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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 193
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 193

46 Dealt With

Maverick POV

Gaylen lands with a thud and we are standing next to Bruce. His growl shakes the trees but Bruce

doesn’t move. Gaylen is ready to rip his head off when I realize that no one is moving. I look around

and Ruby is frozen mid shift. William stepped in front of my mother, shielding her from my father’s

bullet. His body is in an awkward position but it never moves. Gaylen whimpers when we see two

bullets floating in midair just inches away from William’s back and Ruby’s side. “I’m glad you linked me

so we can deal with this properly”, Micah says. Gaylen’s head whips in his direction. “Shift” he says,

and within seconds I’m standing naked. He tosses me a pair of shorts. I watch every movement he

makes. He walks over to where William is shielding my mother and grabs the bullet out of the air. He

turns walking over to my beautiful mate and grabs the other bullet. He squeezes his hand and when he

opens it again, all that remains is dust. The gate opens and he walks toward me. He places his hand

on my shoulder and I see kindness in his eyes. “He tried to take them from me.” He nods “he did, but

you didn’t let him. You were willing to ask for help and sacrifice yourself for your family. You were

always meant to be an Alpha, Maverick. An Alpha puts others before himself. You held true to the vow

that you made before your pack today.” His words fill me with warmth and pride. “Thank you for saving

them.” “Well, now you have a decision to make. You are completely justified in ending these two

pathetic humans for what they have done. I will pass whatever sentence you feel appropriate and you

will decide how that sentence is carried out.” “What about these other men?” “They will leave here

today and not remember anything of what they saw or heard.” Our King is truly amazing.

I don’t even have to think about what I want to do with Bruce and Carl. “I want them both dead for their

attempt to murder my mother and mate.” He nods before he turns back to Ruby, William, and my

mother. He waves his hand and they all unfreeze. Gemma’s eyes land on mine and she c*cks her head

in confusion. I walk over to my mate and rub my hands through her fur. “Everything is alright. We are all

safe thanks to Micah.” I place my forehead against Gemma’s before she takes off for the trees.

Seconds later, Ruby comes back in basketball shorts and a t-shirt. I can’t help but kiss her like my life

depends on it. Gaylen and I were terrified that Carl would take her from us. I pull back when we are

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both breathless. I walk over to my mother and William has his arms wrapped around her. I can see the

fear and love he has for my mother in his eyes. When he releases her, she wraps her arms around me

without a word. I never want to feel the way I did when I saw Bruce pointing a gun at my mother. I know

that part of me should feel something about telling Micah I want them dead, but I don’t. That isn’t

entirely true. I feel relief that soon they won’t be a threat to the people I love. As soon as I release my

mom, William pulls her back into his arms. I wrap my arm around Ruby’s waist and Micah joins us.

“Alpha Maverick, how would you like the sentence carried out?” I look at William and something

unspoken passes between us. He smiles and nods at me. I link some warriors to bring Bruce and Carl

into the pack. I want them to be completely aware of what is about to happen. The warriors grab the

two men and we head to the training field.

Once we reach the training field, I notice that our family has joined us. The two men whose weapons

have been seized are thrown to the ground at my feet. I look at Micah and nod. He waves his hand

after he chants and both men begin to move. They look around before Bruce looks up at me. I can’t

help the smile on my face when I see the fear in his eyes. “What the f**k are you freaks” he says as he

gets to his feet. “We are here to carry out the sentence of Bruce Colwell and Carl Marks. They

attempted to kill both Alpha Ruby Colwell and Gwen Colwell.” Growls are heard throughout the training

field. Both men look around as they stand near each other. “Maverick please”, Bruce starts to say, and I

snap my head in his direction. I look into the eyes that are so much like mine. I’m sure my eyes flash

black because I can feel Gaylen trying to push forward. “Don’t you dare beg for mercy you pathetic

man. You will find none here after what you tried to take from me. Your sentence is death and it will be

carried out by my future step-father.” William steps forward and I step back, wrapping my arms around

Ruby. “I am your father. You are just going to stand there while this man kills me.” I chuckle “you are no

father of mine. You are just a sperm donor. They are my family” I say pointing to everyone around us.

Before anymore can be said, William punches Bruce in the face, knocking him on his a**. “Don’t talk to

my son anymore” he says, before he shifts into a beautiful green dragon. Carl screams and Bruce

looks like he is about to swallow his tongue.

William POV

As soon as Maverick looks at me, I know exactly how he wants this to end. That f**ker tried to take

both our mates from us. I will take great pleasure in frying both their a**es. When Maverick calls me his

future step-father, I can’t help the smile that appears on my face. I know in my heart that Gwen is mine,

but to hear Maverick say it means something to me. As I stand in the circle with these pathetic excuses

for men, anger rises in my body. When I knock the f**ker on his a** I’m ready to end them both. I shift

and the fear in their eyes makes my dragon smile. The familiar build of our dragon’s breath starts in our

throat. Once it is ready, we breathe out and the fire engulfs both men. They are ash within seconds and

I shift back. Luca hands me a pair of shorts and I pull them on. I look around and when I realize Gwen

is gone my heart sinks. Does she see me as a monster after what I just did? My heart breaks in my

chest at the thought of losing her before we have even spent time together. “Dad, she is in the garden.

