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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 204
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 204

57 Epilogue

Maddox POV

I know it had to be done but my heart is aching at the loss of my mate. Cash didn’t even try to stop me

because he knew that she was too far gone. I felt like I was stabbed in the chest when the black magic

begin to swirl around her. The goddess chose her because she would have been perfect for me had

she not let her soul be corrupted by revenge. She was truly the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

Cash has receded in my mind and I’m not going to push him to talk right now. I step out of the portal

into my room at the castle. I need to tell Micah and Ella’s family that the threat is no more. I could see

the pain in Jiselle’s eyes when she sentenced Raya. I could tell that Raya was important to her, but like

the Queen she is, she did what was necessary to protect innocent people. I go to my ensuite bathroom

and take a shower. I let the hot water beat down on my muscles and I say silent prayer to the goddess

to give me a second chance mate. “I have faith that the goddess will bless us Maddox”, Cash says. I’m

glad he hasn’t lost all hope. The rejection took a lot out of both of us. I step out and once I’m dry, I slip

on jeans and a royal blue polo. A knock on my bedroom door startles me. I didn’t even tell anyone that I

was back. “Maddox, I can smell you’re in there. Open the door” Cali says. I smile, I know my sister well

enough to know she won’t go away. I open the door and she is standing with her hands on her hips.

She may be 5’3″ but I make it a point not to piss her off. “What’s going on Maddox? I can sense how

upset you are.” That is one of her gifts as a hybrid.

“Let’s go talk to Micah and Loreli because I really don’t want to tell this story twice.” Thankfully, she

follows me without demanding answers. We reach Micah’s office and I knock. “Come in” he says. I

smile to see Loreli sitting in a rocking chair with my niece. “Maddox, why didn’t you tell me you were

back? How did everything go with the witch”, Micah asks. Cash whimpers and I hate that he is hurting.

“The witch has been dealt with. Jiselle has imprisoned her.” “Why the hell didn’t she just kill her? She

threatened the future Queen.” I can’t help the growl that escapes me. Even though the bond is broken,

his words still upset Cash. He looks at me searching for something before he comes around his desk to

stand in front of me. He places his hands on my shoulders. “I’m so sorry brother” he says, and I drop

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my gaze. “Somebody better tell me what the hell is going on before I lose it” Cali says and I chuckle.

“The witch was my mate.” Loreli and Cali both gasp. I feel my sister wrap her arms around my waist

from behind. “I’m so sorry Maddy” she says. She releases me and Micah pulls me into a hug. He says

nothing because, honestly, there is nothing to be said. I made my choice and I would make it again. I

cannot accept a mate that is willing to harm innocent people, especially pups. Micah pulls back and

Loreli gets up to hug me after she gives the pup to Micah. I spend a little more time with my family

before I decide to head back to the Scarlett Rose. “Maddox, you don’t need to return now that the

threat has been dealt with.” “I know Micah, but I’m not going to find my second chance here. Something

in me believes that I need to be in the pack. I just hope it’s not wishful thinking.” He nods and I portal

myself into the guest room I’ve been staying in.

The Next Day

Ruby POV

We have planned a cook-out and I can’t wait to see my aunt, uncle, and cousins. I miss having Ella and

Levi around. I have missed them all so much. Micah and Loreli will be joining us today also. I can’t wait

to meet their pups. It’s so strange that they have become part of our family. They are nothing like I

thought they would be. They are both kind and warm. I can tell that Loreli is fierce when it comes to her

mate and pups. I have yet to see Maddox this morning and I was hoping to speak with him before the

festivities. When Tabby returned without him last night, I was confused and worried. My heart broke

when Tabby told us what he had done. Danica sobbed and I know she felt guilt over his sacrifice.

Archer pulled her onto his lap and just held her until she quieted down. Despite our words, I could tell

she was worried about Maddox rejecting his mate. Despite being a warrior, she has a huge heart. She

is going to be an amazing mother.

I walked to the second floor of the pack house and when I reach the room that we gave to Maddox I

knock. The door opens and Maddox’s usually bright eyes seem dull. Before he can say anything, I

speak. “I expect to see you at the family gathering in an hour. You are our family now, Maddox.” He

pulls me into a hug and I hug him back. He pulls back and smiles. “I would like you to come to my office

before you head out to the party.” He nods and I head back to our floor to find my mate. I’m surprised

Maverick didn’t follow me to speak with Maddox, since he is being so possessive. As soon as I reach

the office, I push open the door. He is on his feet and has me in his arms. I bury my head in his neck

and breathe in his delicious scent. I pull back and press my lips to his. He starts to deepen the kiss.

“Seriously, don’t you guys have a room”, I hear Archer’s voice. I chuckle against Maverick’s lips before I

pull back. I turn to my brother and smile. I wink at Danica. “You don’t want to know what we have done

in this room.” He growls and Maverick bursts out laughing. I’m glad to see Danica smile.

