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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 192
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 192

45 Ceremony Part 2

Bruce POV

The phone rings on my desk and when I put it to my ear all I can hear is sobbing. “Bruce, they arrested

me” Jennifer cries on the other end of my phone. “They are charging me with attempted murder. You

have to get me out of this. I only did what you told me to do.” “I would never tell you to hurt an innocent

woman. You acted completely alone. What is wrong with you that you would try to kill Ruby Solace?”

“Bruce,” she screams my name, but I disconnect the call. She is so stupid and she served her purpose.

She really thought I would protect her. The door to my office opens and Carl walks in. Carl is my half-

brother who isn’t exactly a reputable business man. Anytime I need something done that requires

muscle or breaking the law, I contact him. I’ve had him and his goons staking out my old house,

Maverick’s apartment, and the office where Maverick works. “Tell me you know where that b**ch and

my son are.” He smiles “the men I had staking out their office followed them to what looks like a gated

community. It’s far away from the city limits. I don’t know if your ex-wife is with them, but your son and

Ruby Solace are definitely there.” “I’m done waiting. They think they can shut me out and ruin me. If I

can’t have what I’m owed, then they will pay with their lives and happiness.” My brother flinches at my

words. “Bruce, I understand you hating your ex-wife, but this is your flesh and blood we are talking

about. You don’t really plan to kill Maverick, do you?” “He is nothing to me now. He turned his back on

me. Besides, I don’t have to kill him to make him suffer. He was always such a mama’s boy and he is

like a puppy following Ruby Solace around. If I kill those two b**ches he will never recover. He will lose

what’s important to him, just like I did.”

“How many of your men can you have ready to go in an hour? I don’t want to underestimate that

b**ch.” “I think I can get about twenty for the right price.” “Fine, make it happen. I’ll use every last penny

I have to make them suffer.” He leaves my office and I decide to make one more phone call before we

leave to find my ex-wife and son. The phone rings three times before she finally answers. “Delilah, I’ve

missed you.” “F**k you Bruce. You tried to set me up and you have the b*lls to call me like nothing

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

happened.” “That wasn’t me love, it was Jennifer. I’m so glad that they arrested the right person now.”

“What do you want Bruce?” “I thought you might want to go pay a visit to Maverick and Ruby.” I don’t

even finish her name and the line goes dead. I call two more times and the calls go directly to voice

mail. That’s fine. I will tie up that loose end after I deal with Gwen and Maverick. I head out of my office

and my brother is waiting in the car. “Were you able to secure the men?” “Yes, I gave them the

directions and they will meet us there in an hour.” “Good, let’s go. I’m ready to make that little ba**ard

an orphan.”

Maverick POV

The first feeling I have when Ruby says that Bruce is at the gate is fear. How could he be here at the

pack? It is quickly replaced by anger. How dare he come here? He has ruined far too many moments in

my life. I refuse to allow him to ruin another. “No, he will wait. We will finish our ceremony and then we

can deal with him” I link Ruby. She smiles and wraps her arms around me. I breathe in her scent. We

head up on stage and join the King, Gabby, Lake, Serina, Nicholas, Jocelyn, Jonathon, James, Connor,

and Autumn. “Now it is my great honor to perform the ritual that passes power from the current Alphas

and Betas to the future Alphas and Betas. The Scarlett Rose has been blessed with having amazing

leadership over the years and I have no doubt that their future will continue to be bright under its new

leadership. Alphas Gabby and Lake Solace and Alphas Serina and Nicholas Crown please step

forward” the King says. Gabby takes the dagger and the chalice from the King. She cuts both hers and

Lake’s hand, allowing blood to drip into the chalice. She passes the knife to Serina, who repeats the

process with Nicholas. “Maverick and Ruby Colwell step forward.” I can’t help the smile that spreads

across my face that Ruby now has my name.

The King nods at Gabby and she steps forward. “Ruby Colwell, make your vow to the pack.” Ruby

smiles at her mother “I, Ruby Colwell, vow to put the needs of the pack above my own. I will treat each

pack member with respect. I will be fair and kind. I will rule by my mate’s side and be his support.” She

drinks from the chalice before she hands it to me. “Maverick Colwell, make your vow to the pack”,

Gabby says and winks at me. I smile “I, Maverick Colwell, vow to put the needs of the pack above my

own. I will treat each pack member with respect. I will be fair and kind. I will rule by my mate’s side and

be her support.” I drink from the chalice. I don’t know what I expected the blood to taste like but it

doesn’t turn my stomach. I was worried I would ruin this part of the ceremony. “You’re a wolf now,

remember” Gaylen says. Before I can respond, my head begins to throb and overwhelming voices are

speaking in my head. Ruby takes my hand. “Maverick focus on me and put blocks up just like we talked

about.” I do what she says and the voices go quiet. The connection to the pack is amazing and Gaylen

is puffing his chest out in my mind. We step back so the Betas can take their vows.

