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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 37
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 40

40 It’s Time

Willow POV

Harris, Levi, Tracey, and I are in the game room. We were going to watch a scary movie but my brother

threw us out. If it wasn’t for Gabby I wouldn’t have left so easily. “Hey Levi, do you remember when

Tracey was playing pool the first time in here?” Tracey waves her fist at me and Levi growls pulling her

to him. “Mine” he says and I laugh. “You’re not funny Willow” Tracey says. “I’m a little funny.” “Let me in

on the joke” Harris says wrapping his arm around my waist. I tell the story and he laughs. I pull away

and take my next shot, missing the pocket completely. The door opens and I look up to see Jonathon

leading Tabitha into the room. They both have fresh marks, which makes sense since we haven’t seen

them since they found each other. “Welcome back to the land of the living you two.” Everyone laughs

but Jonathon, who looks embarrassed. “Jonathon, no need to be embarrassed, we have all been there”

I say pulling my shirt to the side to show my mark.

“Now that you have given her a break, I can actually talk to her.” Jonathon joins the pool game and we

take a seat at a table away from the guys. “Tabitha I’m Willow, as I’m sure you already guessed and

this is Tracey, Levi’s mate.” “You’re a human” she says with wonder and not ridicule. “Yes, I am and

Willow tells me you’re a witch.” “I am, congratulations to both of you on finding your beloveds.” Tracey

looks at her funny. “Vampires and witches call their mates by the name beloved but it all means the

same.” “Congratulations to you too Tabitha.” “Please call me Tabby and thank you.” “I’m still a bit in

shock.” “I really never thought I would have a second chance to have a mate.”

Tabitha POV

“Jonathon is your second chance mate.” “Yes, I told Jonathon everything about what happened when I

met Derrick.” “He was a Beta of a pack the coven had an alliance with.” “I was a low-level witch at the

time and my mentor insisted I go to the meeting to learn how to deal with wolves.” “The minute we

walked into the meeting he stood growling at me.” “I knew the minute I looked into his eyes who he was

to me.” “I was pulled into a room with him, my mentor, and the Alpha.” “He rejected me without a

second thought and I accepted because I will not beg any man to love me.” “I’m so sorry that happened

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but the goddess has given you a really good mate in Jonathon.” “Some wolves don’t understand what a

gift their mates are.”

“I believe that everything happens for a reason, it hurt at the time but I’m glad to have found the man

that will love me as a beloved should.” Jonathon comes over and wraps his arms around me. I notice

that Willow is looking at Jonathon’s mark. “I’ve never seen a mark glow like that.” “When a witch marks

we don’t bite, we pass some magic through our hand into our beloved’s marking spot.” “That is cool”

Tracey says and I see her look at Levi with sadness on her face. “Tracey are you alright?” “Yes, it just

sucks that I will never be able to mark Levi.” Before I can say anything, Willow speaks up. “Levi

belongs to you and we can find a way for you to mark him.” She smiles “that would be awesome” she

bounces in her chair and I chuckle. “Alright ladies it’s time to go show the boys who is better at games.”

Jonathon kisses me before we head to the pool table.

Lilth POV

My head is killing me and I’m finally able to open my eyes. When I look around, nothing is familiar.

Where the f**k am I? I try to stand up but I can’t. I’m tied to the chair. I don’t even have time to think

before the door to the room opens. A smiling Thomas walks in and takes a seat in front of me. “I see

you’re awake, I bet you have a nasty headache.” “What the f**k am I here for?” “This is kidnapping and

assault.” “You’re going to go to jail.” He laughs like something I said is funny. “Lilth, shut the f**k up.”

“The only reason your still alive right now is I’m going to try to use you to get what is mine.” “Despite all

you have done to his mate my son has some moral compass when it comes to your kind.” “He will want

to save you because you are a human and we aren’t supposed to hurt you weak pathetic things.”

“What the hell does that mean?” He gets in my face “it means that you shouldn’t be able to breathe the

same air as my kind.” He stands up and before I know what’s happening Thomas grows hair on his

face and fangs. His fingers grow and have long nails on them. I scream and he growls in my face.

Everything goes dark and I pray I was just having a nightmare.

Sabrina POV

I wake up and Archer is already gone but there is a note on the pillow. “Had a very early meeting love, I

will see you at lunch.” I smile before I get up to shower so I can get ready for my first day at the

hospital. I discussed with Archer about starting back today after we put Gabby to bed. I love that we

can lay in bed and talk for hours while he holds me. Don’t get me wrong. I am counting down the days

because I want this man, but I appreciate that he respects me enough to not push our physical

relationship until everything is final. I throw on blue scrub pants and a flowered scrub top. After I get

Gabby ready for daycare and fed, we head downstairs. Lindsay is in the kitchen with the other omegas

and Gabby rushes over to hug her. “Good morning princess” she says. “Lindsay, I’m working until three

today at the hospital.” “Can you grab Gabby at two, give her a snack and let her play till I get home?”