She isn’t upset with you, she just couldn’t watch”, Luca says. I feel some relief from Luca’s words but I

need to see her. I rush from the group and head toward the garden. She is sitting on the bench that we

sat on when we talked for the first time. She is truly beautiful and I’m glad that she is my second

chance at happiness.

I sit next to her and I can see her cheeks are tear-stained. It guts me to see pain in her eyes when she

looks at me. “Gwen” I start to say but she stops me. “These tears aren’t for him. These tears are for

everything he put me and Maverick through. He tried to kill me and Ruby. How can a man be so evil?” I

want so badly to reach out and pull her into my arms, but what if she doesn’t want my touch? As if she

is reading my mind, she slides closer, leaning her body into mine. I feel my body relax as the tingles

dance on my skin and I wrap my arm around her. We sit for a long time and I just hold her. “Gwen, do

you still want to return to the Dragon Kingdom with me today?” My dragon growls at my question, but I

push him to the back of my mind. She sits straight up and stares into my eyes. “Have you changed

your mind about giving us a chance?” She looks into my eyes as if she will find the answer there.

“Goddess no, I want you with me. I just wasn’t sure after what I just did.” My words are cut off by warm

lips. “Kiss her back a**hat” my dragon yells in my mind. I grip the back of her head and deepen the

kiss. I have never felt anything like this. I pull back when we are both breathless. She snuggles back

into my side. “Just because I’m a wuss and I didn’t want to see what you just did to those two ba**ards

doesn’t mean I’m upset with you for doing what needed to be done” Gwen says. I squeeze her to my

side and relax in the knowledge that she still wants us.

Jade POV

Archer is staring at me the same way he did when we were kids and he knew I had a secret. How the

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hell does he do that? I’m grateful when Ruby announces the pack run until I realize I can’t run in wolf

form. I haven’t seen the doctor and I’m not sure if it’s safe. Ruby wraps her arms around me. “Are you

ready to beat Archer” she says and Archer chuckles. “I would like to see you two beat Lazlo.” “I think

I’m just going to stay with Luca since I’m technically not part of the pack anymore.” “Jade, you will

always be part of the pack. Gemma really wants to run with Zelda and Lazlo.” “Jade, I’ll be fine on my

own love. Go and run with your family”, Luca says and kisses my forehead. Now what the f**k do I say?

“I’m not ready to tell them Zelda.” “Why are you so worried about sharing our news with our mate and

family?” “Luca and I haven’t been mated for very long. I have no idea how he is going to feel about this.

Luna is still so young and now to add another pup. What if he isn’t happy about it?” “Jade, what’s going

on”, Ruby asks. “I need to use the bathroom”, I say and turn without another word. As soon as I reach

the pack house, I don’t head to the bathroom. Instead, I head to my old room. I just need a few minutes

alone to clear my head. I need to stop acting like a chicken and just tell my mate we are going to have

a pup or hatchling. I’m not really sure what happens with hybrids. Now that’s another thing for me to

worry about. A knock on the door brings me out of my rambling.

I expect it to be Ruby but his scent lets me know exactly who it is. The door opens and my beautiful

mate steps into my old room. He looks around and he smiles when he sees the posters and stuffed

animals. “I take it this is your room from when you were a kid.” I smile and nod. “Jade, what’s wrong? I

am your mate. You can talk to me about anything.” He sits down next to me and I take a deep breath.

“Luca, I’m pregnant.” I keep my eyes cast down because I’m afraid of what I might see in his eyes. I

know Luca loves me and he will love our pup, but what if he is disappointed about the timing? “Jade,

drop the block you have put up and feel our mate’s emotions before you jump to conclusions”, Zelda

says. I do what she says and his feelings are overwhelming. I turn to look at him and he has unshed

tears in his eyes. “Jade, why would you ever be worried about telling me that we are going to have a

hatchling.” He pulls me into his arms and I melt into him. A weight I’ve been carrying for days is lifted

off my shoulders. I did this to myself. He pulls back and presses a soft kiss on my lips. “I couldn’t be

happier that we are having a brother or sister for Luna. Please just talk to me next time Jade. We are

partners and I never want you to worry because of me. We are in this together and soon there will be a

perfect hatchling that is a mix of both of us” Luca says. Goddess, I love this man. I climb into his lap

and press my lips against his. I pull back and rest my forehead against his. “I guess it’s time to go tell

our family that I can’t run today.” He smiles and takes my hand, leading me back out to the training