We all take our seats and wait for Maddox to arrive. He knocks and steps inside the office. Danica is on

her feet and moving toward him. She wraps him in a hug and he hugs her back. When Danica steps

back, Archer pulls him into a bro-hug. “I can never repay you for making sure my pup is safe. I’m sorry”

he starts to say, but Maddox cuts him off. “Neither of you need to be sorry or thank me for protecting

your pup and Ella. As a smart woman told me, we are family. I will always protect my family.” We all

leave the office and head outside for the party. Autumn, Connor, Maverick, and I have decided to tell

our family about the pups today. As soon as we are outside, my Aunt Serina rushes over and throws

her arms around Maddox. “Thank you, Maddox for protecting Ella.” She pulls back and he just nods.

He heads over to a table where Micah and Loreli are sitting with their pups. After everyone has finally

arrived, Maverick and I join Autumn and Connor to address the pack. “We are so happy that everyone

could join us today to celebrate the most important things, pack and family. I do have a couple of

announcements before we serve the food. Alpha Maverick and I found out a few days ago we are

expecting triplets.” Screams and howls break out all around us. My parents are on their feet and I’m

scooped up in my father’s arms.

It’s been hard keeping it from my parents and siblings. Archer, Danica, Jade, and Luca hug me and

then Maverick. Before they go to sit down, I stop them. “You should just stay here because we have

another announcement.” They all turn back and I look at Autumn. Connor pulls her into his side and he

has the biggest smile on his face. Tabby and Jonathon are already on their feet. “We are expecting one

pup” Autumn says. The screams and howls start again. I have never been happier than I am in this

moment. I have the most wonderful mate and we are going to have beautiful pups. I can never thank

the goddess enough for blessing me with this man.

Maddox POV

I try to push the memories of yesterday out of my mind and focus on the happiness of today. I’m happy

for Maverick, Ruby, Connor, and Autumn. I pray someday I will have that with my mate. Loreli takes my

hand and squeezes it. I lean in and kiss her cheek, earning myself a growl from my brother. Loreli slaps

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his arm and I smirk at him. “I’m going to go grab something to eat. I haven’t eaten since yesterday.” I

head to the table where there is definitely enough food to feed the pack. I load my plate and head back

toward the tables. The most intoxicating smell of peaches invades my nose and Cash pushes forward. I

start to follow the scent and five tables over from where I was sitting with my brother and Loreli is the

most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. All thoughts of Raya are gone from my mind. I notice she is

sitting at the table with Jade and Luca. Luca turns and when he notices me, he heads in my direction.

He steps in front of me. “Maddox, can I talk to you in private?” Every part of me wants to tell him f**k

no, but I respect Luca. She must be related to him, so I don’t want to piss him off. We head inside the

pack house and thankfully it’s empty. “Maddox, why were you staring at my sister and your eyes were

black?” “You already know the answer. She is my second chance mate.” He looks at me with confusion

and sadness. I tell him the short version of what happened yesterday.

He places his hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry that happened to Maddox. I cannot tell you everything

that happened to my sister because it’s her story to tell, but I need to know that you will not hurt her.”

“Luca, you have my word that she is my whole world. I want her to be happy and safe with me. I have

waited for her since I turned eighteen.” “She may need some time to accept the bond, so just be

patient. I’m going to go get her so you two can talk.” He pulls me into a hug before he leaves to go get

my mate. Cash is prancing around in my mind. I hear the door open and I turn to see her take a step

inside. Her eyes darken before they get big as she looks at me. “Mate” she says in a whisper. “Mate” I

say and I can tell she is nervous. “Lucy, this is Maddox Thorn. He is the Royal Beta and brother of the

werewolf king.” She turns her head, staring at Luca like he had just grown ten heads. I can’t help the

laugh that escapes me. Lucy turns to me and she shoots me a glare. I raise my hands in surrender and

I see a smile before she schools her expression. “Lucy, can we talk?” She nods and Luca leaves. We

sit on the couch and I want nothing more than to pick her up and place her in my lap, but I know she

isn’t ready for that. “Lucy, I can wait as long as you want me too, but you are my mate. I will be

accepting and making you mine.” “Maddox, are you sure? Shouldn’t you be mated to an Alpha wolf or a

strong warrior? I’m neither of those things.” I can’t help the low growl that escapes my lips. “You are the

only one I want. The goddess doesn’t make mistakes little mate.” I see her shiver at my words and I’m

pleased with the effect I have on her. I reach out and take her hand. I’m grateful when she allows me to

hold it. “Will you accept me when you’re ready?” “If I am truly what you want, then yes.” Cash is

howling in my mind. I knew this pack was special and I’m so glad that Cash pushed me to return. “You

are all I will ever want, Lucy.”