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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 194
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 194

47 Pup or Hatchling

Jade POV

As Luca and I approach the training field, my family have gathered together and are chattering to each

other. I’m sure they are wondering what the hell is going on with me. Archer is smiling like he has

already figured everything out. He’s lucky I can’t shift or Zelda and I would kick his a**. “Yes, we would”,

Zelda says, and I chuckle. When we come to stand in front of Ruby and my parents, Luca wraps his

arm around me. Before they can say anything, I blurt it out. “I can’t do the pack run because I’m

pregnant.” “I knew it” Archer says, pumping his fist in the air, and I shoot him a glare. “Well maybe you

can actually win against Ruby in the run today since I’m not there” I say and stick out my tongue at him.

“Some things will never change” my mother says. She pulls me into her arms. “I’m so happy for you

and Luca. I’m so excited to have another grandpup”, my mother says. My father pulls me into his arms

and lays a kiss on my forehead. “I don’t know what I did to deserve all this happiness but I’m grateful

for it every day. You pups and your mother are my greatest gift.” I can feel the tears welling in my eyes.

“I love you dad.” “I love you too, Jade.” He pulls back and takes Luca’s hand, pulling him into a hug.

My eyes meet Ruby’s and just as it has always been, we don’t need words. I wrap her in my arms and

we just stand hugging each other. Our bond is strong as triplets but Ruby and I were inseparable as

kids. She is my best friend and she always will be. She pulls back and the smile on her face is brilliant.

“The next pack run you will run with us. This will always be your pack. I had better be the second call

you make when you go into labor, just like we always promised.” I nod and she turns to Maverick. He

takes her hand and they face the pack. “It’s time for the pack run. All pack members of shifting age are

welcome to join.” They both strip and the pack follows suit. I’m sad that I won’t be there for the first time

since I shifted into Zelda, but the reason I can’t makes up for it. They take off and their howls can be

heard in the distance. Strong arms wrap around my waist and the tingles push the little bit of sadness

away. I turn in his arms and he presses his warm lips to mine. We stay like that for a long time before

we finally pull apart. “Luca, I want to wait till they return before we leave. I also want to talk to my aunt

before we head home. I won’t be long. I’m anxious to get home to see Luna.” He smiles and pecks my

lips. “Whatever you want my queen.” I slap his arm and he chuckles. Luca is surrounded by my father

and all my grandfathers. I smile knowing they are going to give him a hard time. I walk across the field

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where my mother is standing with Tabby, Grandma Fern and Grandma Sabrina. “You look beautiful

Jade”, Tabby says and hugs me. “Thank you, you do too.”

My grandmothers talk about how happy they are about my pup and how great Luca is. “Based on the

pup in your belly, I would say the king is treating you well”, Tabby says, and everyone looks at her. I

swear this woman has no filter. The women around us laugh and I’m sure my face is a shade of red

that would match a tomato. “What did I say something that wasn’t true?” I shake my head “no, no you

didn’t. Tabby, you will never change.” “No need to change if your already awesome.” We all burst out

laughing. We talk for a little while longer before we hear the sounds of paws hitting the ground. I turn to

Tabby and she smiles. “What kind and how much do you need?” I laugh that she knows me so well. “I

need at least two vials but four would be better.” She nods before she disappears. Ruby, Maverick,

Archer, and Danica rejoin us. She wraps me in a hug. I’m so happy that Archer found her and they are

having a pup too. Our pups will grow up together even if we don’t live in the same pack. Arms snake

around my waist again. “You look tired my Queen, and we have an early appointment with the

kingdom’s doctor. Are you ready to go home?” “Yes, I am Luca.” I kiss my family before I head over to

Tabby. She hands me the vials and hugs me. William and Gwen join us and Tabby creates the portal

for us to step through. The movement through the portal makes my stomach roll and I run to our room.

I pray I make it before I empty my stomach on the floor.

Luca POV

After I make sure that Jade is alright, I head to Sherman and Brooklyn’s room to get Luna. I know we

were only gone for a few hours, but I miss her. I still can’t believe we are going to have another

hatchling. I’m so excited to have a hatchling with Jade, but I’m worried. I have no idea if there has ever

been a dragon wolf hybrid. I hope the kingdom’s doctor can put my mind at ease. I have faith in the

goddess, but I’m not sure if the hatchling will have one beast or two. “Who the hell are you calling a

beast”, Sebastian says. “Nice of you to chime in.” “I’ve been basking in the knowledge that our mate

will soon be round with our hatchling.” I laugh and shake my head. I knock on the door and when it

opens Brooklyn is smiling. “Congratulations” she says in a whisper and I laugh. “I take it Jade told you

about our big news.” “She did but I did not tell Sherman. She asked that I allow you to tell him.”

Goddess, I love that woman. “Thank you.” She nods and I step inside. I move to the living room and

Sherman is playing with Luna on the floor. “Hey, how did the ceremony go?” “It was great”, I say as I

get down on the floor. Luna crawls over and gets into my lap. “I see I’m chopped liver now that your

daddy is home.” I laugh and lay a kiss on Luna’s head.

