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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 175
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 178

31 My Queen

Jode POV

After we spoke with the doctor ond nurses, I felt Luco’s guilt ond poin. Everything in me wonted to tell

him thot he didn’t need to feel thot woy. He hos no blome for whot hoppened to Cynthio. He couldn’t

hove known thot people he trusted would hurt his mote, but I knew whot I soid wouldn’t toke those

feelings owoy. I wos glod to know thot the hospitol stoff hod nothing to do with Cynthio’s deoth. Luco

didn’t hove to soy it, but I knew he needed time to himself to work through everything he wos feeling. It

killed me to leove him sitting olone in thot office, but this isn’t obout me. “I wont to comfort our mote”,

Zeldo soys ond whimpers. “We will, but we need to give him spoce right now.” I heod to Esme’s room

to check on her. Brooklyn ond Shermon ore still here. “How ore you feeling, Esme?” “A little tired, but

honestly I’m hoppy.” She is rubbing circles on Luno’s bock os she sleeps on her chest. “I know you

don’t know us well yet Jode, but you’re not only importont to Luco. You’re importont to me, Shermon,

ond the kingdom. Luco will be o better leoder with his foted mote by his side. I con tell thot you ore

kind, strong, ond fierce. He is olreody hoppier in the little bit of time you hove been with him. I’m just

glod thot I wos oble to stop Bloke from hurting you ond Luno.” She presses o kiss to the top of Luno’s

heod. “She is like my own hotchling. Cynthio ond I were friends ond I know she would love how you

hove occepted her doughter. She would wont Luco to be hoppy. You moke him hoppy.” “Thonk you,

Esme. Thonk you for protecting Luno ond hondling Bloke. Thonk you for occepting me os your fomily.”

She grips my hond ond I squeeze hers bock.

I scoop Luno up, needing to feel her close to me. She snuggles into my chest. I breothe in her scent

ond it gives me ond Zeldo o sense of peoce. We tolk o bit longer before I turn to Brooklyn ond

Shermon. “Do you think you would be oble to keep Luno for tonight?” Brooklyn roises her eyebrows ot

me ond I con’t help but lough. “Of course, we con” Shermon soys. “I hove one more fovor to osk. Could

you stoy in our wing with Luno ond moke sure there ore guords posted ot eoch entronce, Shermon.”

Brooklyn stonds ond comes to sit next to me. “Of course, my Queen”, Shermon soys, ond I shoot him o

glore. “Sorry but my drogon recognized your orders ond responded occordingly.” “Just know thot I om

Jode to you, but I oppreciote your drogons respect.” He nods ot me. Brooklyn wrops her orm oround

me. “Jode, pleose toke the time you need with your mote. We will moke sure thot Luno is sofe.” I kiss

Luno’s heod before I hond her to Shermon. I wrop Brooklyn ond Esme in hugs before I heod to our

room. I toke o quick shower ond put on o silk nightgown ond o robe before I wolk toword Luco’s office.

His scent is invoding my nose even before I open the door. Zeldo is proncing in my mind ond I chuckle.

I knock ond push the door open.

He looks into my eyes ond it gives me the strength to wolk over ond stroddle him. As he corries me

toword our room, I bury my nose in his neck, plocing soft kisses. His low growl tells me he is enjoying

my touch. Once we ore inside the room ond he locks the door behind us, he lowers me to the floor. I

look up into his beoutiful blue eyes. “I, Jode Sobrino Soloce, occept you, Luco Corter Willioms, os my

mote ond King.” His eyes dorken ond I know Sebostion is ot the surfoce. He pulls me close to him. “I,

Luco Corter Willioms, occept you, Jode Sobrino Soloce, os my mote ond Queen.” I feel the bond even

more with our offirmotions. He sloms his mouth down on mine ond this kiss is different. It is needy ond

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filled with desire. He is pouring oll his wont into this kiss. I feel the robe slide off my shoulders ond it

drops to the floor. His honds room my body ond I con feel wetness pooling in my core. He pulls bock

ond I know he con scent my orousol. “You smell so good little mote” he soys in o mix of his ond

Sebostion’s voices. He sends o shiver down my spine.

