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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 20
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 23

23 Dad

Sabrina POV

Willow, Tracey, and I pull up to the Hilton in town to pick my father up. “I’ll be right back down, we

shouldn’t be long.” I head inside and to the front desk. I never asked him what room he was in. A young

lady behind the counter smiles “can I help you.” “Yes, I’m looking for Harold Ascot’s room.” She types a

few things into the computer before she looks back up at me. “He is in room 315.” “Thank you, miss.” I

head for the elevator pushing the button for the third floor. When I get off, I head down the hallway until

I come to room 315. I knock and the door swings open to my father smiling at me. He wraps me in a

hug before he turns to head inside. I follow him and he grabs his suitcase.

“Dad, can I ask you something?” “Of course, you can?” “Did you leave mom because of me?” I feel like

a child asking this question but I don’t want my dad doing something he will regret just because of me.

“Come sit down for a minute Sabrina.” We both sit down at the bottom of the bed. “My decision to leave

your mother is in no way your fault.” “I know you know that but I’m sure she did what she always does

and blamed you.” “I’m sorry that I didn’t stand up to her when you were a teenager putting so much

pressure on you.” He takes my face in his hands. “You are an amazing woman, mother, daughter, and

nurse.” He pulls me into a hug. He pulls back “when your mother chose that piece of sh*t over you I

couldn’t stand by her anymore.” “Don’t you ever take this on yourself, this is all her doing.” I hug him

one more time before we head down and get into the car. “Hi Mr. Ascot” Tracey says. “Tracey you’re a

grown woman now, you can call me Harry.” I laugh and Willow starts to drive back to the pack.

When we reach the gate, the guard opens it and we park the car. “What is this place, it’s very secure”

my father says. Before I can answer Willow speaks up. “My brother owns the property and it’s like a

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gated community.” “He takes everyone’s safety very seriously.” “I think I’m going to like him” my dad

says. We walk up the path till we reach the cottage. I open the door and Gabby is sitting on Fern’s lap

reading a book. As soon as she spots my father, she jumps down running toward him. “Hey little one,

how’s papa’s girl?” “I’m good, Fern is reading me a story.”

“Dad this is Fern, Archer and Willow’s, mom.” “Fern, this is my dad, Harold.” My father sticks out his

hand and they both shake. “Please call me Harry not Harold.” “Harold makes me sound like an old

man.” Fern laughs “Gabby I need to head back to the house to finish making the cake I started.”

“Mama, can I help Fern make a cake.” I smile “that’s up to Fern.” She sticks her hand out and Gabby

takes it as they leave the cottage. A few moments later a knock sounds on the door and I open it to a

smiling Archer who scoops me up putting his head in my neck. I hear someone clear their throat and

I’m sure my face is as red as a beet when I remember my father is sitting on the couch behind us.

Archer POV

I finish up the paperwork after Levi leaves my office. I place the documents in the folder and lock my

office door. I head back to the cottage to see about getting Sabrina and Gabby moved to the pack

house. I wonder if she will want a separate room until we complete the marking and mating. Brutus

growls in my head. “I already told you we will not rush her.” “So, you don’t want to hold her while we

sleep.” “Of course, I do but she needs to want to because she is comfortable with it.” Once I reach the

cottage I knock and she swings the door open. I can’t help myself and I scoop her up into my arms

placing my head in the crook of her neck where my mark will be. I hear someone clear her throat and I

pull my head back to see a blush on her face.

I set her on her feet and she turns. I look to the couch and see an older gentleman I’m sure is her

father. “Dad this is Archer.” “Archer this is my dad, Harry.” He doesn’t move or say anything for several

seconds. I’ve dealt with Alpha’s and never was this nervous. After a few seconds he stands walking

toward me. He sticks out his hand and I shake it. “It’s nice to meet you. Archer.” “It’s nice to meet you

too Harry.”

Sabrina POV

I’m sure he is going to have questions about what’s happening with Archer. “So, are you dating my

daughter, Archer?” Archer laughs and I feel like a teenage girl again who brought her boyfriend home

for the first time. “Dad I’m not sixteen.” “I know that but it doesn’t mean I can’t ask him what his

intentions are.” “My intentions are to love your daughter Harry.” His statement shocks us both. I know

what he said about mates but this is all new for me. “I think that’s an excellent answer Archer.” “Now

where should I put my things, Sabrina?” “Sabrina will be moving into the larger house so this cottage is

all yours Harry.” “I’ll show you to your room dad.” I get up and my father follows me. He puts his bag

down on the bed.

“Sabrina, I like Archer but please don’t rush into anything without making sure he is not another Greg.” I

hug my dad. “I promise you he is nothing like Greg and I won’t rush.” We head back out and Archer is

sitting on a chair that looks far to small for him. “Are you ready?” I turn to my dad “are you going to be

ok if I head to check out my new room.” “I will be fine, you go enjoy yourself.” We walk out the door and

Archer takes my hand leading me inside the house. As we walk everyone is looking at us. Before we

head up the stairs Archer turns to everyone around us. “I want to remind everyone that there will be no

shifting around the pack house or cottages until I give the order.” “Yes Alpha” they say in unison. We

head upstairs till we reach the third floor. “This is our floor.” He turns to me “do you want a room of your

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own until you feel comfortable sharing our room?” I wasn’t expecting him to ask me this question.

I don’t want to disappoint him but I’ve never been with any man but Greg. “How about for a little while

so we can get to know each other better I’ll stay in a separate room.” “Sabrina you never have to worry

about telling me what you want.” I smile and go up on my toes to press my lips to his. That was a

mistake, the heat I feel goes from my lips to my core. He wraps his arms around me and deepens the

kiss. He pulls away once I’m breathless. I touch my lips “oh my god.” “I hope that was a good oh my

god, it was my first kiss.” I snap my eyes up to his. “Your first kiss with me or your first kiss ever?” He

laughs “my first kiss ever.” “Are you telling me that you’re a” I can’t bring myself to finish the question.

He pulls me flush with his body. “You are the only woman I will ever touch or be inside.” If my panties

weren’t already wet they would be with that statement. He kisses me one more time before he walks

me down the hallway.

There is a large set of double doors at the end of the hall. “That is the room we will share when your

ready.” He opens the door right next to the room and it’s beautiful. Almost exactly like my room in the

cottage. “I guess you were right I love it.” After I check the whole room out, he shows me the room next

door that will be Gabby’s. Again, it looks just like her room at the cottage. “Thank you for doing this for

us.” “You will never know how much it means to me.” “I would do anything to make you happy Sabrina.”

Greg POV

I head over to the lawyer’s office. My dad gave me his name after I told him that Sabrina left me and

took Gabby. I need him to believe this is all her doing because he loves Sabrina like his own daughter.

When I get inside the receptionist shows me back. “Greg your dad told me you would be stopping by.”

“Thanks for seeing me, Charles.” “So, what can I do for you?” “My wife has filed for divorce and I’m

concerned she has my daughter in an unsafe situation.” I tell him everything that Melissa told me. “I will

absolutely help you get your daughter back.” “Did you receive your court date yet?” “No sir, I was

served about her filing but I haven’t heard anything since.” “I’m going to file for an emergency hearing

regarding your daughter’s well-being.” “Thank you, Charles, I just want my little girl to be safe.”