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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 190
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 190

43 One Down One to Go

Ruby POV

I’m in my closet getting dressed for the day. We will be going to court today to deal with the charges

against Delilah. We have raised enough doubt that I’m sure the charges against her will be dropped. I

just wish we could nail down enough evidence to show direct involvement by Bruce to get him put

away. Jennifer is being arrested this afternoon after we turned the footage over to the district attorney.

He doesn’t feel just seeing Bruce in the garage is enough to charge him as an accessory. It will be

interesting to see what Bruce does when his toy is taken away. The events from yesterday are still

playing over and over in my mind. I still can’t believe that Gaylen and Ranger sensed the danger that

Ella was in. I am so grateful that they did, but it seems so strange. It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is

our Alpha ceremony. I wish that I could fix everything that is happening with that damn prophecy. Not

being able to protect my pack and family feels like a failure even though, logically, I know it’s not. I

know my mom’s right and I understand if my aunt and uncle decide to live in the castle, but that doesn’t

mean I have to be happy about it. I love my family and the thought of not being able to see any of them

makes a pit form in my stomach. Two arms snake around my waist. “Your mind is all over the place,

love.” I turn in his arms and press a kiss on his lips. He starts to deepen the kiss but I pull back. “We

can’t be late for court.” He chuckles “fine but you owe me, love.” “I’m more than happy to pay my debt

later.” I go to pull away and finish dressing but he holds me still. “Ruby, you are an amazing Alpha.

Sometimes, the only thing we can do is trust that we make the right decisions, but that doesn’t make us

weak or a failure.” I lay my head against his chest “thank you.”

I finish getting dressed and once we are ready, we drive to the courthouse. We are seated behind the

desk across from the judge when they bring Delilah in and sit her next to me. I see her looking at

Maverick out of the corner of my eye as the judge speaks. “Snap this b**ch’s neck”, Gemma says, and

I have to hold back the laugh. “I will admit I find the fact that you are defending a person accused of

hitting you a little unorthodox Ms. Solace, but since you have actually convinced me that your client is

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not guilty, I’m going to let the ruling stand”, the judge says. “Thank you, your honor.” The judge

dismisses us and we head out into the hallway. “Delilah, I would like to speak to you in private before

we leave.” She has a smug smile on her face but I don’t say a word as I lead her to an empty office.

Once we are inside, I block the only exit. “I’m going to make this perfectly clear, Delilah, you are done

being any part of our lives.” She crosses her arms over her chest and stares at me for a moment. “You

think I’m afraid of a pathetic weak woman like you. He was mine before and he will be mine again.” I

can’t help the laugh that escapes me. I step closer until we are almost nose to nose. “You don’t want to

f**k with me. I know you called my office telling me you wanted me dead. I am not one to play with little

girl.” Her hard demeanor slips for a moment before she schools her expressions again. She goes to

open her mouth but I silence her with a glare. “Maverick is mine and you will do well to never come

near him again.”

“I’m not afraid of you b**ch. If you think you’re scary, you’re not.” Gemma wants me to take hold of her

and snap her neck, but this is the human world. I look into her eyes before I allow Gemma to show

through them and growl. This time fear crosses her face and she backs up until her back hits the wall.

“What the f**k are you” she asks. “I am the thing your nightmares are made of and I promise you that if

you ever go near what’s mine again, they will not find your body. Do I make myself clear Delilah?” She

nods vigorously as she cowers. “Use your words like a big girl.” “I will never go near Maverick again.”

“Good, because someone will always be watching. If I get a report of any kind that you so much as step

a toe out of line, I will show you exactly what I am. Oh and if you’re even thinking about telling anyone

what you saw, just know that no one will believe you.” I straighten my suit jacket before I rejoin

Maverick in the hallway. He pulls me into his arms. “Do you think she will tell anyone what you just did”

he asks. I knew he would be listening with his wolf hearing. “No one will believe her, but honestly I don’t

think she will say a word. Besides, don’t forget my best friend and Beta is a witch. I can make her forget

everything, even you.” He laughs and kisses me before we head to the car. As we drive back to the

pack all I can think about is how glad I am she is finally dealt with. Bruce is definitely next on my list,

but right now I just want to go home with my mate.

Maverick POV

Listening to Ruby go all possessive Alpha wolf on Delilah was probably the hottest thing I’ve ever

heard. As we drive back to the pack, the only thing I can think about is being buried deep in Ruby’s

body. Gaylen growls his agreement. We pull into the pack and I throw the car in park. I make my way

around the car and grab Ruby around the waist. She squeals when I throw her over my shoulder.

