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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 166
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 169

22 Do You Want Me

Luca POV

As I watch Sherman accept his goddess-given mate, my heart aches. I’m so happy for him and I know

Esme is too. I know he’s right that Cynthia would want me to be happy, but I still feel like I’m betraying

her. She never got to have time with Luna. The time to be the amazing mother I know she would have

been. I watch Jade holding Luna and it pulls at my heart. She will be an amazing mother to Luna. I

want Jade with everything in me. Not because of Luna, but because she is my mate. I want to give into

the bond, but I can’t say I’m not afraid. Losing Cythina almost killed me and we were not fated to each

other. If anything happened to Jade, I wouldn’t survive. The goddess chose her and everything about

her is attractive. She is gorgeous, but it’s more than that. I can already tell she will challenge me and

not be like many women who just want me for the title. My father won’t be happy with our mating

because he expects me to have a ranked dragon mate. A strong dragon to become queen. He wants

me to choose Monica. I don’t care what he wants. I chose Cynthia despite his opinion and mating Jade

is my choice, not his. I need to talk to her and try to make this right. I’m not ready to mate and mark, but

I’m not willing to let her go even if I have been an a**. “Look who finally pulled his head out of his a**”

Sebastian says. I don’t even respond to him. Brooklyn leaves with her parents. I’m glad that Jade will

have someone she is close to returning with us if I can convince her to come.

Her father is shooting me death glares. In any other situation, I would take it as a challenge and show

him who is the Alpha, but I would be the same way if someone was hurting my daughter. Especially if

that someone was supposed to protect her from pain. “Can I speak with Jade” I ask and I’m grateful

when she nods to her parents. The door closes and my resolve starts to falter. What if she rejects me

for acting like a jerk? “What if she doesn’t? I’ve never known you to back down from anything. Now is

not the time to start”, Sebastian says. He is definitely right. She is too important to let my fear stop me.

My eyes meet Jade’s, but they give nothing away. “What did you want to speak about Luca?” My name

on her lips sounds so right. “I’m sorry for how I acted earlier.” She looks shocked at my omission. “I’m

sure you realize that you are not my first mate” I say looking down at my sleeping daughter. She nods

and I continue. “I took Cynthia as a chosen mate a year ago. She was not a ranked dragon, which was

a point of turmoil between me and my father. The council wasn’t happy either. I chose her because we

fell in love and her rank was not important to me.” I expect to see hurt in her eyes when I say that I

loved Cynthia, but there is only sympathy.

“What happened to her” she asks and I hate the answer. “She died giving birth to Luna. My father

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insisted her body wasn’t strong enough to handle the royal hatchling pregnancy because she was

weak.” I drop my head, feeling the guilt all over again. A hand on mine brings me back to the here and

now. “What happened was not your fault and I don’t think your father is right about Cynthia being

strong.” I can’t help the smile at her kind words. She doesn’t move her hand and I’m glad. “That was

three months ago. Luna is all I have left of Cynthia and when I saw you today it scared me.” “Luca, I

wish you would have just talked to me instead of acting like a jerk.” I can’t help the laugh. “I don’t think

anyone has ever called me a jerk to my face.” “Well, I won’t apologize for telling you how you were

acting but I do understand your reaction now. Luca, I understand if you want to reject this bond.” “No” I

say harsher than I mean to. “Jade, I want you to come back with me. I would like to get to know you

and in time accept the bond.” She smiles at first but then she looks down at Luna and her smile fades.

She pulls her hand away from mine and I miss her touch. “This change of heart wouldn’t have anything

to do with Luna wanting to be around me, would it? I will care for Luna because she is important to me,

but I don’t want you to say these things if you truly don’t mean them. I would never want our bond built

on Luna’s needs.” I hate that she thinks I only want her to come back with me because of Luna. “Jade,

I love that my daughter imprinted on you and she knows how important you are, but that has nothing to

do with what I just said. I want you to be my mate and my queen. I want you and I’m sorry that I need

time” she cuts me off. “I am fine with waiting as long as you truly want me.” “I guess the question is, do

you want me, Jade?” She places her hand back on mine. “I wanted you the moment I saw you. I will

wait as long as you need. I want to be your mate, Luca. I want to help you raise Luna. I will treat her

like she is my own pup and we will honor Cynthia’s memory. She will know her mother.” I stand and

help Jade to do the same. I wrap her in a hug without squishing Luna and her scent gives me peace. I

know in my heart that she was meant to be mine. “I’m going to go get my things around and I will come

find you for lunch.” She leans up and kisses my cheek before she places Luna in my arms. I start the

walk back to the room and Luna doesn’t make a peep. “Alright little one, I got it. I agree Jade is our

family now. Now we just need to tell your grandfather.”

Jade POV

As I hear Luca say he wants the bond with me, I have never been so happy. I thought for sure he

wanted to talk to me to speak about his formal rejection. I would have been devastated but I would

have accepted if that was what he wanted. I don’t want to have to beg my mate to choose me. My heart

broke to hear him talk about Cynthia and I understand why he was so upset when we first met. I was

happy about going with him, but I don’t want to be asked purely because Luna seems to have become

attached to me. I would do anything for this little girl, but I don’t want him to choose me because of

Luna. I want him to want me. I was shocked when he asked if I wanted him. I nearly jumped out of my

seat. Zelda was dancing in my mind and I didn’t have to think about my answer. I want him with every

part of me and I understand him wanting to wait. When he wraps me in the hug, I resist melting into him

not only because of Luna, but I want to respect his wishes. We will get to know each other before we

move forward. I kiss his cheek before I head out of the office. It doesn’t escape me that Luna doesn’t

cry this time and I smile to myself.

