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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 42
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 45

45 No Way

Levi POV

Tracey has been acting really weird since she was talking to the girls downstairs. As we walk to our

wing, I can tell that she’s distracted. “Tracey is everything alright?” “Of course, why wouldn’t it be?” “Are

you hungry?” She smiles and takes my hand. “We will be in a little while, but right now I have other

plans.” I chuckle as she leads me to our room. When we get inside, she wastes no time taking off her

clothes until she is completely naked. My goddess I’m one lucky ba**ard. “Strip now” she says while

she picks up her pants off the floor. She pulls a vial out and downs the contents. “What the hell is that?”

“You’ll see” she throws the vial in the garbage and saunters over to me.

“Tracey, if that’s something to keep you going, I think we both know you don’t need it.” She laughs

“nothing like that, it’s a surprise, now get on the bed.” I do as she says and she climbs on the bed

between my legs. I wasn’t kidding about Tracey’s stamina in the bedroom. She has a healthy s****l

appetite, which I love. All thoughts leave my brain when she takes my c**k down her throat. It feels

amazing as she takes me all the way to the back of her throat. “Tracey, oh my goddess, that feels so

good.” She starts to increase her speed and I thread my hands in her hair. I start to buck into her mouth

and she increases her suction. “Tracey, I’m going to c*m” I say and she pops off. I growl “what the

hell?” She smiles “not yet love.” “Tracey you’re killing me.” She climbs up my body and slams her lips

down on mine.

I slide my hand down her body as she kisses me, sliding my fingers in her wet folds. She moans into

my mouth and starts to move against my fingers. I pull my fingers back and she stops kissing me. I

slide my fingers into her mouth and she licks them like they are my c**k. “Enough torture love, I want to

be inside you.” She lines her core up with my c**k and lowers herself down until I’m completely inside

her. I will never tire of feeling her body wrapped around mine. She starts to rock her hips and I swear it

takes all I have in me not to slam into her and c*m. She increases her pace and I can tell she is getting

close. Before I can reach down to rub her cl*t she places her hand where my shoulder meets my neck

and I have no idea what the hell is happening. What I do know is that whatever is happening rips the

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orgasm through my body and I see stars. I’ve never c*m so hard in all my life.

Tracey POV

As I rock my hips faster, I put my hand on his marking spot and pray that the potion works. I want to

mark Levi more than I want my next breath. I watch as a green light appears under my hand and Levi

roars while he empties inside me. His thrusting sends me over the edge and I scream out his name.

Once we both come down from our orgasms, I lift my hand. He has a beautiful mark that looks like a

tribal tattoo with green coloring. “What the hell was that” he asks me, trying to catch his breath. “That is

me marking my mate.” His eyes get big before he jumps off the bed with me in his arms and runs to the


When we get inside, he sets me down next to him and looks at my mark in the mirror. He traces it with

his fingers with amazement all over his face. “How” is the only thing he manages to say. “Tabitha

helped me and Sabrina make our marks.” He lifts me up spinning me around “this is amazing.” “Is it

permanent?” “She told us the mark is but the magic is not.” “It’s beautiful, thank you love.” “Levi, I love

you.” “I love you more.” He leans down and kisses me before we head into the shower. “Levi” I say and

he looks into my eyes. “Yes love” he says with wonder in his eyes. “Now I’m hungry.” He chuckles and

we finish our shower before we head to get something to eat.

Thomas POV

I’m sitting at the bar with a beer when the door chimes. I can smell him before he sits down next to me.

“I knew you would come.” “Don’t sound so sure of the reason I came.” “I thought about coming to snap

your pathetic f**king neck but you deserve all the suffering you’re having right now” ” “We both know

that won’t be happening River even if you wanted to, I’m still an Alpha and your just a rogue.” He

laughs “That’s not what I hear.” I turn to him “I hear your son the real Alpha banished you.” “It’s ironic

after what you and your father did to me that your own son did it to you.” “I have no desire to take a

walk down memory lane with you River.” “That b**ch and my son need to pay for what they did to me

and this is your chance to get your revenge for what she did to you.” “What makes you so sure I want

revenge Thomas.” “It’s been twenty-five years and I have no desire to help a piece of sh*t like you to do


“So, you lost everything because of her and you don’t want to see her pay for it.” “I lost everything

because of you and your father.” “If you ever come back to my land again, I will snap your neck and not

think twice Thomas.” “Make no mistake I am no longer the nice young man that you two threw away

like garbage.” He gets up to leave and I stand. “Fine I’ll do it without your a**.” “You were always

useless and you still are.” “I’m glad you never became my Beta.” He stops and I expect him to turn

back but he doesn’t. He walks out the door. F**k, what the hell do I do now?

