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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 171
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 174

27 They Aren’t Happy

Connor POV

“Autumn, I’m not sure what I am supposed to do with all of this information that I just learned. Up until

an hour ago, I had no idea that werewolves even existed. Now I find out not only do they exist, but that

you’re my mate. You’re beautiful and I know you’re caring. You healed Gwen and I am so grateful for

that.” She cuts me off before I can finish. “I understand Connor that this is all too much. This is not your

world and you don’t know me. I will help you make the formal rejection and once that is done, I will take

away your knowledge of the supernatural. You can go back to living your life the way you see fit and

choose a human mate.” What the hell is she talking about? I grip her hand in mine. “Autumn, you’re

doing it again” I say with a little irritation in my voice. “You’re making assumptions about what I’m

feeling and doing without letting me finish.” A blush creeps up her cheeks and she looks even sexier. I

shake those thoughts away. I need to make her understand what I’m saying. “I have no intention of

rejecting you or this relationship. I just need some time to understand all of this.” The shock on

Autumn’s face is comical. “You want to be my mate?” “Autumn, I am an ordinary human. Do you want

me to be your mate?” A growl comes out of this beautiful woman and I can’t help but laugh. Her eyes

turn dark and her next words send a jolt to my c*ck. “You are mine” she says, but her voice is deeper

and carries authority. Her eyes return to their beautiful blue color.

“I’m sorry, Summer is very possessive of you already.” “Summer, is your wolf” I say like a question.

“Yes, she is, and to answer your question, we both want you as our mate.” “Can I meet her?” “We

would like that if you’re ready for it.” “I already met Gemma, so it seems only right that I meet my own

wolf mate.” I swear it sounds like a purr this time and Autumn slams her hand over her mouth. Her

cheeks are bright red and I can’t help but smile. She starts for the door, but I stop her. “Before we head

outside, I want to say something about my past.” “Connor, you don’t owe me an explanation about your

past.” I shoot her a look and she makes the motion of zipping her lips. “I know Maverick thought that I

had a lot of s*xual partners and I never corrected him because it didn’t bother me, but I need you to

know that isn’t true. I am not a virgin, but I’ve only been with a few women.” I can see Autumn’s eyes

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flickering back and forth between her blue color and black. “Autumn, what’s wrong?” “Let’s just not talk

about you touching any other women. Wolves have a tendency to be jealous and possessive of their

mates.” I don’t know if I should ask this, but curiosity gets the better of me. “Autumn, have you been

with other men?” Just the thought of another man touching her pisses me off. I have no right to feel that

way, but I do. I have never been a jealous guy when I was with other women, but Autumn feels different

even if I’m not a wolf. “No, I have saved myself for you” she says and heads out of the room without

another word. Holy sh*t, Autumn is a virgin and she has waited for me. My brain and body are on


I head downstairs and Autumn is waiting at the bottom. Autumn’s mother is smiling at me. “I knew you

were special. The goddess doesn’t make mistakes.” “Mom, Connor is accepting the bond, but we are

going to spend some time getting to know each other. This is a lot for him.” I wrap my arm around her

waist shocking myself a little. I hear a growl and look past Tabby at Autumn’s father. “Johnathon, he

can touch her anytime he wants to. He is her mate. Get over it.” I can’t help the chuckle that escapes

me and Johnathon shoots daggers in my direction. “Don’t worry about him” Tabby says, and we head

outside. She leads me behind the cottage and up a path that leads to a clearing. She releases my hand

and takes a few steps away from me. I’m shocked when she begins to remove her clothes. I mean it

makes sense because she is changing into a wolf. Actually, none of this makes sense, but here I am.

She is the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. Her body is perfect and when she clears her

throat, I look back into her beautiful blue eyes. I watch as this petite gorgeous woman changes into a

beautiful silver wolf. I feel a little fear of her size, but I know in my heart she won’t hurt me.

Luca POV

“Luca, I just wanted Jade to understand why I feel it’s a bad idea for you two to complete the bond. It is

nothing against Jade.” I growl “don’t you ever talk to my mate without me present again. You may be

my father, but I will protect her against everyone, including you.” I take Jade’s hand and lead her to my

office. I am trying to keep Sebastian under control. When I went back to our room looking for Jade and

she was gone, I felt panicked. I immediately went to Esme’s room and when she told me that Jade was

with my father, I couldn’t imagine what the hell he was thinking. He has no right to speak to Jade,

especially after the way he has acted since she arrived. Once we are in the office, Jade walks over and

lays Luna in a playpen I have set up in the corner. I immediately pull her into my arms and breathe in

her scent. Once I feel calmer, I pull back. “What the hell were you thinking about going to his office

without me?” At first, she looks confused but then she looks pissed. “Luca, I am not a child. I am very

capable and I knew your father didn’t want to hurt me.” “How could you possibly know that after the

way he has acted?” “I am an empath and the emotion your father was feeling when he asked to speak

with me was sadness and concern.” “Concern for the f**king kingdom. That is all he is ever concerned

about.” Her face softens and she takes my hand, leading me over to the couch.

