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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 19
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 22

22 Secrets

Greg POV

Honestly when I picked up the phone and it was Melissa my first instinct was to hang up. She couldn’t

just keep her f**king mouth shut. If I had any chance of getting Sabrina to forgive me, she put the nail in

that coffin. The only reason I’m even entertaining her right now is she might have information that can

help me stop all of this craziness. A half an hour later a knock sounds on the door and I open it to a

smiling Melissa. I turn and head inside without a word. “Good to see you too Greg” she says

sarcastically. “Just get to what you came here to tell me Melissa.” I sit on the couch and she takes a

seat on the chair across from me. “If you’re going to be an a**hole I can just leave and you can figure

out how to make Sabrina sorry on your own.” I take a deep breath. “I’m sorry just tell me what you’re

talking about.”

Melissa POV

“Do you know where Sabrina is right now?” He rolls his eyes at my question. “Of course not, or I would

be there trying to speak to her.” I roll my eyes this time. “I still don’t understand why you want to stay

with her, you yourself said what a b**ch she is and how you weren’t satisfied.” “I’m not going to explain

my decisions to you so either tell me what you came to say or leave Melissa.” “Fine, I followed Willow

to a secluded property so I could tell Sabrina how she f**ked my life up.” “It is a gated property with

guards everywhere.” He looks confused “I have never heard of a place like that around here.” “Its two

towns over on a back country road.” “I know she has your daughter with her and I believe the place is

like a cult.” “What the f**k are you talking about, a cult?” I explain what happened when I was in the

office with Willow and the two men. I see a smile grace his face for the first time since I arrived.

“This is very helpful information Melissa but I’m going to need you to come to court and say the same

thing to the judge during our divorce proceedings.” “If she thinks she will lose custody of Gabby she will

come to her senses.” “If it’s going to make Sabrina suffer like she did to me then absolutely.” “How can I

show you how much I appreciate your help” Greg asks. He is a real piece of work because I know

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exactly what he is suggesting. “If Sabrina gets what she deserves that is all I need.” “We won’t be

having s*x again.” I stand heading for the door. “I will call you tomorrow and show you exactly where

she is too.” I don’t wait for a response before I walk through the door. I get back into my car and head

to my apartment. As I drive it makes me happy that I’m not the only one whose life is going to be turned

upside down. I may have to find a new job but her life is about to be f**ked up and that’s what she

deserves for being such an evil b**ch to me. I was a victim to Greg’s lies as much as she was.

Willow POV

When Archer and Sabrina walk into the cottage, they are holding hands. I pray to the goddess that

means that he told her everything. I link Archer “does she know?” “Yes, she does and she accepted

me.” I squeal without thinking and both Sabrina and Tracey whip their heads in my direction. “What the

hell is wrong with you” Tracey asks. “Sorry I was thinking about something and I just got excited.”

“Willow, I hope you won’t be to upset but I’m going to take a rain check on dinner tonight.” “I won’t be

upset at all as long as you’re spending the time with Archer.” She gives me a look with big eyes and I

laugh. “Yes, I will be having dinner with Archer tonight.” I’m so happy that despite Sabrina being a

human she accepted Archer. A part of me thought she would be afraid and run when she found out

what we are.

“Sabrina I’m going to head back to the office and finish some paper work but I’ll be back in an hour to

take you and Gabby to the main house.” Archer is still holding Gabby and he looks so natural as a

father. “Can I come to dinner Archer” Gabby says in her sweet little voice. “Of course, little one we will

all have dinner together.” I love my brother, Sabrina and Gabby are very lucky. Gabby wraps her arms

around his neck and he hugs her before he sets her on her feet. He turns to Sabrina and he kisses her

forehead before walking out of the cottage

Tracey POV

As soon as Archer is gone Sabrina sets Gabby up at the table with a snack and comes back to sit

down with us. “You better spill all the details of what happened.” She laughs “it’s hard to explain Tracey

but let’s just say that Archer was very convincing why I should go out with him.” “Have you seen him it

shouldn’t have taken too much convincing.” “Hello I’m sitting here” Willow says and we both laugh. I’m

glad that the a**hat will not take Sabrina’s happiness away for to long. “Sabrina I’m glad you’re giving

Archer a chance and not holding Greg’s mistakes against him.” She smiles “Tracey after I lay Gabby

down for her nap, I need to tell you something else with Willow’s help.” “You know you can tell me

anything.” She heads to take Gabby for her nap and returns about fifteen minutes later.

