start to fight and I am killing

rogue after rogue.

I look around to keep an eye on Levi, River, and Jeremiah. I haven’t seen my father but he is probably

hiding in wait like the coward he is for an opportunity to sneak up on me. I notice a wolf stalking toward

River that he doesn’t see coming. I jump over him tackling the wolf to the ground and snapping his

neck. When I get to my feet, I lift my head to see a man standing on the steps of the run-down house

smiling. That must be that ba**ard Lawrence watching his own men die while he doesn’t fight. I watch

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as he links someone before he smiles back at me again and shifts into an average-sized sh**ty brown

wolf. I’m just about to run at him when five rogues jump in front of me. Brutus is having none of it and

starts to rip through them. One manages to jump on my back and bite down before I throw him off

where Levi is waiting. He snaps the rogue’s neck and we kill the two remaining rogues. I link River,

“where did he go.” “He ran like the b**ch he is toward the trees to the west.” “No f**king way is he

getting away from this.” “Go we have these wolves.” I take off toward the woods but the smell of rogues

is thick in the air so I can’t tell exactly where he went. Brutus stalks forward and I hear a branch break

to my right. We turn just in time to see the ba**ard jumping toward us.

Brutus opens his mouth, latching on to the wolf’s right front leg. He starts to whip his head side to side

and I can hear bones break. He releases his grip, dropping the pathetic wolf to the ground. He tries to

stand but can’t get up on his leg. He shifts “if you’re waiting for me to beg you for my life you will be

waiting for a very long time you a**hole.” Brutus growls “speaking of life, everyone you love has

probably perished by now.” “Humans, they’re so fragile and your father was just waiting for his

opportunity to take everything from you.” “I was glad I could help make all of you suffer for thinking your

better than us.” Brutus roars bending down and biting him in half. What’s left of him falls to the forest

floor. I don’t even give him another second of thought, I need to get back to the pack. I need to get back

to my family. I come through the trees to see most of the rogues are dead. I don’t even stop to say

anything to River and Levi, but they follow as we run like our mate’s lives depend on it.

Thomas POV

We are near the house I shared with that b**ch waiting for word from Lawrence. It’s upwind from the

pack but close enough that we can get there quickly. A rogue steps forward, “Lawrence just linked me

that they have attacked the pack.” “That means it’s time for them to die.” I shift and the rogues do the

same. Once we are inside the territory, I see some warriors have been left to defend the pack. Not

enough for me to care. I shift back “take care of them, I have others to deal with.” I shift heading right

for the pack house. I look back to see the rogues fighting the warriors and I shift smiling as I enter my

pack house. I guess Lawrence was worth the money. I’m sure they have the women and children in the

bunker but I know Fern she is waiting for me. I turn the corner that leads into the living area and there

she stands. “I should have known a snake like you would come for women because you can’t handle

real men like my mate.” “When I’m done with you wh*re there won’t be anything left for your pathetic

rogue mate.”