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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 197
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 197

50 I Have a Few Questions

Jade POV

I’m so grateful for the pills that the kingdom’s doctor gave me for the nausea. They lie when they say

morning sickness because I have been sick all day for the last few days. I actually feel like myself today

when I get up and get showered. I put on a blue sundress and sandals. I noticed this morning a slight

bump to my usually flat stomach. I know this pregnancy will be shorter than normal werewolf

pregnancies, but having two will make me grow bigger faster. I rub my hands over my stomach just

enjoying the thought of the life growing inside me. Luca left earlier to handle some paperwork that he

needed to catch up on. Luna babbling gets my attention. “Good morning sweet girl” I say as I walk over

to her crib. I lift her into my arms and take her to her changing table. “Sweet girl pretty soon you will be

a big sister. You will always be my first pup. I am your mama even if you didn’t come from my body. I

love you, little one.” I pick her up and kiss her forehead. I turn to see a smiling Luca leaning against the

door frame. He comes toward me and presses his soft lips to mine. When he pulls back, he looks into

my eyes. “I don’t know what I did to deserve such an amazing mate but I will be grateful every day till I

take my last breath for you.” “I love you, Luca.” He takes Luna from my arms and kisses her cheeks.

“Let’s go get you and mama some breakfast, Luna. I’m sure your siblings are hungry” Luca says and

we head to the dining room. Sherman and Brooklyn are already sitting at the table. I’m glad Brooklyn

hasn’t been sick like I have. She is farther along than me so I will be meeting my niece or nephew very

soon. We take our seat and I take Luna back from Luca. “Jade, are you excited about your coronation

ceremony next week”, Sherman asks. “I’m excited but very nervous. After everything that happened

with the council, I’m nervous about how the kingdom will feel about a wolf being their queen.” Luca

growls and I rub circles on his back. “You are their queen and not only because you are my fated mate

but because you were born to lead by my side. You care about others and I have no doubt you will

protect the kingdom by my side.” I smile, goddess I love this man. “Brooklyn, there were a few dresses

delivered for the ceremony and I would like you to help me pick the right one.” She squeals and I know

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she is going to be even more excited when she finds out I have dresses for her too. She will be

basically the Beta Female of the kingdom. I notice Luca stiffen out of the corner of my eye. I can feel

the anger rolling off him and through our bond. It’s a bit overwhelming. When I look toward him, I

realize that he is getting a link. I notice his hands are in a tight fists. Whatever is being said is upsetting

him. Once he finishes the link, he eyes are flashing back and forth between his and Sebastian’s.

“Luca, what’s wrong?” “We have unwelcomed visitors at the gate. Sherman, I want you to bring them to

the conference room. I wasn’t expecting them to come to us but they will not be leaving here today.

They are going to pay for all they have done.” Sherman stands and kisses Brooklyn before he heads

out of the dining room. “Brooklyn, please take Luna to our wing.” She comes around the table and

takes her from me. Luca stands and takes my hand. He leads me to William and Gwen’s wing of the

castle. Once we are inside Luca tells William about Wesely and Madelena’s arrival. The growl from

William shakes the room and I smile when Gwen climbs into his lap to calm him down. “We will go in

first and then I will link you to come” Luca says to William. William looks between Gwen and I. I can feel

the worry and pain for both of us. I already know what he is thinking and though I appreciate his

concern I don’t need to be protected. I may not be able to shift but I am a warrior too. “William, I will

never put our putchlings at risk.” He smiles at the word we created. “I just don’t trust either of them

around you two” he says. “Dad, we will never let them even get close to our mates” Luca says and I

smile. William nods and we stand to head to the conference room. Once we are outside Luca leans

down and places a soft kiss on my lips. He takes a deep breath and we head into the room.

I’m shocked to see that there are children with them. The young girl looks to be about sixteen and the

boy is definitely younger. They must truly believe that no one suspects their treachery against Luca and

William to bring their children with them. The girls eyes hold a sadness and I can feel her fear. She is

looking between her parents and holding the boy that I assume is her brother close to her. What the

hell is she afraid of? A wave of nausea hits me as the emotions in the room bombard me. Loathing and

anger are seeping from every pore of these two evil f**ks. I’m grateful when Zelda puts a block up so I

don’t have to keep enduring the feelings of their hatred. Luca takes my hand in his and it helps to calm


Luca POV

I try to keep my rage at bay. Looking at these two make me want to go feral. I look between them and

the two hatchlings they brought. I know Timothy said they had hatchlings but I didn’t expect to meet

them. “Dad, you can join us now”, I link him and the door opens. My father and Gwen come to stand

next to me. I see both Madelena and Wesley look at my father and then Gwen. I see something flash in

