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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 203
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 203

56 Accept My Rejection

Maddox POV

We arrived two days ago, but with the coronation ceremony we haven’t been able to sit and discuss the

witch that approached Archer’s mate. Now that it’s over, I’m eager to figure out exactly what witch is

threatening the future queen and the unborn pup. I head to the pack house to meet with Ruby and

Maverick. I have the royal warriors placed around the pack borders. We will be here until the witch is

dealt with. I can feel the protection spell around the pack and I know that they have nothing to fear. I

would have trouble disrupting this spell. A young girl notices me step into the pack house and leads me

to the Alpha’s office. I didn’t have the heart to tell her I knew where I was going. She bows and heads

back down the stairs. I knock and a few moments later the door opens. “Good morning, Maddox”, Ruby

says. She heads back to her mate, who pulls her onto his lap. I chuckle “should I come back later” “No,

of course not. Maverick and Gaylen are really possessive now that I’m pregnant. I should say more

possessive”, Ruby says. “Congratulations, that is wonderful news.” “Please don’t say anything to my

aunt yet. They are coming to the pack tomorrow for a visit and we want to tell them about the pups.”

“I’m sure they will be thrilled. I can tell they miss all of you but they are settling in. Loreli loves Serina

and Ella.” “I’m glad, we miss them too, but I would do the same to keep our pups safe.”

“Do Ella and your nephew know they are fated mates?” I smile “no everyone agreed that it should

happen naturally. They will spend a lot of time together, so they may realize it before they turn

eighteen. Especially if Ella gets her wolf early.” The door opens and Danica walks in, followed by

Tabby. I’m glad that Tabby is on the light side of magic because she is one of the strongest witches I

have ever seen next to the Queen. They both bow to me. “I promise you that isn’t necessary. We are

essentially family and I expect you to treat me as such.” “How old are you Maddox,” Tabby asks.

“Tabby, what the hell are you asking him that for,” Ruby says and I can’t help the laugh that escapes

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me. “It’s fine, I know most people are curious since my brother is the King of Werewolves. I’m actually

twenty-four. Micah is obviously the oldest and he is thirty. I have an older sister who is twenty-seven

and a younger sister who is twenty-two. Cordilla is older and Calista is the baby. If you ever meet her

though, just call her Cali. She hates being called by her full name.” “So you haven’t found your mate

yet” Tabby says and Ruby shakes her head. “Not yet, but I’m hopeful I will find her soon. I have waited

for her and I will continue to wait until I find her. Our mother sat both me and Micah down and

threatened us both if we didn’t wait for our mates.” “Maybe we should talk about the witch before Tabby

asks you your shoe size”, Ruby says, and Tabby rolls her eyes.

“Danica, what I would like to do is look into your memories. I may not know the witch, but I have a

friend that probably will.” She nods and I move closer to her. I place my forehead against hers and

begin to flip through her memories. I find the day in the mall and watch as the witch approaches her.

I’m just about to break the connection when a loud growl shakes the room. I look up to see a very

pissed-looking Archer. I step back and Danica wraps him in her arms. “Archer, calm down. Maddox is

helping us with the witch, you know that.” “Sorry Maddox, I just wasn’t expecting to see you touching

my mate”, Archer says. “I get it. I’m sure I will be the same way when I find my mate.” He smiles and

we all take a seat. “I will be going to meet with someone who should be able to tell me how to find the

witch that approached you in the mall. Depending on her abilities, I may be able to eliminate the threat

today.” “I’m going with you. I know your strong but it never hurts to have back up” Tabby says. I link

Jiselle to make sure that she won’t mind Tabby tagging along. She gives me the OK and I open the


As soon as we step through the portal, I hear Tabby gasp behind me. “Maddox, where are we right

now?” I look around the throne room and back at Tabby. “The castle of the Queen of Witches.” “This is

your witch friend. Are you kidding me?” “No, I have known Maddox since we were children” Jiselle says

as she makes her entrance. She loves to be dramatic. “Tabitha Crane, it is a pleasure to meet you”,

Jiselle says, and Tabby seems speechless. I hold back the laugh that she isn’t asking her a million

questions. She finally finds her voice. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, your majesty.” “That is completely

unnecessary. This is not a formal meeting. Please call me Jiselle. I have heard many wonderful things

about you and your magic. The Scarlett Rose pack is lucky to have such a wonderful light witch as

family.” “Thank you, Jiselle” Tabby says before Jiselle turns to me. She walks over and I give her my

hand. She closes her eyes and after a minute her eyes fly open. I see a mixture of anger and sadness

in them. “I want you both to be out of sight when I call her.” I’m confused but Tabby and I do as she


