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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 178
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 181


Danica POV

“I came to talk to you, but I heard someone scream. It scared the hell out of me. What’s going on?” “I’m

sorry Archer. There is nothing wrong. I screamed because I was excited about,” Constance says, and I

cut her off. “She saw a mouse and freaked out. She doesn’t like mice.” He looks at me like he doesn’t

believe me, but he doesn’t push the issue. I need to be sure that I’m pregnant before I tell him anything.

I don’t even know if he will be excited about having a child after we have just mated. “Yep, I saw a

mouse. I’m a vampire who is afraid of mice” she says, rolling her eyes. I shoot her a look and she

stifles a laugh. “I’ll let you guys talk and go find my beloved”, Constance says. I’m grateful when she is

gone. I love my sister, but she is not very good at keeping secrets. Is that what I’m doing, keeping

secrets from the most important person in my life? That thought doesn’t sit right with me after all the

secrets my father kept. “Danica tell me what’s going on. You’re starting to worry me.” I lay my hand on

his face. I take a deep breath and bite the bullet. “I wasn’t feeling well this morning.” I see worry flash in

his eyes. I lead him over to the chair and put myself in his lap. “Archer, I’m not really sure how to say

this so I’m going to just say it.” He holds me tighter like he is scared I’m going to disappear. “Constance

didn’t scream because of a mouse. She screamed because we think I might be pregnant.” He stiffens

but stays quiet. I’m sure my heart is beating faster than it ever has. After a few seconds I can’t take his

silence anymore.

“Archer, please say something.” He looks into my eyes and I can see unshed tears. “You’re pregnant,

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I’m going to be a father.” He buries his head in my neck. “Archer, I need to take a test before we will

know for sure.” I go to stand up, but he holds me in place. “Archer, I have to get up to get the phone.

I’m going to call Constance to bring me a few tests.” He kisses me and carries me over to the phone. I

roll my eyes, but I don’t protest. I swear Constance must have run because she is knocking on the door

ten minutes later. The minute she steps inside she looks at Archer. “Did she tell you I’m not afraid of

mice?” I can’t help the laugh that escapes me. “Can I stay to find out with you two so I can find out if I’m

going to be an auntie,” Constance asks and I look at Archer. “Of course, you can” Archer says.

Goddess, I love this man. Constance hands me the tests and I head into the bathroom. Archer tries to

follow me and I turn halting him. “This part I can do myself.” He goes to sit on the bed and I close the

door to the bathroom. Once I’ve peed in the cup, I dip all three sticks. This is going to be the longest

three minutes of my life. I head back out into our room and Archer looks hopeful. “We have to wait now.

Why don’t you tell me what you wanted to talk about earlier.”

When Archer begins to tell me about the visitors sent by the king, I almost forget about the tests. “I

don’t understand why the Werewolf King would protect the coven even if we are allies with the Scarlett

Rose.” “I’m honestly not sure Danica. We need to talk to my father and Ruby. He wants to meet with all

of us including Jade.” “Alright, we can finish this discussion after you tell me if I’m going to be an auntie

or not.” I go into the bathroom and pick up the test without looking at it. I come back into the room

holding the test like it was a lifeline. “What does is say Danica” Archer asks. “I didn’t look yet.” “I should

be recording this. I have never seen you act like anything but a bad a**.” I shoot Constance a glare

before I finally flip the test over. The tears start to flow down my cheeks. Archer is on his feet and I flip

the results toward him. He lifts me into his arms and I hear the door close. I can’t believe this, I’m going

to be a mom.

Luca POV

I was grateful that Jade had helped Victor. I know why all the hospital staff flocked to my father, but one

life is not more important based on rank. Victor seemed to be hurt far worse than my father was. Jade,

like the true queen she is, explained that triage is to be used on all people in need of medical attention

once both Victor and my father were stable. Jade called for Tabby and she was able to help stabilize

Victor. The burns will take time, but his wolf should be able to heal him with the added help from Tabby.

I’m so grateful for my queen and her abilities. The doctor had determined that my father was dosed

with dragon’s orchid. It’s a potent poison that renders our dragons useless and can kill some weaker

dragons. My father is one of the strongest dragons I know and the fluids they are giving him are

working the poison out of his system. Jade went to check on Luna and take a shower. Victor is out of

the woods, but he still hasn’t woken up yet. I will forever be in his debt for what he did. I rest my head in

my hands trying to wrap my head around the fact that they were trying to kidnap my father. What did

they plan to do once they had them? Who is helping the council? What is their end game? I know one

thing for sure. All those involved will wish for death when I’m done with them. A moan brings me out of

my thoughts. I look at my father first, but he appears to be sleeping peacefully. I walk over to Victor’s

gurney and he moans again. “Victor, I will get the nurse to give you something for pain.” I link the nurse

to bring him something.

“Victor, I don’t know if you can hear me but I am forever in your debt for what you have done for me

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and my father.” I place my hand on his. “I know it doesn’t take your pain away but both those ba**ards

have paid with their lives.” “Thank you, my king” he says. His eyes flutter open and I’m grateful that he

is awake. “It is I that should be thanking you.” “I heard you when you spoke, King Luca. If you are truly

in my debt, the only thing I want is to be the one that ends the ba**ard that killed my sister.” I smile “I

can’t definitely make that happen, Victor, but I plan to do much more than that. Rest and we can

discuss everything when you’re healed.” I scent her before I see her. “Victor, I’m glad to see you

awake” Jade says to him. “Thank you for all you did for me, my Queen.” “Victor, I think you can call me

Jade right now.” He nods and the medicine seems to be taking affect as his eyes flutter shut. I pull Jade

into my arms and press a kiss to my fresh mark on her neck. “I love you, Jade.” She pulls back and

presses a soft kiss to my lips. “I love you, Luca.” I walk back over to my chair and pull her onto my lap. I

will feel better when I can speak to my father and know exactly what those two ba**ards said before

they tried to take him from the kingdom.

Madelena POV

“We were so f**king close to having that ba**ard and those idiots had to get caught by a rogue. William

was always so pathetic to allow those mutts to live anywhere near the kingdom. Just another reason he

was never fit to be king.” “I think it’s time you pay a visit to your baby boy, Madelena. Make sure you

make him believe that you are so sorry for abandoning him.” “It’s too soon after all that just happened. I

don’t think that is a good idea. We don’t know exactly what William and Luca actually know. If they get

wind that I was involved with the council, I won’t leave that castle alive.” He pulls me into his arms and

buries his head into my neck. “I would never put you in danger, my love. You are to be my Queen. We

will give it a few days, but this is our next move to take back what belongs to us.” I nod and he presses

his lips to mine.