Jade POV

After we spoke with the doctor and nurses, I felt Luca’s guilt and pain. Everything in me wanted to tell

him that he didn’t need to feel that way. He has no blame for what happened to Cynthia. He couldn’t

have known that people he trusted would hurt his mate, but I knew what I said wouldn’t take those

feelings away. I was glad to know that the hospital staff had nothing to do with Cynthia’s death. Luca

didn’t have to say it, but I knew he needed time to himself to work through everything he was feeling. It

killed me to leave him sitting alone in that office, but this isn’t about me. “I want to comfort our mate”,

Zelda says and whimpers. “We will, but we need to give him space right now.” I head to Esme’s room

to check on her. Brooklyn and Sherman are still here. “How are you feeling, Esme?” “A little tired, but

honestly I’m happy.” She is rubbing circles on Luna’s back as she sleeps on her chest. “I know you

don’t know us well yet Jade, but you’re not only important to Luca. You’re important to me, Sherman,

and the kingdom. Luca will be a better leader with his fated mate by his side. I can tell that you are

kind, strong, and fierce. He is already happier in the little bit of time you have been with him. I’m just

glad that I was able to stop Blake from hurting you and Luna.” She presses a kiss to the top of Luna’s

head. “She is like my own hatchling. Cynthia and I were friends and I know she would love how you

have accepted her daughter. She would want Luca to be happy. You make him happy.” “Thank you,

Esme. Thank you for protecting Luna and handling Blake. Thank you for accepting me as your family.”

She grips my hand and I squeeze hers back.

I scoop Luna up, needing to feel her close to me. She snuggles into my chest. I breathe in her scent

and it gives me and Zelda a sense of peace. We talk a bit longer before I turn to Brooklyn and

Sherman. “Do you think you would be able to keep Luna for tonight?” Brooklyn raises her eyebrows at

me and I can’t help but laugh. “Of course, we can” Sherman says. “I have one more favor to ask. Could

you stay in our wing with Luna and make sure there are guards posted at each entrance, Sherman.”

Brooklyn stands and comes to sit next to me. “Of course, my Queen”, Sherman says, and I shoot him a

glare. “Sorry but my dragon recognized your orders and responded accordingly.” “Just know that I am

Jade to you, but I appreciate your dragons respect.” He nods at me. Brooklyn wraps her arm around

me. “Jade, please take the time you need with your mate. We will make sure that Luna is safe.” I kiss

Luna’s head before I hand her to Sherman. I wrap Brooklyn and Esme in hugs before I head to our

room. I take a quick shower and put on a silk nightgown and a robe before I walk toward Luca’s office.

His scent is invading my nose even before I open the door. Zelda is prancing in my mind and I chuckle.

I knock and push the door open.

He looks into my eyes and it gives me the strength to walk over and straddle him. As he carries me

toward our room, I bury my nose in his neck, placing soft kisses. His low growl tells me he is enjoying

my touch. Once we are inside the room and he locks the door behind us, he lowers me to the floor. I

look up into his beautiful blue eyes. “I, Jade Sabrina Solace, accept you, Luca Carter Williams, as my

mate and King.” His eyes darken and I know Sebastian is at the surface. He pulls me close to him. “I,

Luca Carter Williams, accept you, Jade Sabrina Solace, as my mate and Queen.” I feel the bond even

more with our affirmations. He slams his mouth down on mine and this kiss is different. It is needy and

filled with desire. He is pouring all his want into this kiss. I feel the robe slide off my shoulders and it

drops to the floor. His hands roam my body and I can feel wetness pooling in my core. He pulls back

and I know he can scent my arousal. “You smell so good little mate” he says in a mix of his and

Sebastian’s voices. He sends a shiver down my spine.

Luca POV

She is so responsive to my touch and her scent is making it hard for me to go slow. I reach down,

pulling the straps over her shoulders and the nightgown drops to the floor. She is standing before me in

a white thong. If I don’t calm down, I’m going to embarrass myself. She reaches her hands underneath

my shirt and the sparks go right to my c**k. I pull the shirt over my head and I watch as her eyes

darken. She takes me by surprise when she leans forward and runs her tongue over my abs. I hiss at

the contact. “Jade” I say in warning. When she reaches her hand toward my waistband, I grip her hand.

“Jade, if you touch my c**k with that soft hand I’m going to lose all control. I’m already on the edge. I

need to worship you and if I lose control that won’t be happening.” The smirk on her face makes me

realize she is trying to torture me. “Maybe I want you to lose control.” Sebastian pushes forward but I

manage to push him to the back of my mind. I bring her hand to my mouth and suck her fingers into my

mouth. She moans and that is all it takes for my control to snap. I scoop her up, tossing her on the bed.

I pull down my pants and boxer briefs in one motion. Her eyes get big when they land on my c**k.

My smirk fades when she licks her lips like I’m her next meal. Goddess, I love this woman. She is so

perfect. “Luca please” she says and I climb up her body. I press my lips to hers before I make my way

down her body. Licking her left n**ple before I suck it into my mouth. She moans and arches her back. I

move to her right n**ple and snake my hand down her body, finding her cl*t. I begin rubbing circles as I

continue my assault on her breasts. They are amazing and all mine. I kiss down her belly and when I

reach her core, I take a deep breath in. Her scent is intoxicating and my c**k is hard as a rock. I look up

and she makes eye contact with me. “Watch me beautiful, watch me taste what’s mine.” I lick deep into

her core and her eyes never leave mine. She moans and I circle my tongue around her cl*t. “Luca, it

feels so good.” I place a finger at her entrance and begin to move in and out while I suck her cl*t. Her

screams fill the room and I love to hear my name on her lips. “C*m for me my queen”, I say, and she

falls over the edge, soaking my face in her juices. I love her taste on my tongue and I lick her p**sy

clean before I move back up her body. Her eyes are dazed and I press my lips to hers, allowing her to

taste herself on my lips.

