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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 28
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 31

31 Accept or Reject

Willow POV

I’m in the kitchen with Tracey, Sabrina, and Gabby eating junk food. I was so happy to be able to tell

Sabrina that the test was negative earlier, this is like a little celebration. She deserved some good news

with all the sh*t that’s happened. Gabby is eating one of the cookies that my mom made earlier. She is

the sweetest little girl. I love that I get to be her aunt. After I finish the cookie, I’m eating I turn to Tracey.

“So how did you manage to escape Levi, Tracey.” She sticks her tongue out at me. “Listen, I’m enjoying

every minute of it but today he has Beta duties to take care of.” “I’m sure your lady parts thank you for

the break” I whisper so Gabby doesn’t hear me. Sabrina bursts out laughing. “Mama what are you

laughing at?” “Nothing sweetie, just eat your cookie.”

I’m just about to say something else when the smell of oranges and vanilla invades my nose and I

stiffen. “That is our mate’s scent, go to mate” Tamara growls. I stand and start to walk toward the scent.

I can hear the girl’s footsteps behind me when I reach the living room. I stop in my tracks when I see

the most gorgeous man, I’ve ever seen in my life walking with Archer. When my eyes land on his I

whisper “mate” and he says “beloved.” My mate is a vampire. Why is he here? A million questions are

swirling around my mind until he steps in front of me. Then all I can think about is wanting to be his in

this moment. He smiles and I’m just about to introduce myself when my brother growls. “Harris and

Willow, my office now” I hear Archer bark. His tone snaps me out of my thoughts. Harris turns to follow

him and I turn to look at Sabrina for help. She hands Gabby to Tracey and links her arm in mine to

follow my mate.

When we reach the office, I can see that Archer is ready to shift. “Harris tell her what you do for a

living.” “Archer this is not your place” Sabrina says. He whips his head in Sabrina’s direction. “You don’t

understand” he says before she raises her hand to him. “This is a conversation that Willow and Harris

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should be having without us here.” “She is grown woman and it is not your decision if they decide to

accept each other.” “How would you feel if someone tried to stop me from accepting you because

you’re a wolf?” I hear Harris chuckle and my brother turns shooting daggers at him. “Archer, I know you

are trying to protect me but I don’t need you to right now.” “I would like to speak to my mate alone.” I

can see he wants to say hell no but he nods leading Sabrina out. Leaving Harris and I alone in his


Harris POV

When the door shuts this beautiful creature that I’m totally unworthy of turns to me. “My name is Willow

Lyons” she says sticking her hand out to shake. I smile taking her hand which is a mistake. The feeling

of her skin against the palm of my hand is warm and soft. “My name is Harris Johnson and as I’m sure

you know I’m a vampire.” “So are you going to tell me what my brother is so upset about because I’m

sure it’s not because you’re a vampire.” “Let’s just say that your brother has every right to not want you

with me.” “That’s not what I asked you.” “I’m not an eighteen-year old girl who is naive about what

happens in our world.” “I just want you to be honest and tell me what you’ve done to make Archer think

so harshly of you.”

“I am paid for a lot of different things that people would think are bad.” “I get information that other

people can’t so it can be used against them.” “I have a witch friend who gives me potions when people

want them and we split the profit.” She growls “what does friend mean?” “I am not a virgin Willow if

that’s what you’re hoping.” I can see the hurt on her face. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be an a**hole with

my answer.” “Yes, I have slept with Tabby but we didn’t work out romantically so we are just friends

now.” She stays quiet for a few minutes and I’m not sure where to go from here. “Have you ever killed

someone for work?” “I haven’t killed anyone directly but I’m sure information or potions I have provided

have led to death for some people.” “I’m the middle man so I don’t get involved in the killing.”

