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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 53
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 56

56 Give Back

Sabrina POV

I can tell by the look on his face, that was the last question he was expecting from me tonight. “Archer, I

don’t want to be this weak creature you have to worry about every time you leave the pack.” “Sabrina,

there is nothing weak about you.” “You, say that to make me feel better but honestly if your mother

wasn’t here tonight, he would have taken me to your father.” “I want to be able to protect our daughter

and our pack.” “I want to be the Luna this pack deserves not some human who is playing Luna.”

“Sabrina, I understand why you’re asking this but I need you to understand something.” “You aren’t

playing anything so don’t ever say that again.” “First of all, the change isn’t safe for a human and it

would risk your life for no reason which I’m not willing to do.” “Second you are perfect and you don’t

need to change.” He leads me over and I wait for him to pull me on to his lap but this time he sits

across from me at the table in our room. He looks in my eyes as he speaks. “The goddess makes no

mistakes, my love and the fact that your human is what she believed this pack and I needed.”

“But” is all I get out before he raises his hand and I let him continue. “I know you don’t believe me when

I say that you are strong but you are.” “My mother told me what you did tonight when that ba**ard was

threatening your life” he growls out. “That is your strength, there are she-wolfs that would have cried

and begged but not fought back.” “Many Luna’s don’t fight because they were raised to be obedient

and depend on their Alpha’s, that is not you.” “You kept your head and helped yourself, not because

you’re a wolf but because your you.” “I love you just as you are.” “Even if you were a she-wolf and

something happened like it did tonight, I would worry exactly the same.” “Just as if you knew I was in

danger you would worry even though I’m an Alpha wolf.” “I have seen how protective you are of me,

our daughter, and this pack.” “I have no doubt you would be the leader that would keep everyone safe.”

“You are my Luna, not my human Luna just my Luna.” I can feel the tears run down my cheeks. Even

when I think I should be something else, he always shows me that I am what he wants.” “I’m what he

needs, just as I am.” He is right. I will defend what I love no matter whether I’m a human or a wolf.

He stands lifting me and setting me down on his lap. “You are perfect just as the goddess knew you

would be.” I turn myself so I’m straddling him. I slam my lips down on his, pouring my love and

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gratitude into the kiss. Once we are both breathless, he pulls back “I need you, love.” He carries me

into the bathroom before he sets me on my feet. We pull each other’s clothes off in record time and this

time I lead him to the bench in the shower. Once he is seated, I can see he thinks I’m going to straddle

him again, but the shock on his face is comical as I fall to my knees in front of him. I take him in my

mouth and start to move up and down, taking him deep. When he moans and threads his fingers in my

hair, it spurs me on. “Sabrina, oh goddess, that feels so good.” I take his b**ls in my hand massaging

them as I take him deeper. “Sabrina, I’m going to c*m” he screams and I drink down his seed. I keep

sucking until he stops moving.

When I look up, his eyes are black. “My turn mate” he says before he lifts me, bending me over the

bench. “Brutus” I say in a breathy voice and he growls. “Yes mate, brace yourself it’s about to get

rough.” I put my hands on the bench and he slams his c**k inside me. I know they are the same body,

but it’s definitely not the same. Brutus f**ks me like the wolf he is, hard and rough. I love both and

honestly, I needed this tonight. To feel like I can take everything he has to give. A slap on my right a**

cheek brings me out of my thoughts and makes me moan. He grabs my hair, pulling me back to him

and placing his hand on my throat. Not squeezing but just letting me know who is in charge. I have

never felt so good and used at the same time. He reaches around as he slams into me rubbing my cl*t

and I scream out his name. “That’s good little mate,” he says in my ear as he starts to chase his own

climax. When he starts to c*m he roars and empties himself deep in my body.

He pulls himself from my body and when I turn it’s Archer’s eyes, I’m staring into. He leans down,

kissing me softly. “Thank you for loving me and always giving me what I need.” “No thanks is required,

it is always our pleasure” he says with a smirk on his face. I slap his arm and we head into bed.

The Next Morning

Archer POV

I’m in my office waiting for River, Levi, and Jeremiah to arrive. I’m done waiting for these a**holes. After

we are done dealing with that piece of sh*t in the cells, I want Thomas’s head. Once they arrive, we

head downstairs. The guard bares his neck when he sees me and River hands me the key. I turn the

key in the lock and the a**hole’s eyes fly open. “Please don’t do this” he says as he backs up in the

cell. “Save your begging, for the goddess, you’ll get no mercy here.” I grab him, dragging him to a cell

down the hall my father used all the time. I don’t because I’m not into torture unless it’s absolutely

necessary, but this man has earned it. I think about forty-nine innocent wolves pleading for their lives. I

chain him to the wall before I turn to Levi. “Your first” I say and step back. “What do you mean he’s

first?” “You can’t do this.” “Oh, but we can, you hit his pregnant mate last night.” I watch his eyes get

big and fear sweep over his face as Levi stalks toward him.