“Maverick put me down” she says as I make my way up the stairs to our wing. Her mother is coming

toward us with a huge smirk on her face. “Just remember that you two have your ceremony tomorrow

and you both need to be able to walk on stage” she says to us over her shoulder. “Oh, my goddess

mother” she says, but we are already through the door that leads to our living room. I don’t stop and

once we are safe in our room, I toss her onto the bed. The seductive smile on Ruby’s face makes my

c**k twitch in my pants. She slides off the bed and I try to touch her but she steps back. Gaylen

whimpers but I smile as she begins to strip. Goddess, she is gorgeous and I’m the luckiest b**ard alive

to call her mine. Once she is completely bare to me, she walks toward me. She drops to her knees and

unbuckles my pants, drawing them down my legs. A shiver runs down my spine when she runs her

fingers up my legs to my c**k.

“Ruby”, I say a mix of mine and Gaylen’s voice. “Yes Alpha” she says and I thread my fingers in her

hair. Without another word, she swirls her tongue around the tip of my c**k. “Don’t tease me love”, I

growl and she takes my c**k down her throat. She almost brings me to my knees. When she starts

moving my c**k in and out of her mouth at a steady rhythm, I tighten my hold on her hair. I can feel the

pleasure building and I know I’m close. My thrusts are jerky and when she starts to massage my b*lls I

can’t hold back anymore. “Ruby, I’m going to c*m.” She doesn’t pull back. In fact, she increases her

speed and I release my seed deep in her throat. I look down at this woman expecting to see a

triumphant smirk, but what I find is much different. The love in her eyes makes my heart squeeze in my

chest. I pull her up and press my lips to hers. I kiss her like she is the air I need to breathe. I never

break the kiss as I walk her over to the bed. Every part of me needs to be one with her. I lay her down

and as I hover over her, I look into her beautiful green eyes. I never break our eye contact as I push my

c**k into her core. I know how I felt in the car on the drive back, it was driven by lust, but at this

moment, it is nothing but love. I join us over and over again, never letting my eyes leave hers. A stray

tear runs down my cheek and she pulls my face to hers. This kiss isn’t one of need but my mate

pouring all her love into me.

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I pull back and she rolls us so she is on top. Watching her r*de my c**k is doing nothing for my control.

I grip her breasts kneading them and she moans out my name as she grinds her hips against me. She

picks up her speed and she is chasing her orgasm. I lift up meeting her thrust for thrust. I can feel she

is close. I pull her down and bite down into my mark. Her walls clamp down on my c**k and we fall over

the edge together. As our breathing evens out, she lays with her head on my chest. She is so perfect

and I will be grateful every day that the goddess thought enough of me to bless me with this woman. I

think she is asleep but her soft voice lets me know that I’m wrong. “Maverick, what do you think about

having a pup?” I stiffen at first, not because I don’t want to, but I’m shocked by her question. She picks

up her head and I can see disappointment in her eyes. “Do you not want to have pups, Maverick?”

“Ruby, I want nothing more than to see your belly round with our pups.” She smiles and lays her head

back down on my chest. Images of my mate playing with a little girl who looks just like her and a little

boy that has her eyes and my nose flashes through my mind. I realize that Ruby is sharing her

thoughts with me and I squeeze her tight by my side. We both fall into peaceful sleep and I dream of a

future with my mate and pups.

Luca POV

I’ve decided what to do with the two traitors in the dungeon. Timothy is mine for what he tried to do. He

refuses to give us information, so he is of no use to me. His daughter was kept in the dark about most

things so she will be joining him, but I am a man of my word and she is Victor’s to deal with. They will

receive their punishments the day after we return from the Alpha ceremony. The door to my office

opens and my father walks in. He looks brighter than I have seen him in a very long time. I hate that I

have to tell him about Wesley’s visit. “Luca, is everything alright?” “Sit down dad. I wanted to talk to you

about a visitor that came while we were at the pack.” “Well, I didn’t think she would give up so easily so

I’m not surprised” he says. “No, it wasn’t Madelena, it was your brother Wesley that wanted to speak to

you and me.” His eyes darken and I know his dragon is at the surface. “I have nothing to say to that

piece of sh*t.” “Based on your reaction I’m going to guess that my assumption about the man mom left

with is correct.” He nods and I can tell he can’t bring himself to say it out loud. Not because he cares

about their relationship, but because it is still a betrayal he has to work through. “Dad, Sherman says

he will probably be back. I have no intention of speaking with him unless you want to.” He looks at me

for a moment. “Let me think about it and I’ll let you know. Maybe I should so I can let this anger go.

Goddess, I wish Gwen was here right now” he says and I smile. “I’m glad you found her dad. I think you

two are going to be very happy together.” He smiles “I hope so, Luca. I really do hope so.”