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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 13
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 16

16 Meet Mom

Archer POV

After my mother leaves, I try to calm myself down before I tell Levi everything. “So that’s your mate and

pup.” I smile “yes their both amazing aren’t they.” “She is definitely beautiful.” I growl and he laughs.

“Seriously though Archer what are you going to do about her being human?” I look at him like he has

ten heads. “I’m going to love and accept her as mates do.” “Archer, I understand she is your mate but

this is a wolf pack what do you think they are going to think of a human Luna.” I growl and stand

slamming my hands on my desk. “She is my mate and any member of this pack that doesn’t like it can

leave and find a new pack including you.” He smiles and now I’m thoroughly confused.

“Archer do you really think that I wouldn’t support you and our future Luna.” “I will defend her with my

last breath just as I would do for you.” “Then what the hell was that all about?” “I want to make sure you

have resolve because there will definitely be people in this pack and others who don’t agree with your

choice.” I laugh “you’re lucky you stopped I would have hated to have to kick my best friends a**.” “I’m

more afraid of Brutus than I am of you.” “Next time we spar you remember that.” His smile falls and I

laugh again. We both sit back down and I tell him about Sabrina’s soon to be ex-husband. “He sounds

like a piece of sh*t.” “He definitely is and I have a feeling he isn’t just going to go away quietly.” “So,

what is your plan with him.” “Honestly, I’m not sure but I know that I will do everything in my power to

protect Sabrina from him.”

Sabrina POV

When Archer leaves, I set down the two bags we brought. I reach down picking Gabby up. “Let’s go

check out your room little one.” “I get two rooms because I’m special.” I laugh she forgets nothing.

“That’s right you are so special” I say and kiss her cheek. I head down the hallway and we open the

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first door on the right which is a cute little bathroom. It has a full tub and a beautiful slate colored vanity.

I close the door and we go to the across the hall from the bathroom. If I didn’t know any better, I would

think this room was designed for Gabby. It’s her two favorite colors purple and green. The minute she

sees it she squeals and wiggles out of my arms. She runs inside and jumps up on the bed. “I love my

room mama.” I laugh “it is a beautiful room.” “Are you going to come with me to see mine or are you

going to stay in your room?” She doesn’t even answer when she spots a bookshelf full of books. “I’ll

take that as a no” I say to myself. I leave the door open and walk about five feet to the last door in the

hallway. When I open it I gasp. It is so beautiful. I couldn’t have designed this room better if I did it


I go inside rubbing my hand down the comforter that is different shades of purple and black. I fall back

on the bed taking five minutes to just clear my mind of all the drama from today. I’m just sitting up when

I hear a knock on the cottage door. That could only be Archer, maybe he forgot to tell me something. I

head down the hall checking on Gabby when I walk past. She hasn’t moved from her spot by the

bookshelf. When I get to the door, I reach for the handle but I stop myself from opening it without

looking. I peek out the small window and a woman is standing there. As long as it’s not my soon to be

ex or my mother I’ll gladly open the door. I open the door and the woman with a warm smile says

“hello.” “Hello can I help you?” “I just wanted to meet you, I’m Fern Lyons.” “I’m Archer and Willow’s

mother.” “Oh my gosh please come in.”

She comes in and takes a seat on the couch. She sticks her hand out to shake mine. I take her hand

“Fern my name is Sabrina Piper.” Before I can say another word Gabby comes bounding out with her

favorite book. “Mama my book” she jumps in my lap. “Gabby, we have a visitor can you say hello to

Mrs. Lyons.” She holds up her hand. “Hello Gabby please call me Fern.” Gabby climbs off my lap and

goes to stand in front of Fern. “Hi Fern do you like this book?” She smiles “I’m not sure I’ve never read

it.” “Can I read it to you?” Gabby starts to jump up and down “yes please.” Fern pulls her onto her lap.

“Fern, would you like something to drink if I have it?” “Tea or coffee is fine.” I walk to the kitchen as I

listen to Fern read to my daughter. Unlike my own mother her aura puts me at ease. I’m able to find

everything to make tea so I make two cups. I set them down on the table in front of us.

