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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 31
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 34

34 Traitor

Archer POV

After we finish breakfast, I start to show Sabrina about the pack businesses. “Oh, I forgot you own the

club.” “How did you know about the club?” “Your sister took me there right after I left Greg.” I growl “I

hate that place, I only keep it because of the amount of revenue it brings to the pack.” “I wish I never

went that night, that b**ch Megan approached me while we were there.” Well now is as good a time as

any since she brought her up. “I want you to hear me out before you get upset about what I’m about to

say.” She turns to me as she takes a sip of her coffee. “I would like to contact Megan regarding her

involvement with Greg to show the judge why the divorce should be granted despite his opposition.” “I

would never do that without speaking to you first of course.” She sets the coffee down on the table

before she stands walking over to the window. “It was just an idea Sabrina I don’t have to use her.”

She turns back toward me “you will not meet with her alone, not because I don’t trust you, but I don’t

want her anywhere near you.” “Are you sure that you want to hear her give the details of what

happened?” “I don’t care about what she did with that piece of sh*t.” “I should be thanking her for

showing me who he really was.” She comes over and sits in my lap and I bury my head in her neck.

“You’re amazing and strong, do you know that.” “It’s much easier to be strong with you by my side.” “I

had my secretary get me her contact information so let’s call her and set something up in my office for

after court tomorrow.” She gets up to go back to her chair while we call her. I pull up the email on my

computer and dial the number. A woman picks up on the third ring. “Megan Lowry” I say waiting for a

response. “Who is this?”

“My name is Archer Lyons and I’m representing Sabrina Piper in her divorce from Gregory Piper.”

There is silence on the phone for a long time. “Are you still there Ms. Lowry?” “Yes, I’m here but I can’t

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imagine why you would be calling me.” “It is my understanding that you were having an affair with Greg

Piper.” “I was because he made me believe that I was special but obviously that was a lie.” I can see

that Sabrina wants to jump in and I place my finger to my lips. She sits back and nods at me. “I would

assume that you would like to make him pay for the way he treated you.” “I wouldn’t mind seeing Greg

get what he deserves.” “Would you be willing to meet with me and my client tomorrow around two in my

office?” “I would prefer if your client wasn’t there.” “I’m not very proud of the way I acted toward her and

what I did with her husband.” “I would rather not face her if I can avoid it.” “I assure you that my client

holds no ill will towards you and simply wants to sever all ties with Mr. Piper as quickly as possible.”

“Fine, I’ll be at your office for two.” We hang up and Sabrina looks torn.

Sabrina POV

“What’s wrong love?” I take a deep breath. “I hate that I was so stupid, and I don’t want to feel bad for

that girl.” “You don’t need to she made her choice and once we get her help you won’t ever have to

think about her again.” “You were never stupid you trusted there is a difference.” I go around the desk

and Archer stands. I reach my arms up around his neck pulling him down to me. I kiss him so deeply

and he wraps me in his arms. I pull back when I’m breathless. A knock sounds on the door and Archer

tells them to come in. “Archer, Alpha Brian and his sister have arrived” Levi says sarcastically. I look at

him confused. “Just a heads up she is a bit touchy feely.” “I thought I was going to have to stop Tracey

from punching her in the face when she touched my arm three times while she spoke to me.” “She

better keep her hands to herself wolf or not or Tracey won’t be the only one she has to worry about.”

“Don’t worry love I won’t tolerate that whether she is a guest or not.” Archer takes my hand leading me

downstairs. Levi walks ahead and Tracey is waiting at the bottom of the stairs with a pissed look on her

face. He goes over wrapping his arms around her. A man who I assume is Alpha Brian walks toward us

followed by a woman who looks like a model.

Archer POV

“Alpha Brian welcome to our pack.” “Thank you, Alpha Archer.” “Thank you for inviting me and allowing

me to bring my sister to find her mate.” “This is my sister Jessie.” “Very nice to meet you, Jessie.” “I see

the two of you have already met my Beta Levi and his mate Tracey.” “This is my mate and Luna,

Sabrina.” I see the smile on her face turn to a look of disgust and it pisses me off.” “It so nice to finally

meet you Sabrina” Brian says reaching out his hand to shake Sabrina’s. “Your mate is a human?” “I

would be very careful Jessie, you are a guest of our pack but that can change quickly if you disrespect

my Luna.” “My apologies Archer for my sister’s behavior.” “Maybe we should leave and I can come

back another time alone” Brian says as he stares at his sister. “That’s not necessary Brian as long as

your sister can be respectful.” “She will I assure you or she will be very sorry.” “I’m sorry I was just

shocked to see an Alpha mated to a human.” “I meant no disrespect.”