“Luca please, I need you inside me” she pleads. “Your wish is my command, my queen”, I say as I line

myself up at her entrance. I rub the tip of my c**k in her juices and she moans again. I know she is a

virgin and I know this will hurt her, which kills me. “Jade, this is going to hurt, but I’ll do my best to make

it quick. It will only be pleasure once I’m in and you adjust, I promise.” “Luca, I want you inside me. I

can handle it. Please make me yours.” I kiss her and start to press forward. When I feel her barrier, I

push forward harder. Her whimpers kill me and I still when I’m completely seated deep in her body. Her

walls are so tight and I love the way she feels wrapped around my c**k. Nothing has ever felt this good.

“Move Luca, please” she says. She doesn’t have to say it twice. I start to pump into her and her moans

are like music to my ears. “Jade, you feel so amazing. You are mine. Mine to love and mine to keep” I

say as I pump into her. I can feel she is getting close. “Mark our mate now”, Sebastian says. “I’m going

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to mark you as mine Jade.” She turns her neck, giving me access to her marking spot as she continues

to moan. My canines elongate and I bite down, marking her as mine. I will never let her go. I will never

let anyone take her from me. I feel the sharp piercing pain of her canines in my skin before the

pleasure becomes too much. I empty my seed deep in her body. The bond is complete and I feel

whole. She is mine and nothing will change that. “Look who isn’t a dips*t anymore. Glad to have the

king back”, Sebastian says, and I can’t help the chuckle that escapes me.

Jade looks at me with a confused expression. “I wasn’t chuckling at what we just did. That was

amazing and I plan to do that to you every day for the rest of our lives.” “Good, because I’m going to

need to feel you inside me every day.” I growl at her words and my c*ck twitches inside her p**sy. “So,

what were you chuckling about?” “Sebastian is glad I’m not being a dips*t anymore and I accepted you.

I love you Jade and I will until my last breath.” I see tears in her eyes and I kiss them away. “I love you

Luca. I will love you with everything I have. I will do my best to rule by your side and raise Luna. I will

be grateful for you and Luna every day of my life.” I stand up, taking her with me. This night is far from

over. I plan on showing her exactly how much I love her. I walk into the bathroom and set her on her

feet while I adjust the shower spray. I turn and see her staring at her mark in the mirror. I love seeing

my mark on her neck. I come up behind her, wrapping my arms around her. “It’s beautiful and it shows

everyone that you are mine.” It’s our animal counterparts with a royal crown above them. “You are

mine” she says as she turns in my arms and I lift her so she can wrap her legs around my waist. We

walk into the shower and she kisses my lips. “Put me down, it’s my turn to taste you.” I smile and do as

she says. Life with this woman will never be boring.

William POV

As I sit at my desk, I think about all that has happened. How did I not realize how evil the council had

become? I’ve known these men since Luca was born. I haven’t been the best father, but I would never

intentionally hurt my son. A knock sounds on the door and brings me out of my thoughts. “Come in”, I

say, and the door opens. Ernest and Jacob walk in and everything in me wants to growl at these

ba**ards but I control myself and my dragon. “What can I help you with, gentlemen?” “We need to

speak to you about Luca. It seems that he will not listen to reason and is set on going against the rules

of our kind. We know that you are not happy about him being mated to the mutt, so we are here to

propose a plan to get rid of her.” “Kill them both”, Harris says, and I push him to the back of my mind. I

will not allow them to hurt Luca or Jade. “So, you two were involved in Cynthia’s death and the

kidnapping of Luna?” Jacob smiles “we will do what is necessary to protect the kingdom. The council

believes that Luca is no longer fit to rule. If we remove these obstacles, then maybe he will once again

become the king we deserve.” I growl and they both drop their gaze. “My son is the king and nothing

will change that. You will not hurt my family any more than you already have.” Jacob manages to look

back into my eyes and his smile causes a sick feeling in my stomach. I try to link but I can’t get through

to Luca. They both lunge at me and I start to fight. I’m still strong but there is two of them. I’m just about

to release my dragon’s breath at Jacob when I feel a pinch in my next. They both step back and I can

feel whatever they pumped into me taking effect. I fall to the floor and I can feel the darkness

surrounding me. “You should have helped us because now you will die just like that pathetic mutt.”

Goddess, please don’t let them hurt my son or his mate.