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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 45
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 48

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Sabrina POV

This can’t be happening. Greg has completely lost his mind and has a gun pointed at me. I knew he

wouldn’t take the decision well, but never in a million years did I think he would try to kill me. Everything

flashes through my mind. I think about leaving Gabby and Archer without me. I’m worried that Archer

will shift in front of humans to protect me and expose his kind. Gabby will have a father who is in jail. I

can’t even speak, I’m so scared of what Greg will do right now. “Greg, you don’t want to do this, you will

go to jail for a lot longer than three days” Archer says. That seems to piss Greg off more and he turns

the gun on Archer. When he says he’s going to take Archer from me so I will suffer, I scream. He

doesn’t even respond to my pleads to stop. I feel Archer push me behind him and before I can react, I

hear a shot ring out. No this can’t be happening “Archer” I scream. I grab Archer, expecting him to fall

down in front of me, but he doesn’t. I manage to look around him and Greg is laying on the ground.

Archer turns around, pulling me into his arms. I see Chris walking toward Greg with his gun still drawn.

I have no idea if Greg got a shot off before Chris shot him. “Archer are you alright?” “Yes, love I’m fine,

he didn’t shoot me.” I pull back and punch him in the arm. “Don’t you ever do that again.” “I can’t lose

you.” He kisses my forehead before he sets me down on my feet. “I will always protect you even if you

get mad at me love.” We turn back to Chris bent down near Greg. I can hear an ambulance coming in

the distance. He stands and turns back toward us with sadness on his face. “I’m sorry he’s gone.” I turn

and bury my face in Archer’s chest. I wished Greg would go away but I never wanted to see him dead.

He is still Gabby’s father. I’m just glad that Archer is ok. My heart breaks for Steven that he is going to

have to bury his son. Once we give our statements that Chris was justified in what he did, I ask if I can

be there when he calls Steven. We head to the station and to Chris’s office.

He dials Steven’s number and his secretary patches the call into him. “Chief Patters, what has my son

done now?” “Mr. Piper, I hate to be making this call to you today but Greg pulled a gun on Sabrina and

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

her lawyer after the divorce proceedings.” “Oh my God, are my daughter-in-law and the lawyer alright?”

“I’m here Steven and Archer is alright.” “Thank God Sabrina, what the hell was he thinking.” “He has

lost his mind.” “Mr. Piper, Greg was going to kill Archer Lyons so I had no choice.” “What are you

saying?” “Mr. Piper, Greg was shot and killed this afternoon in the parking lot of the court house.” The

line goes silent and my heart breaks for my father-in-law. “Mr. Piper are you still there?” “Yes, thank you

for letting me know, but I need to let you go and process everything you just told me.” “I will call you

back to find out the details of where they took my son’s body.” “Of course,” Chris says. “Sabrina and

Archer, I’m glad your both are alright” he says before the line goes dead. We stand “thank you Chris, I

can’t imagine how hard that was to take his life, but I can’t thank you enough that you saved both of

ours.” Archer says. I take Chris’s hand “thank you for being there and protecting us.” He smiles but it

doesn’t reach his eyes. I’m sure it’s never easy to take someone’s life, even if it’s justified. We head out

to the car to drive back to the pack.

Archer POV

I knew Greg wasn’t going to be happy and would keep being a problem for us, but never did I think he

would bring a gun to the court house and threaten the mother of his child. As we drive back to the pack,

I take Sabrina’s hand in mine. I can’t imagine what’s going through her mind but her emotions are

overwhelming me. “Sabrina, please talk to me and tell me how you’re feeling.” “I can feel your emotions

through our bond but they are all over the place.” “Your right I’m feeling a million emotions.” “I’m sad for

my daughter that he didn’t think about her when he did this.” “I’m angry that he was willing to take you

from me to make me suffer.” “I’m in disbelief that he would be willing to kill me instead of just moving

on.” “Most of all I’m upset with myself for feeling relief that I don’t have to worry about him make our

lives miserable anymore.” “What kind of person is relieved that someone else is dead?”

We are almost to the pack and I pull the car over to the side of the road. I pull her onto my lap so she is

straddling me. She lays her head against my chest and starts to sob. I run my fingers through her hair

while she lets go of all the emotions through her tears. “Love, you are allowed to feel everything you’re

feeling and it does not make you a bad person to want peace.” “You didn’t bring a gun to shoot him.”