“I’ll be right back” Gabby says before she runs out of the room. “Thank you for reading to her I’m sure

that’s not what you came for.” “Actually, I just came to meet you and Gabby.” “I can see where your son

and daughter get their kindness from.” “Thank you I appreciate that.” We both pick up our tea to drink.

A few seconds Gabby returns with an arm full of books. I laugh at my daughter’s enthusiasm. “Gabby

Fern isn’t going to read you all those books.” She turns to Fern with a pout on her face. “I’ll make a deal

with you, I will read one more now and as long as your here I will read you one book a night.” She

sticks her hand out to Gabby who takes it shaking it with vigor. I smile and Fern picks her up reading

her one more story before she gets up to leave. Gabby starts to clean up her books while I walk Fern to

the door. “Thank you for tonight Fern I appreciate your kindness.” “I hope to get to know both of you

better while your here, have a goodnight.” “Goodnight Fern.” I close the door and go to get Gabby

ready for bed.

Archer POV

I’m just finishing up my conversation with Levi when one of the patrol guards links me. “Alpha your

father is at the border and is insisting we allow him into the territory.” “He doesn’t step foot into my

territory, I’m on my way.” “Yes Alpha” he says and cuts the link. I stand from my desk. “What the hell is

going on” Levi asks. “My father is here demanding to come into the pack.” “Oh sh*t this is not going to

end well” Levi says as he follows me outside the pack house. I’m just about to shift when my mother

comes down the path toward us. Where the hell was she I think to myself. “Where are you two off to?” I

debate telling her but honestly, I don’t lie to my mother. “Dad is at the border.” My mother smiles “well

let’s go see him then.” “Mom, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” She doesn’t even answer me before

she shifts taking off. We shift and I get in front of her so she knows where she is going.

When we reach the border, we all shift slipping on clothes we keep by the trees. When the three of us

walk out I can hear my father screaming at the patrol guard. “Settle down” I give Alpha command. My

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father quiets even though he doesn’t want to but he can’t defy my order. “I believe I told you that you

wouldn’t be coming back onto the territory until I gave permission.” “I didn’t come to speak to you, I

came to speak to my mate.” I’m just about to lose all control when my mother lays her hand on my

forearm. Then she turns on my father. “You have no mate here.”

“Fern don’t be ridiculous, we are mates you can’t just reject me after all these years.” My mother bursts

out laughing. “Thomas I can and I did.” “You haven’t been faithful to me one day of our relationship.”

“You can accept it or the bond will break on its own but we are done.” “I take nothing back because of

my pups but I won’t waist another minute of my life with your sorry a**.” She turns and starts to walk

away. “Fern this isn’t over.” I growl “I think your wrong dad that’s just what it is.” “Mom told me what

you’ve been doing.” “That’s between me and your mother.” I smile “I, Archer Lyons, banish you from the

Scarlett Howl pack.” My father growls “you have no right, this is my pack.” “Correction it was you’re

pack and now your a rogue.” I turn to the guard. I point at my father “that rogue doesn’t enter my

territory ever again.” I walk back toward the pack house followed by Levi.

The Next Day

Sabrina POV

I’m up early so I can take Gabby to her last day of daycare in the city. I want to head to the house while

Greg is at work. I reach the gate and a guard comes out to my car. This place is definitely secure. I roll

down my window. “Ma’am can I help you?” “Yes you can open the gate I have some things to take care

of.” He looks like he spaces out and then he smiles at me. “Of course, ma’am.” “Sabrina will be just

fine, thank you.” He opens the gate and drive to the daycare. After I speak to Gabby’s teacher, I hop

back in my car heading for the house I hate. I pull into the driveway and take a deep breath before I

head inside with my key.

I don’t want to be in this house any longer than I have to. I grab the big suit cases out of the closet in

the hallway and go to Gabby’s room first. Once I have one of the suitcases full, I head to the room I

shared with Greg. I put the suitcase on the bed and start to put as much of my stuff as I can inside. I

hear a car outside and I rush over to the window to see Greg getting out of a patrol car. What Tracey

said flashes in my mind about him being desperate and I dial the only person that makes sense right