“I hope that smile means that the bonehead, came to his senses”, Ruby says and I burst out laughing.

“Did you just call the king of dragons a bonehead?” “Yes, I did.” My father wraps his arm around her

shoulder “that’s my daughter.” My mother rolls her eyes but looks to me for an answer. “We will be

taking things slowly, but we have both decided to accept the bond.” My mother wraps me in a hug. I

pull back and I can see sadness in their eyes despite the smiles. I’m going to miss them too. I can’t

imagine not seeing my family every day. Ruby pulls me into a hug. “I’m so happy for you. I’ll miss you.”

“Why would you miss her” Tabby’s voice comes from behind them. I pull back, smiling at my aunt.

“Brooklyn and I will be going to the dragon kingdom to be with our mates.” “That’s wonderful but there

is no reason for anyone to be sad.” We all look at her confused. “The kingdom isn’t close like the coven

Aunt Tabby. I won’t see you guys all the time.” “The hell you won’t. When you’re ready to come to visit,

you rub the necklace and I will open the portal.” I smile and so does everyone else. I rush over and

wrap her in a hug. “Thank you, that’s amazing. I would hate not to see you guys and now my uncles

can stop pouting.” Everyone laughs and I head toward the cottage.

I look around at the cottage I have shared with Ruby these last two years. I love my family and I’m so

grateful I will still get to see them. Once I’ve packed what I need, I head back to the pack house to have

lunch with everyone. Sherman has his arm around Brooklyn, Luca is holding a very awake Luna, and

my family are here. It’s the best way for us to say goodbye. I just wish that Archer and Wesley were

here too. As if my wish conjured them, they appear with two women that I assume are their mates. I

rush over, wrapping Archer in a hug and a loud growl makes everyone laugh. I don’t need to look to

know who growled. “That’s her brother” I hear my mother whisper. I can’t help the smile that spreads on

my face. I pull back and Archer is smiling. “Sis, this is my mate Danica and Wesley’s mate Constance.”

I hug both the women before I hug Wesley. I take my seat next to Luca and he takes my hand. “Archer,

this is my mate, King Luca and that is Sherman, Brooklyn’s mate.” “I am just Luca to all of you.” We talk

for awhile and I watch Autumn smile but I know she is longing for Connor. He better not break her

heart. Human or not, I’ll kick his a**.

We say our goodbyes, which I hate, but at least now I know I can visit whenever I am missing my

family. I slide into the SUV next to Luna’s car seat. Esme is on the opposite side, telling me about the

kingdom. I can tell we will be good friends. She wanted to give Sherman and Brooklyn space, so she

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rode with us. I can tell that she truly is happy for them. As soon as we reach the airport, Luca leads me

to a huge jet. It’s amazing inside and I take seat next to Luna, which leaves two open seats across from

me. Luca takes the seat directly across from me and his leg is resting against mine. I know that

shouldn’t make my body heat up just from our legs touching, but it does. Zelda is purring and I’m trying

to keep my body under control, so he doesn’t smell my arousal. I look back at Luca and his eyes are

black. He leans forward so only I can hear him. “Little mate, you’re making it very difficult to control

myself when I can smell your arousal for me.” I can tell it’s Luca’s dragon speaking to me. “What is your

name mate” I try to change the subject. “Sebastian, little one and soon I will know exactly what your

arousal tastes like.” I clench my thighs together. “Sebastian, I think you better give control back to

Luca” I say and he chuckles.

He’s eyes return to their beautiful blue color and he is smiling. “Jade, you’re blushing.” “You gave him

control, didn’t you.” “Maybe” he says with a cocky grin. The rest of the flight was uneventful. I played

with Luna after feeding her and took a nap. A strong hand that causes tingles on my skin gently shakes

my shoulder. “Jade, we have arrived. I need to apologize ahead of time for anything my father may

say.” “I’ll be fine. I’m a pretty tough girl.” “I have no doubt of that.” He takes my hand and we leave the

jet followed by Sherman, Brooklyn, and Esme. I don’t know what I expected, but I’m grateful that there

isn’t many people here. We take a very short ride and arrive at a huge gate. I can see the castle

peaking over the top of a tall wall. The gate opens and we drive through. It’s amazing to see a city and

the castle sits in the middle. I know this isn’t going to be easy to have dragons accept me, but I’m

willing to do whatever it takes to be with Luca. Once we park, I take Luna in my arms. Luca places his

hand on the small of my back leading me inside. Brooklyn gives me a hug before she follows Sherman.

We walk down a hallway when I hear a masculine voice call out for Luca. We both turn and I can see

confusion on the face of an older version of Luca.

He doesn’t address me at first. “You found her. Thank the goddess” he says, touching Luna’s head.

“Why has this wolf returned with you and why is she holding my granddaughter?” Zelda growls but I

manage to hold her back. “Jade, this is my father, William. Father, this is my mate, Jade.” His eyes look

like they are going to pop out of his head. “Excuse me, did you just say that this wolf is your mate?”

“That is exactly what I said father. Honestly, I would like to get Jade settled so you can get to know her

at dinner.” “Luca, I want to see you in my office in ten minutes.” I can feel Luca’s anger. “I will be there

when I am finished helping Jade get settled.” William turns without a word and heads away from us.

“Well, that went better than I thought it would” Luca says and I chuckle. We start walking down the hall

again until we come to a large set of double doors. “This is our room. Even though we are taking this

slow, I would like to keep you close. Luna stays here also.” I nod, I want to be close to him, so I have

no problem sharing a room. He opens the door and I step inside and stop dead. I see red and if I

wasn’t holding Luna I would probably shift right now.