“Let’s go outside to the back of the cottage.” “I have the monitor so I can hear Gabby.” I follow her and

Willow. “Tracey, I know what I’m about to say is going to sound crazy but you trust me right?” “You’re

talking crazy, we have been best friends since we were in high school.” “Of course, I trust you.” “You

can never talk about what you’re about to see.” I make the cross my heart motion “I promise whatever

you tell me I will take to the grave.” “Willow and Archer are werewolves.” I start to laugh “alright enough

of the jokes tell me what the secret is.” Willow starts to undress. “What the hell are you doing Willow?”

“I don’t want to rip my clothes.” “Guys do I really look that gullible.” The next thing that happens is

something out of the movies. Willow turns into a large silver wolf. I start to back up “what the f**?”

Sabrina POV

“Tracey it’s ok, it’s still Willow.” “She won’t hurt you.” Willow changes back and starts to get dressed.

“Tracey look at me” Willow says as she walks toward her. “Tracey are you alright?” “Am I alright you

just turned into a huge wolf.” “Tracey she is still the same Willow.” “Hell no, she is not, she is much

cooler.” “We can’t turn into a wolf.” I let go of the breath I was holding waiting for her reaction. Willow

laughs and wraps Tracey in a hug. We head back inside the cottage. I peek my head in and check on

Gabby before we all sit at the table to finish our discussion.

“I have so many questions” Tracey says. “Well, I can answer what happened with Archer but you’ll

have to ask Willow the werewolf specifics.” She nods and I tell her about being Archer’s mate. “That is

the f**king coolest thing I have ever heard.” “The goddess picks a mate for every wolf.” “I wish human

relationships worked like that, no more sh*tty dates.” I laugh “honestly I’m already starting to feel the

bond with Archer and it’s amazing.” “So, what happens next?” “We are going to get to know each other

and spend time before we take the next step.” “You’re crazy I would be up in his bed right now” Tracey

says. “Again, I’m sitting right here Tracey, that’s gross” Willow says. We both laugh and I love that I

have these women in my life to support me. My phone rings and I look down at the screen to see my

mother’s name flash across it. I let it go to voicemail because she isn’t going to ruin my mood with her

bullsh*t today.

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The phone dings that I have a voicemail. I put the phone to my ear to listen to the message. “Sabrina, I

need you to call me back immediately, it’s about your father.” My heart sinks and I dial the phone as

fast as I can. As soon as she picks up “what’s wrong with daddy?” “He’s gone and he won’t answer me

because of you.” I slow my breathing. “What the hell is wrong with you calling and leaving that kind of

message.” “If dad left you, it’s because of your choices mother.” “How could you be so selfish to ruin

everyone’s lives Sabrina?” I laugh “I guess I learned it from my mother.” I hang up and immediately dial

my father’s number. He picks up on the second ring.

“Hello sweetheart” he says. “Hi dad, where are you?” “I take it your mother called you.” “She did, are

you alright.” “I’m more than alright, I’m at peace.” “Where are you dad?” “I’m at a hotel in town until I

can figure out what to do next.” “I’m coming to get you and I’m not taking no for an answer.” “Ok

sweetheart, I’m at the Hilton.” As soon as I hang up, Tracey and Willow are waiting for answers. I tell

them about both calls. “I should have asked Archer first, do you think he will be ok if I bring my dad

here till we can make a plan for him.” “Sabrina you are the future Luna of the pack.” “Archer would

never say no to your father coming here.” “I will link him so he knows we are leaving the territory.” I nod

and head toward Gabby’s room. “Let her sleep Sabrina, my moms on her way.” I smile “thank you.”

Archer POV

I’m in my office finishing up the paperwork. “She accepted us, Archer.” “I know Brutus, it’s amazing.”

“How long do you think we will have to wait to mark and mate her.” “As long as it takes Brutus, we will

not rush her.” “She accepted us and I want her to be comfortable.” “The more time we spend with her

the stronger the bond will become.” “I know your right, I just want her to wear our mark.” “I do too but

we need to show her we are nothing like that a**hat.” Willow links me about going to get Sabrina’s

father. “Maybe I should take her Willow.” “Archer we are going to pick him up and coming right back.”

“Fine but if you’re not back in an hour I will be coming to find you both.” She laughs and cuts the link.

My office door opens and Levi comes walking in. “How was the run?” “It didn’t help, but I’ll survive.” “I

really am sorry that she ended up being your mate.” “Me too but hopefully the goddess has a bigger

plan.” “I would never choose her after what she did to my future Luna.” “I and this pack are lucky to

have you Levi and I believe the goddess does have a plan for you.” “So, what happened after I left.” I

feel bad telling him about my happiness when he is so miserable right now. “Archer, we have been best

friends since we were kids.” “Your happiness makes me happy, do don’t feel bad telling me something

good that happened.” I smile at this man that is my best friend and Beta. I tell him everything that

happened with Sabrina. “Oh, my goddess that’s amazing.” “I’m so happy for you Archer.”