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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 189
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 189

42 Decisions

Sherman POV

“Sir there is a Wesley at the front gate requesting to see the former king” the castle guard links me.

Brooklyn must sense my change in mood as she has a look of concern on her face. What the hell could

he possibly want? “I’ll be there in a moment.” I break the link and kiss Luna’s forehead before I hand

her to Brooklyn. “What’s wrong” she asks. “It seems William’s brother has come for a visit.” “Why do I

get the distinct feeling that him visiting isn’t a good thing?” “Considering I haven’t seen him since Luca

and I were children. I would definitely say it’s strange and suspicious. I won’t be gone long.” She nods

and I head for the gate. The guard looks nervous as I approach. I nod and he steps aside for me to

make my way outside the gate. Wesley looks like a slightly younger version of William. I don’t

remember much about him other than he seemed like an a**hole. “Wesley, what can I help you with?”

He gives me a glare before he schools his expression. “Your Sheldon, Luca’s friend right” he says. “It’s

Sherman and actually I’m the king’s second in command so I’ll ask you again what can I help you

with?” “I’m here to see my brother, William and my nephew.” “Unfortunately, that can’t happen today as

they are both very busy. You should try calling next time to set up an appointment.” “Excuse me, this is

still my kingdom you little sh*t.” There is the Wesley I remember. He always acted like an entitled d*ck.

“Actually, this is King Luca’s kingdom and as I said, he is busy. Call and make an appointment if you

wish to speak with them. Have a lovely day” I say and turn walking back behind the gate. I have a

feeling this won’t be the last we hear from him. I just wonder what the hell he is up to because it can’t

be anything good.

Nicholas POV

I try to focus as I fight the vampire but it’s difficult knowing Serina is dealing with the witch. I know

Serina’s is strong but she was struggling against the witch. Once I know that Serina is safe and

Maverick is here Ezra is ready to end this evil f**k. These ba**ards tried to take my pup. Ezra catches

him by the arm and starts to shake him. He manages to free himself. His arm is barely hanging on after

our attack. “You think if you kill me there won’t be others that will kill her. There will always be others

that want her power. You are just delaying the inevitable.” I lose all control and Ezra barrels toward him.

He tries to run and he almost makes it to the trees. I will never let him get away. I will kill anyone who

comes after my family. I will do whatever it takes to make Ella safe. Ezra reaches him just before he

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crosses the border and bites into his side. He begins to shake him and his screams fill the air. As soon

as they stop and we know he’s dead we drop him to the ground. We run as fast as we can back toward

the cottage. I say a prayer to the goddess that Maverick made it to Ella in time.

Maverick POV

I feel shock and relief when my hands wrap around the witch’s arms. She starts to thrash, trying to free

herself from me while holding on to Ella. I’m not sure why she didn’t teleport but I couldn’t be more

grateful. I manage to grab her by the throat and she seems to realize how much trouble she is truly in.

“Please just let me go. I’ll leave and I won’t come back.” “You tried to take a child from her family. You

should have never come here. Release Ella now” I say with a growl. She opens her hand and Ella runs

to stand next to her brother. I hear footsteps bounding up the stairs. Just before they reach us, the

woman screams out, scratching at her chest. The door flies open and I can scent Serina behind me,

but my eyes don’t leave the witch. “You can drop her now, Maverick”, Tabby says from behind me.

“Maverick, will you take my pups downstairs,” Serina asks. I turn and she has murder in her eyes. I nod

and Tabby throws me a pair of shorts. I slide them on and scoop the pups up in my arms. Ella buries

her head in my neck and I can see the concern on Levi’s face for his sister. As soon as we reach the

living room, Ruby, Lake, and Gabby rush inside. Gabby and Lake run up the stairs but Ruby walks over

and starts to rub circles on Ella’s back. “Hey sweet girl. You’re safe, no one is going to hurt you.” I

expect her to want Ruby to take her from me but she snuggles further into my chest. We walk over to

the couch and take a seat to wait.

The door flies open and Nicholas rushes inside. As soon as his eyes land on us, he rushes over, lifting

Levi in his arms. I can’t imagine how scary this must of been for Nicholas and Serina. I don’t have pups

and I felt crushed when I opened that door upstairs to see them both terrified. “Ella, your dad’s here” I

whisper in her ear. She lifts her head and her little cheeks are stained with tears. It makes Gaylen want

to rush back upstairs and rip that b**ch apart though we know that Serina has that covered. Nicholas

sets Levi down and lifts his daughter into his arms. “I’m so glad your safe little one.” “That lady was

scary, daddy.” “I know princess. I’m so sorry she scared you.” I turn to Ruby but I don’t speak my

question out loud. “I’m happy she didn’t, but I don’t understand why the witch didn’t teleport.” Ruby

smiles “Tabby blocked her powers so she couldn’t leave before you made it to her. How did you know

that the attack was a distraction?” “I didn’t really. Gaylen didn’t give me a choice. He took off because

he felt like something was wrong and I’m so glad that he did.” Ruby wraps her arms around me and

presses a soft kiss on my lips. A few minutes later, Tabby, Serina, Lake, and Gabby join us in the living

room. Serina pulls Ella into her arms without a word. Her eyes are a mix of every emotion from

sadness to anger. My heart breaks just looking at her. No one should have to worry about their pups

like this.