“Of course, Luna” she says.

When I reach the daycare, Kate isn’t waiting outside as usual. A pretty brunette who is about my height

is waiting. “Hi Luna, my name is Lisa.” “Hi Ms. Lisa” Gabby says like she knows her. She must see the

concern on my face. “Kate had an appointment this morning but she will be in shortly.” “I mean no

offense by this but I need to check with the Alpha before I leave her with you.” “Of course, Luna, I

completely understand.” I take the phone out of my pocket and dial Archer. He picks up on the first ring.

“What’s wrong, Sabrina?” “I’m ok I just wanted to ask you something.” “Of course, love, what’s up?”

“Normally, when I bring Gabby to daycare Kate is here but today it’s a woman named Lisa.” “It’s ok love

Lisa is another teacher and Gabby is safe with her.” “I’m sorry I bothered you and I’m acting crazy.”

“Sabrina you are never bothering me and I want you to feel comfortable about anything that has to do

with Gabby.” I smile “I love you, Archer.” I freeze as soon as it leaves my mouth since we haven’t

exactly said it to each other that way.” “I love you too.” “I’ll see you at lunch.” I let the breath out that I

was holding when I hear him say it back. “If your busy you don’t have to meet me for lunch.” “Sabrina, I

will see you at lunch.” I hang up and turn back to Lisa who is smiling. I bend down and kiss Gabby.

When I stand up Gabby takes Lisa’s hand. “Lindsay will be picking her up today.” “Ok Luna, have a

good day.”

When I reach the hospital, I feel right at home. Willow and Tracey will be starting next week after they

finish out their time at our old job. All of the nurses are really nice, which I’m sure is because they keep

calling me Luna. At one point, I’m at the station with a group of them. “Ladies do me a favor.” “Anything

Luna” they say in unison and I shake my head. “Anytime I am working I give you permission to call me

Sabrina.” They look concerned. “I promise it is alright, when I’m here I’m just another nurse.” They all

nod and we get back to taking care of patients. I spend most of my day taking care of women who are

pregnant or little ones that have gotten hurt. I love that my life is getting back to a better normal.

Archer POV

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I head to the hospital at lunch time to have lunch with Sabrina. I know she thinks this is interrupting my

day, but honestly Brutus and I need to see her to stay calm. I hate being away from her, especially

while we haven’t mated. I can’t contact her besides by phone. Once the bond is complete, at least I can

link her if I’m worrying. We sit and talk about her dad over lunch. “He and Misty seemed to have really

hit it off.” “I’m glad for both of them after all they have been through.” “I am too Archer, Misty seems like

she will be good for my father.” “I hope the goddess has something planned for my mother too.” ” She

deserves to know what it is to have a mate that loves her.” “After all I have seen the goddess do I have

faith she has a plan for Fern.” After lunch I kiss Sabrina and walk her back to the floor. I kiss her

forehead and start to walk toward the elevator. “Sabrina, can you take the patient in room two.” I growl

at the use of her name and the woman whips her head in my direction. Sabrina walks over and slaps

my arm “do not growl at my co-workers.” “I told them to call me Sabrina when I’m working.” “My

apologies”, I say to the pack member and she nods at me. Sabrina leans up and kisses me before I

head back to my office.

Unknown POV

This will be perfect. Lindsay is supposed to pick her up for the human. I can grab her and by the time

they realize I’ll be outside the pack territory. I can stay with Thomas until he takes the pack back.

Belinda was stupid for trying to include Lindsay in her plan. I’m not dumb enough to ask anyone to help

me with this. No one can be trusted. I head down the path toward the daycare. I’m going fifteen

minutes early, which will give me enough time before Lindsay actually gets here. I reach the daycare

and Lisa is standing outside with the pup while she plays on the swingset. She looks confused when

she sees me. “Hey Lisa I’m here to pick up Gabby.” I bend down offering her a lollipop and her eyes

light up. “The Luna said that Lindsay was picking her up today.” “She was supposed to but she didn’t

finish the afternoon dishes so she asked me to grab her.” I can see that she isn’t sure if she should let

me have her. “Seriously Lisa, I’m only walking her up the hill to the kitchen to Lindsay.” “Ok but next

time Lindsay needs to let us know ahead of time if she isn’t coming herself, I don’t want to upset the

Luna.” “I’ll make sure to let her know.” I pick the pup up and wave to Lisa before I start up the path. I

need to get out of her sight before I head through the woods. When I reach the top of the path, I notice

the Alpha coming out the door of the pack house. I turn into the woods starting to run and pray he isn’t

already looking for me. “Why are we running” the pup asks. “We are playing chase.”