“Sounds like you are in need of rogues.” I turn and a filthy rogue comes out of one of the booths. “What

I need to do will take more than one rogue buddy.” He laughs “I’m not a fighter but I know where you

can round up a lot of rogues if the price is right.” “You’re just a good guy trying to help me out.” “No, I

get a finder’s fee for bringing them business.” At this point I don’t have much choice. “Come with me

and I’ll take you to see my boss.” “Do I look stupid to you?” “I’m not going to meet with your boss in his

territory.” “If he’s interested you have him meet me here tomorrow at this time.” “Your smarter than you

look pack wolf.” He leaves and I sit back down at the bar to finish my beer. I don’t care if I have to give

them every last cent I have, Archer and Fern are both dead.

The Next Day

Sabrina POV

When I open my eyes, Archer is fast asleep next to me snoring softly. The sheet is at his waist and his

bare chest is on display. I can’t believe how amazing last night was. We definitely made up for the

waiting. I think we only slept for two hours. It was more than amazing. I have never felt so loved in my

life. I reach my hand out and start to trace my mark with my finger. The tribal design is highlighted with

a sky-blue color and I couldn’t have designed it better. I love all the swirls and blue is my favorite color.

“Love, if you keep touching that mark, I’m going to have to take you again.” I smile and he opens his

eyes, looking down at me. He pulls me up kissing me before I lay my head on his chest. “Last night

was amazing, Archer.” “You are amazing love and I’m the lucky one that got blessed with you.”

We decide to head downstairs to have breakfast with our family. I’m sure Gabby is already down there

with Fern. When we walk into the dining room, Fern and Gabby are already at the table. We take a seat

on both sides of Gabby. “Mama, I had fun with grandma at our sleepover.” “I’m glad little one, what did

you do?” “We ate icecream and cookies.” “Mom” Fern raises her hand at Archer. “That’s what

grandmas do so get over it Archer.” “Then we watched movies.” “I’m glad you had fun sweetheart.” “So

don’t make me ask” Fern says in a whisper. Archer grabs his shirt, pulling it down and Fern nearly

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chokes. “How is that possible?” “It’s good to have a witch in the pack.” “Oh, my goddess, that’s

amazing” Fern says as she goes around to Archer to look closer. She hugs him and then me.

“Congratulations to you both.” “Sabrina, I have everything set up for you and Tracey’s ceremony in

three days.” “That’s amazing, do I need to do anything?” “We just need to take you dress shopping.”

“Do you think we could do that today?”

Archer POV

As soon as my mother says about going shopping, I wish she wouldn’t have. “Mom, I don’t think

leaving the territory right now is a good idea.” “I’m sorry Archer, your right.” “You know what I will have

the dresses brought to the pack for the girls to pick from.” “Thank you for understanding mom.” I look to

Sabrina and hope I didn’t just get myself in trouble but she is still smiling. “I agree Archer, until

everything with your dad and Greg is settled, we won’t leave the pack.” I lean over and kiss her

forehead loving that she understands I just want her safe. When I pull back Levi and Tracey join us.

Levi has a huge smile plastered on his face.

“Come on show me” I say and he pulls his shirt down exposing a completely different design with green

color. It’s amazing, but of course I’m partial to mine. “Those are pretty, I want one daddy.” I nearly

choke on my coffee. “Not for a long time little one.” She pouts and everyone laughs at the table. Before

long, Tabitha and Jonathon join us. The girls practically attack Tabitha with hugs, thanking her for

helping them. “Thank you, Tabitha, we couldn’t be more grateful.” “You’re welcome, I’m just glad I could

help all of you.” Willow and Harris join us last. “Archer after breakfast we need to talk in your office.” “Is

it about our conversation from yesterday?” “No, it’s about a phone call I got last night.” I nod and we all

finish our breakfast before we head up to my office. Of course, everyone wants to know what Harris

needs to tell me and since we are all in this together, I don’t say anything.

We all take a seat and Harris looks worried. “Did you speak to my father?” “Actually, he never picked

up the phone so I left him a message about changing my mind.” “Then what phone call do we need to

talk about.” “I’ve met many people in my past life some that are evil by choice and some that have had

to make the best of a bad situation.” I look at him confused. “I got a call from a rogue that apparently

hates your father as much as you do.” “What did he want?” “He considers me a friend and heard that I

am mated to Willow so he wanted to warn me.” “Your father is trying to recruit rogues to take the pack

by force.” “I never really knew my father dealt with rogues.” “Let’s just say that your father is the reason

that this man became a rogue and lost his mate.” I feel a pit in my stomach. My father has always been

a monster. I just couldn’t see it.