After we sit for a while, Autumn and Connor come to take the pups upstairs, so we talk about

everything that just happened. Before Connor can walk up the stairs, Serina has him wrapped in a hug.

Once they are gone, she walks straight to me and wraps me in her arms. “Thank you for saving my

pups. I can never thank you and Connor enough.” “You don’t owe me any thanks. You, Nicholas, Ella,

and Levi are my family. I will protect you all with everything I have in me.” We take our seats and Serina

seems to be deep in thought. That’s when I realize she must be linking with Nicholas.

Serina POV

After we spoke to the king and queen, I thought my mind was made up about remaining in our home.

This is my pack and I don’t want to be away from my family. I really believed that we would be able to

keep Ella safe, but after today I’m not so sure. I know we managed to stop those two from taking my

pup but what if next time we aren’t able to? If it wasn’t for Tabby’s spell, we wouldn’t even have known

they had crossed the pack border. The spell that protects the pack alerted us but they knew enough to

break the barrier at the same time, so they could make it to our cottage undetected. What if Maverick

and Ruby were at the office today? That witch would have my pup. I stop that train of thought because

thinking about my daughter being hurt or worse is making my wolf insane. It’s making me physically

sick. As if she knows I need her support Gabby comes to sit next to me wrapping her arm around me.

“Serina we will support whatever decision you and Nicholas make. I love you sissy and this will always

be your home. You have to do what’s best for you and your pups” she says looking between me and

Nicholas. “Every part of me wants to promise you that we will keep Ella safe but after today I can’t

make that promise. Your pups are like my own and I want them to be safe.” Tears slip down her cheeks

and my heart breaks at the thought of being away from her. I pull her into my arms. I say a prayer to the

goddess for guidance because I never want to feel like I did today again.

After everyone leaves, I can’t stop running through what happened today over in my mind. As I sit on

the couch next to my pups Nicholas links me. “Let’s get the pups ready for bed and then we will talk

about what to do next.” I nod and we give Levi and Ella their baths. I read them their stories before we

tuck them into their beds. As I close the door, the thought of leaving them alone in their rooms is almost

giving me a full blown panic attack. “Breathe Serina”, Ruby my wolf says. I take some deep breaths.

“We are going to get through this and keep our pups safe.” I know she is trying to make me feel better,

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but honestly, in this moment I don’t think anything can. “What do you think we should do, Ruby? I don’t

want to leave the pack but I don’t know if we can keep Ella safe alone.” “What about Maddox the king’s

brother? He is a tribid and he would be her personal guard.” “I know but what if they come for Levi or

Nicholas to get Ella? We can’t lose anyone, we won’t survive it.” She is quiet and I know she is as

afraid as I am. Nicholas takes my hand and leads me to our room. I leave the door to our room open so

I can see the pups doors. Nicholas stands without a word and goes to Ella’s room first. He brings my

pup in and lays her in our bed before he goes to get Levi. “Mama, daddy said we are having a slumber

party in your room tonight.” She is so innocent and happy. I want her to stay that way forever. I smile, I

love this man and the fact that he knows exactly what I need right now. Once he comes back, he kisses

my forehead before he slides in next to Levi. We snuggle in next to our pups. “Sleep Rina, we will talk

everything out tomorrow. Our pups are safe and I love you. Whatever happens we will be together”,

Nicholas says through our link. I doubt I will be able to sleep, but just having my world in this room is

enough to let me relax.

Luca POV

Jade is quiet as we get ready to return to the kingdom. We will be back in two days for the Alpha and

Beta ceremony, but I know leaving is hard after everything that happened. “Jade, are you alright with

heading back right now? I can feel how upset you are through our bond.” She wraps her arms around

me and I run my fingers through her hair. “Yes, I want to go back. I need to hold Luna.” I smile and

when I release her, we join Tabby, my father, and Gwen in the living room. My father wraps Gwen in a

hug. She will be returning with us after the ceremony. They are taking things slowly, but I’m glad he

isn’t being stubborn like me. Once they say their goodbyes, Tabby opens the portal and we step

through. We are in the hallway outside our wing. My father hugs Jade and then me. Our relationship

feels so much different now. I’m so grateful for everything that has happened. I take Jade’s hand and

lead her to get Luna from Sherman and Brooklyn. As soon as they open the door, Luna is already

reaching for Jade. “What am I chopped liver little one,” I say and everyone laughs. I lean in and kiss her

forehead. I’m just about to lead Jade to our room when Sherman stops me. “We had a visitor today.”

“Please don’t tell me Madelena returned because she is never going to be welcome here.” “No, actually

it was Wesley. He wanted to speak with you and your father.” I can’t help the growl that escapes me.

“What did he want?” “I’m not sure, Luca, but he is still the same a**hole he always was.” “I will let my

father know. I don’t want him let in at any time unless we are here to deal with him.” “Of course, I sent

him away and told him to make an appointment.” I chuckle “I’m sure that pissed him off.” Sherman

nods and I turn placing my hand on the small of Jade’s back leading her to our room. “Something isn’t

right Luca. First that b**ch comes to speak to you and now your father’s long lost brother”, Sebastian

says. A pit forms in my stomach. My father never said who my mother left him for. I pray that my

thoughts are wrong and it’s just a coincidence, but something tells me in my soul that I’m not wrong.