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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 51
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 54

54 Didn’t Know

Sabrina POV

“Archer have the men take the injured man to the pack hospital so he can get medical attention while

you speak to him.” He smiles and I watch him link our men. Levi and River rush over and they all turn

to leave. “Fern, can you keep Gabby, Tracey and I are going to help take care of the injured wolf.” “Of

course,” she takes Gabby’s hand and I bend down to kiss her forehead before we leave. We follow

behind the men but our dresses and shoes don’t exactly make it easy. We both ditch our shoes and the

boys pick us up, carrying us the rest of the way. Archer sets me on my feet just as the door opens and

the men enter carrying the injured man. “Matthew” River says with anger in his voice. Tracey grabs a

gurney and the pack doctor runs towards us. We wheel him to the back, followed by the Archer, Levi,

and River. Once we have him in the bed, he is coming in and out of consciousness. The doctor is

working him up while River and Archer are trying to ask him questions. “Matty, who did this to you?”

“River, they’re gone, all of them gone” the man says before he losses consciousness again. “What the

hell does that mean,” I say to River. “Matty is the wolf we left in charge of the remaining rogues.” “Are

you saying” I can’t even finish my question and River nods.

Archer POV

“Why would they kill the rogues if they aren’t even part of our pack?” “They have nothing to do with any

of this.” “Lawrence warned me before I came to see you if I was going to interfere, in his business, he

would kill me and my pack.” “How would he even know that you came here?” “Someone had to tell

them but I have no idea who would betray us” River says with hurt on his face. “Alpha, I understand

you need to speak to this man but if I can’t do my job there will be nothing left to speak to.” We step

back and Sabrina turns to me. “We will take care of him go do what you need to do.” Levi, River, and I

grab Jeremiah before we shift running for the rogue pack. When we get there the building is quiet and I

say a prayer that Matthew was wrong. We start to go through room by room but there is no one here.

“Archer, I don’t have a good feeling about this” River says. “Lawrence isn’t one for sparing or

kidnapping.” “He prefers to eliminate without mercy.”

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Once we finish inside, we start to go around the back of the building and my stomach drops. I feel bile

rise in my throat, but I keep myself together. The pack is lying face down on the ground. They have all

been executed. I walk over, lifting one of the men’s torsos and his throat, has been ripped out. We

count forty-nine bodies all killed the same way. Both men and women were killed as if they were

insignificant instead of living, breathing people. I turn to talk to River and Jeremiah but both are in the

process of shifting. “Shift back, this is not the way” I give Alpha command. “You will be committing

suicide if you go to them, only the two of you.” River links me back “these are my pack members they

dispatched like cattle at the slaughter.” “Wouldn’t you want justice for your pack.” I walk up to him laying

my hand on his shoulders “they will pay and we will make them suffer for what they have done to these

innocent wolves.” “Getting yourselves killed will not bring them back and think of your mates.” That

must get through because they both shift back. “I want Lawrence and his pack to suffer, Archer.” I pull

River into a hug. “He will suffer along with that ba**ard Thomas who I’m sure had a hand in this.”

Lawrence POV

“Why kill them all Lawrence?” “I didn’t know I answered to you Barry, you can join them if you’d like?”

He drops his head, “now bring his a** in and don’t ever question me again.” “You are easy to replace,

so remember your place.” “Yes, Lawrence” he says before he goes out to get Thomas. A few minutes

later, he leads Thomas in and he takes a seat. Barry sits off to the side as I have directed. “I’m glad to

see you have my money.” “You’ll get the money when I see the men.” “Well, there have been some

changes to our plan.” “What f**king changes?” “Calm down Thomas your going to ger your pack but it

seems that there is a new player in the game.” “What the f**k are you going on about, do you have the

men or not?” “Sounds like your making excuses for not delivering on what we agreed upon.” I get up

and walk around the desk. With my speed, I grab Thomas by the throat before he can react and Barry

is standing next to me. “You are in no position to be disrespectful pack wolf, so shut the f**k up and

listen.” “You are in my pack and I have no problem killing you.” I release him and he falls to the floor.

“Now take your seat so I can tell you what has been going on.”

He rubs his neck but he gets up in the chair without a word. “I’ve been made aware that River has

joined your old pack.” I can see anger flash in his eyes and I smile. “I know exactly where your brain

just went, your mate.” “I have no f**king mate.” “You’re absolutely correct you don’t, River does.” He

starts to partially shift and I stand. “Sit down, you will not tear up my office over some b**ch you didn’t

even care about.” He takes few deeps breaths and shifts back. “It seems that he has mated with Fern

and taken most of his pack to join Scarlett Howl.” “Archer let rogues into my pack.” “With open arms, it

seems your son isn’t like you at all.” “He is no son of mine, he is pathetic and no Alpha.” “So, what

plans have changed?” “I’ve sent a message to River and Archer from us.” “What message would that

be?” “I killed all the rogues that were left from River’s old pack.” “Well, all but one, I needed someone to

deliver the message.” “How many did you kill?” I turn to Barry “forty-nine wolves both women and men.”