Willow POV

I didn’t expect him to be a virgin but I didn’t expect to be so hurt when he talks about being with his

friend so nonchalantly. Most male werewolves don’t save themselves for their mates because of the

double standard with our kind. So, I honestly expected my mate to not be a virgin. I don’t like the idea

of him still being around her even if he says they are just friends. I’m not happy that he has helped hurt

people but I think the bigger question is if he plans to continue to do it. I can’t be mated to him knowing

he is hurting people for money. I don’t even know if he wants to be mated to a wolf. Tamara whimpers

in my mind. “I want our mate.” “Can you live with all the things we just learned Tamara?” She doesn’t

answer and when I look back into his eyes he is smiling. “Talking to your wolf about me?” I don’t

answer him.

“Harris why did you come to the pack today?” “I came to warn your brother about your father’s plans for

his mate.” “What is my father planning to do to his mate?” “He wanted her dead but I refused to help

him kill her.” “Now he just wants her gone to hurt your brother.” I start to breathe rapidly at his words. I

feel the room is starting to spin. What the f**k kind of monster did I come from? The last thing I see is

Harris getting up from his chair toward me before everything goes dark.

Harris POV

I catch her before she can fall to the ground. I carry her over to a couch by the window. What do I do

now? I head for the door and hope one of the wolves are in the hallway that can get Archer. Thank

goddess the future Luna is walking toward the office. “Luna, she passed out” I say before I rush back to

her on the couch. “My name is Sabrina and what happened?” “She was asking me why I was here and

when I told her about her father she passed out.” “What the hell did you tell her?” Before I can answer I

hear a growl and immediately know that Archer is behind us. “What the f**k did you do to my sister?”

Sabrina jumps up “calm down he didn’t hurt her.” “Harris told her something about your father and she

passed out.”

“I’m just going to leave Archer I know I’m not good enough for her and I never meant to upset her.” “No,

you are not, you need to finish your conversation with Willow” Sabrina says. “Sabrina’s right you can’t

leave until my sister gives a proper rejection.” Sabrina rolls her eyes “or acceptance.” I really like the

Luna, she is the Alpha’s equal instead of just a wall flower like some of the others I’ve met. “I’m going

to have her checked out at the pack hospital and I’ll have one of my warriors take you to a guest room.”

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If it wasn’t for Willow’s well-being, I would tell him he could stick his guest room up his a** but I don’t. I

nod and a few minutes later a wolf comes in and leads me to a room. Once I’m inside I wait a few

minutes before I open the door and the guard is standing there just like I figured he would be. I laugh to

myself and close the door. Wolves, they are so predictable.

Sabrina POV

Once we reach the pack hospital, I head to the back with the pack doctor to help with Willow. After she

checks her over, I head back out to check on Archer. I’m sure he isn’t happy with my opinions today but

I have never been one to hold my tongue. When he sees me, he stands up pulling me into his arms. “Is

she ok, love?” I smile “her vitals are all stable.” “The doctor thinks it was just the stress of whatever

Harris told her.” “So, I’m still your love even though I didn’t agree with you today.” He lifts my chin up so

I look at him “nothing and I mean nothing will change what I feel for you.” “I want you to tell me when

you think I’m wrong.” “I think your wrong.” He laughs “I could tell that you did.” “I just don’t want Willow

to miss her opportunity at happiness because she listens to someone else’s opinion.” “It needs to be

based on her feelings not ours.”

“Some people can change Archer.” “I promise I will not say anymore to Willow or Harris.” “I will support

whatever decision Willow makes.” We sit in the waiting room and I lean against him. “So are you going

to tell me exactly what upset your sister so much that she passed out.” I feel him stiffen and I sit up. “I

wanted to tell you about this later but I guess now is as good a time as any.” “My father is trying to hurt

me by hurting you.” “He tried to get Harris to help him” he stops like he can’t say the next words. I take

his hands “I know you would never let him hurt me.” “He wanted you dead so I would be weakened.”

“When Harris refused to help him, he made my father take a blood oath that he couldn’t harm you.” I

smile “that seems like something a good guy would do.” He pulls me onto his lap. “Yes, it does.” “He

did give him a potion that will make you do what your told until it wears off.” I look at him confused. “He

plans to get you to leave me which will also weaken me.” “I will never leave you I hope you know that.”

He puts his nose in the crook of my neck and runs it over my skin where he plans to mark me. I shiver

“I know that and honestly I can’t wait till later to mark you.”