“Luca, I will never put myself or Luna at risk. I know you were worried about completing our bond

because you were afraid of losing me like you lost Cynthia.” “I can’t lose you Jade. I need you and

Luna to be safe.” “I think you need to talk to your father. There is a lot you don’t know and it will help

you understand each other better.” I pull her onto my lap and bury my face in her neck. “I don’t know

how I got so lucky, but I’m glad that the goddess picked me for you.” I press my lips to hers and deepen

the kiss pouring all the love I have for her into this kiss. I can’t wait to mark her as mine. I’m ready to be

done with this meeting and take her back to our room. I pull back and press my forehead against hers.

“Thank you for not giving up on me.” I press a soft kiss to her and a knock makes her chuckle. “Come

in”, I say. Sherman and Brooklyn walk in and I can see their fresh marks. I’m happy for Sherman that

he found his mate too. I hope Esme does soon. She deserves to have the other half of her soul.

“Congratulations” I say as Jade and I stand from the couch. She rushes over and wraps Brooklyn in a


When Brooklyn pulls back, she looks at Jade’s neck and I hate that she doesn’t bear my mark, but that

will change very soon. She wraps Sherman in a hug and I grab her around the waist, bringing her

against me. I don’t want her smelling like any man but me. She laughs and I truly love that sound. “It’s

time to head to meet with the council Luca” Sherman says. I look at Jade and she smiles. “I’m ready”

she says, and I take her hand. Brooklyn brings Luna and we head down the hallway. This time all the

council members are present with the exception of Timothy. I have Jade’s hand in mine and I don’t

miss the looks of disdain from some of the council members. My father walks in and takes his seat in

the front. “I have called this meeting for two reasons. The first is to inform you that Timothy will no

longer be the lead council member as he has conspired against me. Both Timothy and Monica

orchestrated the abduction of my daughter and the murder of a loyal rogue wolf.” “What proof do you

have of this” Blake says. “Monica admitted to what she had done and her father’s involvement.” “I find it

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hard to believe that she would admit to this, knowing what the penalty would be for such actions”

Ernest says. “Are you calling your king a liar” I say with a growl. “Of course not, your majesty. We just

want to make sure your judgment hasn’t been clouded” he says, looking at Jade.

This time my growl shakes the room. Jade wraps her hand around my forearm, helping to calm me.

“King Luca, you must understand our concern. You are standing before us with a wolf by your side. You

can’t really expect us to accept this union. She is not of our kind and cannot be our Queen.” “She is my

goddess given mate and she will be my Queen unless one of you wants to challenge me for the

crown.” I stare at each of them and they drop their gaze. “I am the king and I don’t need anyone’s

permission to take my queen as I have made it perfectly clear in the past. Jade and I will be completing

the bond and we will have her formal ceremony in the coming weeks.” The men get up without another

word and leave the room. “Father, can I see you in my office?” He nods and I turn to Jade. She smiles

and I will never tire of seeing that look on her face. “Why don’t you go with Sherman, Brooklyn, and

Esme to get something to eat while I talk to my father.” I lean down and kiss her lips. She takes Luna

from Brooklyn and they head in the direction of our wing to get Esme. Once my father and I reach my

office, we both have a seat. “Luca, I’m sorry” is the first thing my father says and I don’t think I’ve ever

heard those words from him. I hope whatever he is sorry for is something I can forgive.

Jade POV

We walk back to Esme’s room. She wraps me in a hug. She is definitely happy to see me. I know she

was worried when I went to speak with William. I hope that William is honest with Luca. We walk into a

huge dining room and all eyes are on us. Brooklyn and I haven’t been announced yet, but if the

kingdom is anything like the pack, most people know who we are. Esme and I take a seat at the table

while Sherman and Brooklyn go to get our food. Luna starts to fuss and I didn’t even think about

grabbing her bottle when we went to get Esme. I stand and Esme looks confused. “I need to grab her

bottle. I’ll be right back.” She starts to stand and I don’t have the heart to tell her I’ll be fine. She tells

Sherman we will be right back and we head to mine and Luca’s room. I grab what I need for Luna and

head back into the hallway. Esme isn’t there and I can feel anger and hate even though I can’t see

anyone. I grip Luna to my chest and I really wish Luca and I had mated and marked last night at this

moment. I move down the hallway quickly, hoping to reach Luca’s office. “What’s the matter mutt?

Scared of the big bad dragons”, the man Luca called Blake says as he steps out of a room and blocks

me from moving forward. “Where is Esme?” He chuckles “you better worry about yourself mutt instead

of that useless b**ch?”