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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 16
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 19

19 It Can’t Be

Sabrina POV

I just dropped Gabby off at the daycare again. She loves her new teacher and friends. She talked my

ear off last night and during breakfast this morning about everything she did yesterday. I love to see her

be excited about the change. I’m trying to focus on her and not how screwed up everything that is

happening is right now. I’m glad she adjusted so quickly to the move and her new school. I should have

known she would. She is the happiest little girl. She is the best part of my time with Greg. I will do

everything in my power to not let any of this ugliness touch her. I take in the property as I walk back to

the cottage, it really is beautiful. I see a path that leads toward the woods and make a plan to take a

walk tomorrow after I drop Gabby off at daycare. I wonder how big it truly is here. I would love to

eventually find a place like the cottage we could stay in permanently. Just big enough for the two of us

with similar decor.

As I walk, I think about the visit I had with Fern last night after Gabby went to bed. I’ve always been a

private person because my mother thought talking about things that were wrong or not perfect was

unacceptable. My mother was always too worried about what people would think if I or our family

wasn’t perfect. When I wanted to be a nurse all she could talk about was why I wasn’t going to be a

doctor. When I married Greg she was thrilled, because his father was a prominent lawyer in our town

and Greg was a respected officer. All of her friends thought that Greg and his family walked on water

so she loved all that attention It was a win for her ego so everything that is happening now has to be

my fault not his. She sees this divorce as a failure on my part so I should make things right. I’m

surprised she didn’t ask me if I wasn’t f**king him wrong, so he had to go to other women. I shake

those thoughts away because she will never make me wonder if I’m doing the right thing in my life


Once I’m inside I head to the kitchen. As I pour myself a cup of coffee I think about the conversation

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and everything that I shared with Fern. She was kind and listened to how I felt about everything that

happened. Unlike my mother she was appalled by Greg’s behavior. She even told me I was doing the

right thing for me and Gabby. Those words meant more to me then she will ever know. When she told

me about her own husband and how long she stayed my heart broke for her. I’m glad she stood up for

herself no matter how long it took. No person deserves to be betrayed especially by someone who

promised to love them.

I put those thoughts away for now and focus on what I need to do. I take the laptop that Fern dropped

off for me this morning and place it on the table. When I told her mine was still at the house and I

wouldn’t be going back she showed up with it this morning before I took Gabby to school. I wanted to

start looking for jobs and see what kind of houses were for sale. I have some savings but I don’t want

to impose to long on Archer’s kindness. As soon as everything is settled with the divorce, I want of find

a house. I start to search for nursing jobs in Hawley which is two towns over from the house I shared

with Greg. I plan on setting up interviews next week. I love being a nurse and he will not take that from

me. I start to right down nursing facility and hospital numbers when there is a knock on the door. I

wonder if it’s Fern because Archer must be at the office by now.

Willow POV

I lead Tracey to the cottage that I know Sabrina and Gabby are staying in. I knock and Sabrina opens

the door with a shocked look on her face. “Oh my god I didn’t expect to see you guys.” She hugs us

both and we carry the food inside. “I hope you haven’t eaten because we brought you breakfast from

the cafe’ you like.” Her eyes light up and I set the box on the table. She flips open the box pulling out a

chocolate croissant. “You guys are the best.” I walk over and grab two mugs pouring Tracey and myself

a cup of coffee before I join them at the table. “So do you like the cottage?” “I do, I love it.” “It was like

someone made it just for me and Gabby.” I smile and she looks confused. “Tracey told me what you

and Gabby liked.” “Your favorite colors, Gabby’s books, and food.” “Archer wanted you two to be

comfortable.” “He did all that in a day for us.” “That’s my brother he takes care of people that he cares

about.” “I appreciate everything he has done for me and Gabby.”

“What are your plans for today because we came to hang out with you for a couple days if you’re up for

it?” “I really had no plans except looking for a new job and at houses on the computer.” “I was going to

take a walk up the path tomorrow to check out the property.” “No” I say harsher than I mean too.