I look back at Sherman with a huge smirk on my face. “Why are you smiling like that?” “I’m happy, I

have the best mate and pups any man could ever have.” It takes him a second before his eyes finally

get big. “Jade is having a hatchling.” I nod and he pulls me into a hug. “I’m so happy for you man. You

both deserve to be happy and you have become a better man and king with her by your side.” “You are

so right. Thank you for being the best friend and second in command I could ever wish for.” “Alright,

give each other and smooch and then get back to your mate, Luca”, Brooklyn says and we both burst

out laughing. I stand and put Luna on my hip. As I head for the door, I turn back to Sherman. “Don’t

forget tomorrow afternoon, we will deal with those two a**holes in the cells.” “It will be a great pleasure,

my king.” I roll my eyes and head out the door. I open the door to our room and my beautiful queen is

lying on our bed. Her face lights up when she sees Luna. I hand her to Jade, who already has a bottle

ready. I bend down and kiss Jade’s head. “I’m going to shower love.” She nods but she is more

interested in our daughter than me. My heart is so full and I couldn’t be happier as I stare at my two

girls. Once I’m showered, I head back out and they are both asleep. I put Luna in her crib before I slide

in next to this beautiful woman I’ve been blessed with. I focus on the silence of the room and that’s

when I hear it. I lay my hand on her stomach and fall into a peaceful sleep.

Serina POV

Nicholas and I walk with Levi and Ella toward the training field. The king and queen are talking to Lake,

Gabby, Ruby, and Maverick. I’m so glad that Ruby and Maverick have taken their rightful place. I loved

being the Alpha with my mate and family, but it was time for us to step away and let the next generation

make their mark. Nicholas and I made our decision last night and I pray that we have made the right

one. “May we speak with all of you” I say and we head to the pack house. Once we are in the pack

house, we head to one of the empty offices. I take a deep breath and I say a silent prayer to the

goddess that she be with us in this decision. “Nicholas and I have decided to take you up on the offer to

move to the werewolf kingdom as long as you understand that we can return to the pack anytime we

see fit.” “Of course, you are not prisoners and you can return to your pack to visit or stay whenever you

see fit. I would ask that if you do go for a visit, you allow us to send extra protection. The threat that we

know of has been eliminated, but that doesn’t mean others aren’t out there that know of the prophecy”,

the king says. “That is precisely why we have agreed to move to the kingdom.” He nods and before I

can say anymore, Loreli screams, grabbing her stomach. The king looks panicked and he scoops her

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up, walking through a portal he created. “I guess all male wolves are the same when their mates have

pups, basket cases.” We all laugh and Gabby walks over and hugs me. “This isn’t forever and this is

your home no matter what happens.”

The Next Day

Luca POV

As we head to the hospital, the nerves flit around in my stomach. Jade squeezes my hand and I’m sure

she can feel it through our bond. The doctor is waiting for us in the lobby. “Your majesty, it’s so good to

see you both.” He leads us to an exam room and once Jade is ready, he wheels in the ultrasound

machine. “So, let’s get a look at our next royal hatchlings.” I notice Jade’s look of concern and I’m sure

she has the same questions that I do. “Before we start, I wanted to ask you about that. Since we are of

two different shifter backgrounds, what determines the child’s lineage.” “I can tell you, my king, that in

other supernatural pairings it can go one of two ways. Either the dominant genes determine which

shifter the offspring takes after or, if the genes are equal, the offspring is able to shift into both

creatures. Either way, all your offspring will be hybrids.” I smile looking down at Jade and her face is

more relaxed. He squeezes the bottle of gel on her belly. When he begins to move the wand, the room

is filled with the sounds of a heartbeat that sounds strong. I see a tear roll down Jade’s cheek and I

wipe it away with my thumb. “I’m so happy Luca.” I bend and kiss her forehead. “You and our children

are my happiness.” “Well, it looks like the royal family is about to become a little bigger than you

thought your majesty.” We both look at him as he turns the ultrasound machine toward us. As I study

the screen, my eyes grow wide when I see two circles. “You are having twins, my queen.”

“They look so big. I can’t be that far along.” He chuckles “they are big because essentially you are both

Alphas and hybrid pregnancies are always shorter.” “How much shorter?” “The queen is a month

pregnant and the whole pregnancy will last about four months.” “We only have three months before the

pups are here” Jade says a little panicked. “Thank you doctor” I say signaling for him to give us some

time. “I will get your vitamins and some pictures.” He leaves and I turn to Jade. I clean her up and set

her in my lap. “Love, I know your nervous but we can do anything together and we are surrounded by

people who will help us. You are an amazing mother to Luna and these peanuts will be no different.”

“Peanuts” she says, raising her eyebrows. “Well, I figure they are going to be both wolf and dragon, so

we can’t call them pups or hatchlings.” She laughs and I love that sound. The nerves seem to fade

away and she presses her warm lips to mine. When she pulls back, she smiles. “I think peanuts will

work for now.”