Raya POV

“Raya, they haven’t left the pack lands and none of the warlocks have been able to break through the

protection spell”, Phillip says. “It’s a f**king wolf pack. How the f**k could they get a witch to put a

protection spell on them? I don’t care how long I have to wait. That pack is going to suffer. I can’t get to

that little b**ch or her parents while they are in the werewolf castle, but hurting their family will make

them suffer until I can. My sister doesn’t get to have a future and if it’s the last thing I do neither will that

little red wolf.” I’m about to say more when I feel Jiselle reaching out to me. Jiselle is older than me and

truly she has been my mentor. I wouldn’t be as strong as I am without her help. “Jiselle is summoning

me. We will talk about this more when I get back. We may be able to draw them out by using their

precious werewolf law against them. If I ask to speak to the Alpha, they will have no choice and I can

use him as leverage.” I don’t wait for Phillip’s response before I open the portal and step through.

Jiselle is standing in front of her throne. She looks upset and I rush forward. She raises her hand

before I reach her. I stop and look at her with confusion.

“Show me your magic, Raya.” “What’s going on, Jiselle?” “We have been friends for a very long time,

Raya. I know that losing your sister hurt you, but we talked about her misdeeds. The werewolves were

well within their rights to defend their pack and pups.” “She was barely eighteen. They should have

held her and let us deal with her. She was misled by her blood-sucking mate.” “Raya, show me your

magic. Do not make me command you”, Jiselle says, and I know I don’t have a choice. I place my hand

palm up and magic begins to swirl in the air. The energy ball that was once pure white is now black as

night. I can see disappointment in her eyes. “They killed my sister. I don’t care the reason. She was my

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sister and they took her from me. They will all suffer for what they have done. I don’t care if she is

meant to be queen, she doesn’t deserve to live when my sister is dead.” A growl shakes the room and

my head whips in its direction. The most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen walks toward me. I notice a

witch standing behind him. As soon as our eyes meet, my heart squeezes in my chest. “Beloved” I

whisper. He shakes his head and I wish I could see more than anger in his beautiful blue eyes.

“What is your name” he asks. I drop my gaze and I refuse to answer him. “Raya Melanie Passa”, Jiselle

says, and I can’t believe she would betray me like this. I try to call on my magic to leave this place

before he can say another word, but I can’t. “I, Maddox Michael Thorn, reject you, Raya Melanie

Passa, as my mate and Royal Beta Female.” The pain in my chest is like nothing I have ever felt. I fall

to my knees. “You didn’t even give me a chance” I say to him as tears run down my cheeks. I can tell

the rejection is affecting him, but he is trying to remain impassive. “You have allowed your thirst for

revenge to change the woman you once were. The moment your magic turned black I could never

accept you. That little girl is part of my family. You threatened to hurt my family and no matter what your

reason, I will never allow that. Accept my rejection because I want a chance at a mate that is worthy of

me. A mate that knows the difference between right and wrong.” His words are like a knife and I didn’t

think anything could hurt worse than losing my sister, but this does. Jiselle comes to stand next to him.

“Accept his rejection, that is an order” she says. I fight against it but I can’t stop the words from spilling

from my mouth. “I, Raya Melanie Passa, accept your rejection.” After a few seconds the pain stops but

my heart is broken. “How could you” I say to Jiselle. “Raya Melanie Passa, for your threats against the

future Queen of the Werewolf Kingdom and threats against the Scarlett Rose Pack you will be

sentenced to life imprisonment.” She hugs the man that should be my beloved and the witch before

they both disappear. She waves her hand and we are no longer in the castle. I look around and I have

no idea where we are. It looks like a tropical island with a compound in the middle. She waves again

and this time I’m inside a cell. I can already tell that the cell and building are enchanted. “I have spared

your life because of our past, Raya, but make no mistake, you will never leave this cell again. I’m

disappointed that you would let yourself be corrupted in such a way. I will check on you from time to

time. The guards will provide for your basic needs.” “Don’t bother, you chose your side Jiselle. You are

a traitor to our kind and a pathetic queen” I say before I turn away from her. I don’t care how long it

takes or what I have to do, but I will not die in this cell. When I get out they will all pay, including Jiselle.