“Levi have all the unmated males go to the pack yard.” “Yes Alpha” he says before he leads Tracy

outside. “Alpha Brian lets go to my office to sign the papers before we head to the yard.” Sabrina and

Jessie follow behind us. Once we are inside, I grab one of my chairs pulling it behind my desk for

Sabrina. I place the papers in front of Brian to get signatures. I’m showing Brian where to sign when

Jessie puts her hand on mine. “It’s so nice of you to help my brother with this property deal Alpha

Archer.” I pull my hand away. I’m just about to tell her about touching me when Sabrina stands up.

“Jessie I may be a human but make no mistake that man belongs to me so if you would like to keep

your hand keep it off my mate.” I smile and wrap my arm around her waist. “I guess you should learn to

keep your hands to yourself sister” Brian laughs. Brian finishes signing the papers and we head

downstairs. Levi walks in “all the men are ready Alpha.” Brian stops walking and I turn to see his eyes

are black. A few seconds later Leslie walks out the dining room and toward him. Levi leans into me

“goddess bless him with that one.” I chuckle and I watch Brian wrap her up in his arms.

“Congratulations Alpha on finding your mate.” “Thank you, Alpha Archer, hopefully my sister will be as

lucky.” We walk outside and all the unmated males are lined up in the yard. “What ranks are these

men” Jessie asks. This woman is pathetic. “They are all different ranks but that shouldn’t matter if one

of them is your fated mate or does it to you.” “Of course, it matters I can’t be mated to an omega or a

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low-level wolf.” “I’m the Alpha’s sister.” I watch Brian shake his head at his sister and mouth his

apology. It’s hard to believe they are related. I watch as Jonathon one of the first-year warriors walks

toward her. She smiles and I know this isn’t going to end well. “Mate” they both say and he reaches for

her. “What rank are you mate?” “I’m a first year warrior.” She takes a step back and his face falls. “You

are all dismissed I yell to the other men who scatter.”

“This is nothing personal, but I can’t be mated to you.” “Did you really just say this is nothing personal

before you reject this man?” “Alpha Archer” I stop her before she can speak anymore. “Do what you

plan on doing, he will be better off and goddess willing he will actually get a worthy mate.” I turn to

Alpha Brian “Alpha please get her out of my territory when she is done and never bring her back here

again.” “You however are welcome to return.” “Congratulations again on finding your mate and the

same to you Leslie.” “Thank you, Alpha” she says. I lead Sabrina back inside after I tell Levi to make

sure Jonathon is ok. “Let’s go enjoy our lunch love before we need to pick up Gabby.”

Unknown POV

“Lindsay, can I talk to you?” She turns to me “I already told you I won’t help you hurt the Luna.” “That’s

what I wanted to talk about.” “I just wanted to say how sorry I am.” “I realize how wrong I was for

wanting to hurt our Luna.” “What made you change your mind, you seemed pretty determined to get

her out of the pack.” “It was you, you made me realize how wrong I was.” “In fact, I would like to help

you bring them their lunch if its ok with you.” “I’m so happy to hear you say that.” “We are very fortunate

as omegas to have a kind Alpha and Luna.” “Yes, we are very lucky.” I pick up the tray with drinks while

Lindsay takes the tray with the meals. I walk behind her pouring the second part of the potion in the cup

for that b**ch. It’s a good thing Lindsay is so gullible. We reach the dining room and Lindsay walks in

first. She starts to put the plates down in front of them. I head for the human first setting the cup down

in front of her and as I move around the table, I see Lindsay watching me. “Thank you, ladies” Alpha

says. “Alpha, can I speak to you a moment before I leave about what happened with Jonathon today?”

“Of course, Lindsay” he says. She turns to me “I will be down in a moment to help with the pack’s

lunch.” I nod and leave the room. I need to make sure I find the human after they finish eating to get

her out of this pack and to Thomas.