Madelena’s eyes a kin to jealousy before she schools her expression. “Now that we are all here, why

are you?” I see a smirk on the young ladies face before she lowers her gaze. “Luca, I’m so glad you

agreed to finally see us” Madelena says. She starts to come toward us and I shift Jade behind me. I

raise my hand and she stops walking. “This isn’t a cozy family reunion. I believe I made it clear that I

had no mother, so tell me again what you are doing here.” “It’s sad to see that you have poisoned your

son against his mother”, Wesley says to my father and I laugh. “You betrayed your own brother and you

stand there in judgement of my father that raised me alone because his fated mate picked you.” “You

don’t know everything Luca. The goddess made a mistake when she paired me with William”,

Madelena says. This time it’s my father’s laugh that echoes in the room.

“You are a piece of work, Madelena. I had hoped to never see you again, but unfortunately, that didn’t

happen. Now, Luca asked you why you’re here so answer him.” “I want to have a relationship with my

son. I want him to get to know his brother and sister. Wesley and I didn’t set out to hurt your father, we

fell in love.” She reaches back for the children to stand next to her. I’m having a hard time keeping

control of myself. “Luca, this is Lucy and this is Liam.” They both keep their eyes cast down. “It’s nice to

meet you both.” Lucy is the first to pick her head up and look at me. “It’s nice to meet you your

majesty.” Liam says the same before they both drop their gaze again. “Neither of you need to address

me with such formality. You may call me Luca. This is my mate and the future queen, Jade. That is my

father William and his mate Gwen.” I notice my mother’s eyes get big when I’m sure she realizes that

Gwen is human. “Luca, we would like to move back to the kingdom. Our hatchlings deserve to grow up

with their brother”, Wesley says. They want to use their hatchlings as a ticket to get close to me. I knew

they would have an angle but to use their own children. I need to get them out of this room before I

follow through with our plans. “Jade, why don’t you and Gwen ask the children to go on a tour” I link

her. She squeezes my hand.

“Lucy and Liam, how would you like to see the castle while your parents talk to Luca and William.”

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Without looking back for permission, Lucy nods her head and pulls Liam toward Jade. “I don’t know if

they should go without us. I don’t really know either of you” Madelena says. “You don’t trust my mate,

Madelena?” I can see she wants to protest but she finally nods. Once they leave, the room, I direct

them to both sit. My father and I sit behind the desk. “So, you want to return to the kingdom?” A knock

on the door interrupts us and Sherman brings in a tray with food and drinks. “Please help yourselves. I

assume this meeting will take time in order to hash out the past.” I hold back the smirk when they both

drink from the glasses I asked Sherman to bring. My father and I take the two undosed glasses. “I can’t

tell you how happy I am that you agreed to meet with us Luca. I have missed so much of your life”

Madelena says. “Now that we have all had refreshments, I have a few questions before I make my

decision. How long have you two been conspiring against me and my father?” I see her eyes get big at

my question. “Since you decided to take a common dragon as a chosen mate” she says and slams her

hand over her mouth. “What’s wrong Madelena, can’t lie anymore?” “What the f**k did you do to us”

Wesley roars. I can see he is trying to shift and I smile. “What’s wrong Wesley, can’t reach your

dragon?” “You have no right to do this to us. I am your mother” Madelena screams. The doors to the

room open and my men come in to take them to the cells. This is far from over.

Lucy POV

I keep a tight hold on Liam’s hand. I pray that these people are nothing like our parents. I have a good

feeling about them both but I have to be careful. If Madelena and Wesley find out that I told them what

they have planned, I know what will happen and Liam needs me. “Lucy, are you alright”, Jade asks me.

I bite my lower lip. It’s really now or never. I don’t want them to hurt the king or his father. “The king is in

danger. You have to let your people know before they hurt him and his father.” As soon as the words

leave my mouth, a weight is lifted off my shoulder. I’m confused when I look at Jade and she has a

huge smile on her face. “Lucy, you don’t have to worry. Everything is going to be fine.” She thinks I’m

crazy or dramatic. “No, you don’t understand how evil they are. They don’t care who they hurt.” The

smile fades from Jade’s face and Gwen steps next to her. “Lucy, have they hurt you” Gwen asks. Liam

wraps his arms around my waist. He is petrified and I hate that he is afraid. “Yes, they have hurt us

both but right now the king and his father are in danger.” “Lucy, Luca knows what they have planned

and he is going to deal with them both. They will never hurt you again” Jade says. I can’t stop the tears

that start to flow. Can this really be happening? Can this hell finally be over