“He made his choice and you have every right to feel relief that this is over.” She raises her head and

looks in my eyes. I wipe her tears away with my thumbs. She presses her lips against mine and I pour

all my love into the kiss. We pull back when we are both breathless and she climbs back into her seat.

This time she takes my hand as we finish the drive to the pack.

When we reach the pack house, I take her inside. We head to our floor and my mother isn’t back with

Gabby yet. I lead her into our bathroom and run water into the tub. I help her strip out of her clothes

and when the tub is full, she slides down into the warm water. I sit on the side and take the shampoo

working it into her hair as she closes her eyes. I rinse the shampoo out of her hair and put body wash

on the loofa. I start to wash her back and chest wanting her to feel cared for. I wash her and she stays

with her eyes closed the whole time. Once I’m done, I kiss her forehead. “I’m going to make you grill

cheese and soup while you soak.” “When were done eating I want you to rest until our meeting later.”

“What about Gabby?” “She is with my mom being taken care of and I need to take care of you now.”

“What am I supposed to tell her about Greg, Archer?” I walk back over to the tub and bend down

pushing the wet hair off her face. “We will figure out what to tell her together but we don’t need to do it

tonight.” “We need to process it before we try to give her an explanation, she can understand that won’t

hurt her for no reason.” She puts her hand on my face. “Thank you for loving and taking care of me.” I

lean in and peck her lips. “You never have to thank me for that, it’s my privilege to love and care for

you.” I head for the kitchen to make lunch.

Thomas POV

I’m sitting at the bar waiting for that damn rogue to show up with his boss. I smell them before they

walk in. They head to the booth in the back and take a seat. I grab my beer and walk back to join them.

I slide into booth across from the two of them. “Thomas, this is my boss, Lawrence.” “Barry tells me

you’re in need of our services.” “I am so what is it going to cost me.” “Well, it isn’t going to be cheap

that’s for sure, we don’t do charity.” “I have money that isn’t an issue.” “The better question is how do I

know that you will follow through with our deal.” “You will pay us half the fee upfront and half when the

pack is yours.” I stick out my hand to him and he laughs. “Let’s talk money then I’ll shake your hand.” “I

want a hundred thousand up front and a hundred thousand when you have the pack.” “How many men

do you have if you expect me to pay that much?” “In two days, I can have three hundred rogues ready

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

to fight.” “I want to see these men before I give you the money.” “I’m glad to see you have a brain, you

would be surprised how many desperate men will take me at my word.” “So does that mean you don’t

have the men?”

“I will have Barry bring you to my territory in two days to see the men and you had better bring the

money.” “We will attack the day after and you better have the rest or I promise you pack wolf your

death will not be quick.” He stands and reaches out his hand. I take it shaking it harder than necessary.

“If you double cross me or don’t deliver you will see exactly what this pack wolf can do rogue.” He nods

and pulls his hand back. They leave and I sit back down at the bar. Now I’m glad I skimmed money

from the pack into my personal fund or I wouldn’t have had enough money to pay this ba**ard. In three

days, I’ll have my pack and Fern and Archer will be dead. Maybe I’ll f**k that human mate of his in front

of him before I snap his neck for good measure. I smile and finish my beer.

River POV

Jeremiah and I come to the pack border gate. A guard comes out “are you River Brady?” “Yes, I am

and this is my second in command, Jeremiah.” “The Alpha is expecting you and I will show you both to

his office.” We follow behind the guard and as we approach the pack house it hasn’t changed since the

day, they threw me out. He leads us to the Alpha’s office, not that I need him to. It’s the same office that

Thomas’s father used when he was Alpha. The guard knocks and the door opens. We are ushered

inside and take a seat. Harris is sitting on the couch and he stands coming toward me to shake my

hand. “I figured since you know Harris his presence would make you more comfortable” Archer says. “I

appreciate that.” “I am Archer Lyons and this is my Luna Sabrina Lyons.” “She is human” slips from my

mouth and he growls. “I mean no disrespect I’m just amazed you accepted her.” “You are nothing like

your father.” “No, I am not, Sabrina is my fated mate.” “There was never a question when I found her if I

would accept her.” Jasper is pacing in my head. “Stop it, we are not here for her.” He growls “she is our

mate.” I block him again and we all take a seat. “It is a pleasure to meet you both.” “This is my second

in command, Jeremiah.”

“So, before we talk about the battle you said you would explain why you were banished from this pack.”

“Yes, I did.” “Let’s just say your father and mother didn’t want me here so your grandfather banished

me.” “I think your mistaken about my mother, she has no idea why they banished you.”