Levi steps up and extends a claw on his right hand, raking it down his chest causing deep wounds. He

screams but Levi doesn’t even bat an eyelash. “You made my mate bleed, you’re lucky I’m not the one

that will be ending you today.” Levi steps back “my turn.” I step forward “you touched my Luna.” I grab a

syringe off the table that has silver in it. I stab his neck and push down on the plunger releasing the

caustic liquid. “This isn’t enough to kill you, but you will be in agony for the little time you have left.” He

screams again, pleading for us to just kill him. “Not yet” I say before I step back. “Jeremiah, it’s your

turn.” Jeremiah steps up “you killed my friends, my family like a coward.” Jeremiah starts to beat the

s**t out of him to the point that his face is so swollen his eyes are shut. River lays his hand on

Jeremiah’s shoulder and he is breathing heavy. He places his hands on his knees catching his breath.

“Enough, it’s time for this to be over.” “I don’t want him breathing the same air as us anymore.” River

comes to stand in front of him. “You betrayed people that cared for you out of anger for me.” “I pray that

the goddess gives you everything you deserve.” He reaches up extending his claw and reaches into

Matthew’s chest ripping his heart from his body. He drops it to the floor. “Let’s go, it’s time this was

over” I say before we head upstairs.

Everyone is in my office including our mates, my sister, Harris, Tabitha, and Jonathon. “As I said to the

others, I’m done waiting but I need some help to deliver a message first.” “Tabitha” I say and Jonathon

cuts me off. “No way you’re not going to use my mate to fight this battle.” Tabitha grabs him “stop it

Jonathon.” “It’s ok Tabitha I’ll forgive his outburst because it comes from his love for you but be careful

Jonathon. “I’m sorry Alpha I meant no disrespect I just can’t lose her.” “I have no intention of taking her

into battle.” He smiles and sits back down. “I have three things to ask of you.” “First I need you to

teleport something for me.” “What would that be” Tabitha asks. “I believe Harris knows where that

ba**ards Lawrence pack is and I would like to give him back the traitor with a message.” She nods

“second I wondered if you had anything that could help mask our scent when we go into battle.” She

nods again “I can do that easily.” “Third I want you to remain with Willow, Harris, Sabrina, Tracey,

Jonathon and my mother to defend the pack should they try to attack while we are gone.” I look around

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the room. “Sabrina will give orders in my absence as the Luna so everyone is to follow them to the

letter.” They bare their necks to both of us.

I lead Tabitha and Harris down to the cells. I warn her before we walk in about what he looks like and

she laughs. “Archer, I didn’t oppose staying behind to protect my Luna and pack but make no mistake,

I’ve fought and seen things that you can’t imagine.” “I don’t need protecting I promise you.” I nod and

we walk in. I have a note on the body that says your next. “Simple but effective”, Tabitha chuckles.

“Come on Tabby, let’s get the trash out before he stinks up the place.” I watch them touch hands and

then the body before they disappear. I walk back upstairs to find Sabrina.

Tabitha POV

I love Jonathon for wanting to protect me, but the only reason I didn’t fight about it is because I want to

protect Sabrina, Willow, Tracey, and the pups. I will not allow them to be hurt after all they have done

for me. Once Harris and I appear near the rogue pack, he throws the body over his shoulder. He

dumps him inside the territory and we wait to make sure he is found. Twenty minutes later, a rogue

walks over and we watch him link before he starts to look around. “Mission accomplished, let’s go.” We

teleport back and appear in front of the pack house. We find Archer and tell him it’s done before we find

our mates. Jonathon is waiting in the living room of the pack house when I find him. “I’m glad you’re

back, I hate you going anywhere near those ba**ards.” “Sit down Jonathon, we need to talk.” He looks

concerned, but I need him to understand I don’t need protecting. I know it’s a wolf’s nature but we are

equals. “Jonathon, I love you but I’m not in need of a knight in shining armor to protect me from all the

bad things in life.” “I have fought all my life and we are partners.” “Don’t ever do what you did in the

Alpha’s office again.” “I’m sorry I just want to protect you.” “I appreciate that but Archer believes in his

mate who has no powers and I expect the same from you.” “We protect each other.” “Next time we are

having a discussion you don’t speak for me.” “We can talk about all decisions and make them

together.” “I’m sorry love it won’t happen again.” I lean in and kiss him.

Lawrence POV

I get a link from the rogue patrolling that a body was found inside the border. “Who is it?” “I don’t know

boss, the person isn’t recognizable.” What the f**k? “Bring the body to me.” I head outside with Thomas

on my heels. He dumps the body on the ground in front of me. I bend down and pull a note off his

chest. “Your next, Archer” it says and I smile. “I guess you were wrong about your son Thomas.” “It

seems he isn’t so pathetic, he tortured this ba**ard and sent us a message.” Thomas growls and I

stand. “I believe we should get ready I think the fight is coming to us.”