Sabrina looks hurt. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean it that way, it’s just not safe there are a lot of wild animals

around the property.” “What kind of wild animals?” “Wolves have been spotted a lot.” “Very funny

Willow” Tamara my wolf says in my head but I ignore her. “Oh, ok I won’t then no big deal.” “How about

if we go out tonight?” “Willow, I have Gabby and I have no one to watch her besides I’m not in the

mood for a club.” “First of all, I meant to dinner and second of all my mother would watch her in a

second.” “I promise you will like my mom and she would take excellent care of her.” She laughs “I’ve

already met Fern and she is wonderful.” “Dinner sounds nice as long as your mom would stay with


“Good I’m going to head over to the house and I’ll set everything up while you and Tracey finish your

coffee.” I head toward the pack house and once I’m inside I find my mother in the kitchen. She is more

than happy to spend time with Gabby and I’m so happy my mother has a grand pup. “Mom, you don’t

have to tell me if you don’t want to but what made you break the bond with dad.” She smiles “let’s just

say that Sabrina and I have a lot more in common then I care to burden you with.” My heart breaks that

my father would do that to her. Chosen mate or not he should have stayed faithful. My father was

always a hard a** but he was still my father but I really don’t think I can forgive him for hurting her like

this. I can tell she doesn’t really want to talk about this so I hug her and head up to my brother’s office.

Archer POV

I’m sitting at my desk working on paper work for Alpha Brian to sign. He is supposed to visit my pack

for the first time in a few days to sign the finalized deal after some changes needed to be made. We

didn’t finish everything when I ran out of my office on him to protect Sabrina. Thankfully he was very

understanding since some Alphas would have taken it as a sign of disrespect. He is my age and seems

like minded. I’m glad he was willing to make an alliance with our pack especially after his father and

mine were not fond of each other. A knock sounds on the door and Willow comes in. “Always hard at

work.” I laugh “work is never done.”

She takes a seat and talks about her plans with Sabrina and Tracey later. “I wish you wouldn’t have

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suggested leaving the territory Willow.” “Archer I will be with her and I would never let anything happen

to her.” “I have no doubt but you have to be careful and not shift in front of humans.” She rolls her eyes

“speaking about humans, when do you plan on talking to her about being your mate and werewolves.”

“That was smooth Willow.” “Thank you, I try.” It’s my turn to roll my eyes at my little sister. “Please just

promise me that if anything happens you will call me immediately.” “I promise, now spill about when

you’re going to tell her.” “I gave mom the same answer, I don’t know yet.” “I am going to tell her so she

doesn’t find out and think I kept things from her.” “I think that’s a good idea.”

A few minutes later Levi comes in telling me about some rogues that were spotted outside the territory.

“Increase the patrol guard I don’t want any of them to make it into the territory with Sabrina and Gabby

here.” “I already did that Archer.” “Good and I want to be alerted immediately of anymore sitings.” He

nods and takes a seat next to Willow. A patrol guard links me that a car had been spotted on the road

that leads to the gate and they had been watching it until now. The car is now moving toward the gate. I

wait a few minutes while Levi and Willow stare at me waiting to be filled in on what’s going on.

A few moments later the guard links me again about a human demanding to see Sabrina. I growl “bring

them to my office now.” “Yes Alpha” he says and cuts the link. I whip my head in Willow’s direction.

“Someone must have followed you they are at the gate demanding to see Sabrina.” “Greg” she says on

a whisper. “No not that ba**ard or I would be down at the gate beating the s**t out of him.” “Then who

could it be?” I’m just about to answer when the knock comes on the door and the guard leads a woman

inside. Before I can even process what’s happening, Willow is out of her chair and has the woman

pushed up against the wall. I hear a growl and look to see Levi’s eyes are black. I hear the word “mate”

and Willow whips her head in Levi’s direction.

Levi POV

When Archer says there is a human at the gate my first thought is that ba**ard that was married to

Sabrina. I’m so happy when he says it’s not him because I don’t want to see Archer break werewolf

law. He can’t kill Greg for threatening his mate and Luna until they are bonded. Willow and I are waiting

for him to tell us who it is when I’m struck with the smell of summer rain. Damien is pacing in my head

and he growls “mate.” When the door opens the guard walks in followed by a beautiful red head. For a

moment I’m so happy to have found her until I see Willow pin her to the wall. Damien pushes to the

surface and growls. I push him back down and Willow whips her head in my direction when I say the

word “mate” out loud. “No f**king way Levi.” She looks broken and I know I’m about to be devastated.