Connor POV

I have never been happier in my life. Marrying this woman and having her as my mate has made me

complete. “Now it’s time to become the Beta of the pack”, Ranger says. I smile and Autumn takes my

hand. “Beta James, Johnathon, and Jocelyn please step forward” says the King. The two men smile at

their mate and she takes the chalice and dagger from the King. She cuts her hand, letting it drip into

the chalice before her mates do the same. She hands it to Autumn. “Autumn Blakely, make your vow to

the pack” Jocelyn says. “I, Autumn Blakely, vow to put the pack’s needs above my own. I will respect

each pack member. I will support our Alphas and fight for the pack. I will perform my Beta duties to the

best of my abilities.” She drinks from the chalice before she hands it to me. Jocelyn smiles at me.

“Connor Blakely, make your vow to the pack.” “I, Connor Blakely, vow to put the packs needs above my

own. I will respect each pack member. I will support our Alphas and fight for the pack. I will perform my

Beta duties to the best of my abilities.” I drink from the chalice and I immediately feel the connection to

the pack. I hear the voices of congratulations before I put the block up like Autumn taught me. I hand

the chalice back to the King. “It is with great pleasure that I announce Alpha Ruby and Maverick

Colwell and Beta Autumn and Connor Blakely. Welcome your new Alphas and Betas Scarlett Rose”,

King Micah says. “Your ranked members will be leading the pack in a run, but first we encourage you to

have some refreshments.”

Maverick POV

I’m sure Gabby told the King about our visitors, so I’m glad when he postpones the pack run until we

deal with our unwanted guests. The ceremony was amazing. It almost made me forget about the

a**hole that is waiting at the gate. I’m glad we finished it before we deal with Bruce. “Can you tell me

what happened before we started the ceremony” the King asks. I give him the short version and he

nods. His mate comes to stand by his side. “We will entertain the pack while you deal with the humans.

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Please let me know if you need me.” We all bow and watch them walk away with Serina and Nicholas. I

can feel Ruby’s sadness through our bond as she watches them walk away. I wrap her in a hug. “It will

all work out love.” She presses a soft kiss to my lips. She pulls back “let’s go deal with a**hat.” I

chuckle and we start to walk toward the gate. I hear a commotion behind us and I turn to see my

mother and William following us. I turn to face her. “Mom, you should go enjoy the festivities. Ruby and

I will handle him.” “I appreciate that, Maverick, but I want to deal with him. I have a few things I would

like to say to the ba**ard.”

I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. William takes her hand. I nod and we continue the

walk to the gate. “Maverick, we have to stay calm. Gaylen can’t make an appearance in front of these

humans unless they are a harm to our lives” Ruby links me. I take some deep breaths “Gaylen, you

heard our mate. We need to stay in control.” He growls but recedes in my mind. We approach the gate

and not only do I see Bruce, but my weasel of an uncle is standing by his side. I should have known he

would be involved. He does Bruce’s dirty work. When we reach the gate, I wrap my arm around Ruby’s

waist. I notice Bruce looks in the direction of my mother and William before he looks back at me. “What

the f**k do you want Bruce?” I can see me calling him by his name pisses him off. “Maverick, you have

turned your back on me because of these two b**ches” he says pointing between my mother and Ruby.

I hear a low growl from William but my mother squeezes his arm before she looks back at Bruce with

disgust. My mother laughs and I smile. “You turned your back on your family and now you want to

blame Maverick for you being a pathetic pr*ck.” “F*ck you Gwen.” “Not even on your best day Bruce. I

have a man that doesn’t try to make himself feel better by sleeping with girls his son’s age.” “You sound

bitter, Gwen. She did f**k much better than you ever did.” Gaylen tries to push to the surface but I push

him back down. “You need to leave and never come back here again.”

“I’m not leaving without what I’m owed.” I can’t help the laugh that escapes me. Multiple scents invade

my nose and I’m sure my eyes darken. “What have you done?” “I didn’t come to make peace with you.

You are just as pathetic as your mother. I came to get my pound of flesh.” I watch as a group of men

step out of the woods. I link the king to let the others know what’s happening. My mother screams and I

look back to see Bruce pointing a gun at my mother and Carl pointing one at Ruby. How did everything

go to sh*t so quickly? “I’ll take what you love”, Bruce screams. This time I let Gaylen take over. As we

shift, I see fear in his eyes. I jump the gate hoping they will shoot at me to stop me from killing them.

Shots ring out and then everything goes quiet.