“We dumped the messenger off outside the pack border so I’m sure they have headed to the pack to

check for themselves.” “They should be finding them by now.”

“Why not just go there and kill them?” “Now, Thomas, when I tell someone to stay out of my business

and they don’t listen, I have to make an example of them.” “If I don’t have my reputation, I don’t have

anything.” “River needs to suffer and I know you want to see Fern dead.” “Trust me the new plan will

make you very happy.” “Give me the money and we can go see your men.” He hands me the briefcase

which I secure before I lead Thomas outside. The men are all in the back of the building training.

Thomas smiles and I fill him in on the new part of the plan while we watch the men train. “River, Archer,

and Fern are mine, Lawrence.” “For as much as I am paying you, I want the pleasure of killing them.”

“That’s not a problem, Thomas.” “I will make sure the men know they are to be captured and not killed.”

“I’ve gotten my fill of killing today anyway” I laugh.

Fern POV

Lindsay and I are sitting in the living room while Gabby plays with her dolls. I can’t believe that we

couldn’t even have one night of peace without that ba**ard doing something to ruin it. I’m just glad that

the actual ceremony was finished before they linked Archer. I know my son and he would have stopped

everything to help someone that was injured. He is nothing like Thomas, he cares for others as an

Alpha should. I look over at Lindsay who has been quiet since Jeremiah and River left. I’m sure she is

worried about Jeremiah. I take her hand, “Jeremiah will be fine, he is strong.” “They will be back soon.”

“I didn’t even get to mark him before he left.” “You will get your time, don’t worry.” “Lindsay, why don’t

you take Gabby upstairs and get her ready for bed while I check how things are going at the hospital.”

“I will link and let you know as soon as they get back, I promise.” “Thank you, Fern, I just need him to

come back.” I nod and she hugs me. She takes Gabby and heads upstairs.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I head to my room to change my dress into sweats and a t-shirt before I walk over to the hospital. As I

walk through the pack it is quiet when a few hours ago it was bustling. I walk into the waiting area and

head for the nurse’s station. A smiling nurse approaches me. “Luna, what can I help you with.” “I am no

longer Luna, just call me Fern.” She smiles “Fern, what can I help you with?” “I wanted to check on the

injured wolf and talk to Sabrina.” She checks the computer for the information. She tells me the floor

and room number that they took him to after the pack doctor stabilized him. I grab the elevator and

when I get off I head down the hallway. It’s strange, but I only see one nurse at the station. The others

must be with patients. When I reach the room, a wave of unease flows over my body. “Fern, be careful,

something isn’t right”, Liza says.

I grab the handle and when I open the door no one is inside. I can smell the faint scent of the rogue,

Sabrina, but Tracey’s scent is the still strong. I’m just about to leave when I hear someone moan. I

push the door open and rush around the bed to see Tracey lying on the floor with a small pool of blood

near her head. “Oh, my goddess, Tracey, what happened?” She manages to squeak out “he took

Sabrina.” I scream and the nurse rushes in “call the doctor and get her taken care of now.” I link

“Archer, the wolf was part of their plan, he has Sabrina.” Archer growls “I ‘m coming I’ll link the patrol to

guard the border till I get there” he says before he cuts the link. I know they are running back but I can’t

wait for them. She could be gone if I wait. A few seconds later, the doctor appears and they get Tracey

in bed. “Fern, I’ll be fine, I’m tough.” “You take good care of her doctor” I say as I head for the door.

“Fern, where are you going?” “I’m going to find her.” I link River “I love you.” “Fern what are you doing,

we are on our way.” “I love you” I say again before I cut the link. I know he will try to talk me out of

trying to find them.

I run through the hospital until I’m outside. I shift and take off for the woods. He can’t be that far with his

scent still in the room. I run following the fading scent. I’m almost to the border and I can smell both the

rogue and Sabrina’s scent stronger. I stalk forward and he steps off behind a tree with his arm around

Sabrina’s neck. I shift back not caring that I’m standing there naked. “Let her go now.” He laughs

“you’re in no position to give orders.” He runs his nose up the side of Sabrina’s face. “For a human she

smells good.” “So fragile I could just snap her neck and end her without even breaking a sweat.” “You

will never make it out of this pack alive.” “They won’t stop me I’m holding their precious Luna.” “It’s the

only reason I haven’t killed her yet.” I have to stop him from taking her. “Take me instead.” “Fern don’t

do this, what about Archer and River?” :”Sabrina, Gabby needs you my children are grown.” “Aren’t you

ladies sweet but I don’t recall saying this was a negotiation.” “I have my orders.”