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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 12
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 15

15 Make the Move

Sabrina POV

After we finish eating, I head outside to call Tracey. The phone rings twice before she picks up in a

panic. “Where the hell are you?” “I’m sorry I should have called you earlier.” “You think that a**hole was

here earlier and I had no idea what was happening.” I tell her everything that happened when Greg

showed up at Willow’s apartment. “So, you’re going to be staying with the hot lawyer.” “Don’t be

ridiculous Tracey.” “I’m staying in a cottage, not in the same house with him.” “I’m not, you can’t tell me

you’re not a little bit curious what he looks like under that suit.” “I’m hanging up now.” “Alright I’ll

behave.” “I’m going to swing by and pick up our bags before I follow Archer to the property.”

“I plan on going to the house tomorrow while Greg’s at work to get some more of our stuff.” “Do you

think that is a good idea, what if he shows up?” “I’m really not afraid that Greg would physically hurt me

Tracey, I just don’t want to deal with him.” “I know you haven’t seen that in him but remember

desperate people will do desperate things.” “I’ll be careful I promise.” I hang up and head back inside.

When I walk in Archer is sitting on the floor playing duck duck goose with Gabby. I laugh and he whips

his head in my direction. “Mama play with us.” He smiles like he just won as I take a seat on the floor

next to him. “I guess I’m not the only one that will look silly” he says to me. “You still look sillier than

me.” He laughs and the sound goes right through my body making me shudder.

Archer POV

While Sabrina was outside calling Tracey, I link Levi from one of the bedrooms. “I wll be bringing the

future Luna to the pack today.” “Before you ask any questions or act like a teenage girl its complicated.”

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“How complicated could it be?” “She is a human, who is married, has a child, and has no idea we

exist.” There is silence on the phone. “Levi” I yell through the link. “I’m here but I don’t know what to

say.” “What are you going to do?” “I’m going to make her fall in love with me.” “I think you forgot about

one of the complications, a husband.” I laugh “I’m helping her get a divorce.” “I’ll explain all that when

we get back to the pack.” “I linked you for a reason.” “I need you to tell the pack no shifting unless they

are outside the cottage and pack house area until further notice.” “How the hell am I supposed to

explain that.” “You don’t you give the order and I will handle the rest.” I cut the link and head back out to

the living room. As soon as Gabby sees me she comes running. “I want to play a game.” “Ok little one

what are we going to play.”

After we finish our game of duck duck goose, we all say goodbye to Willow before we head to our cars.

Once we pull ou,t I follow her to Tracey’s house. I’m hoping that were done seeing Greg today. Sabrina

pulls in and then I pull in behind her. I get out and head over to the car to stand with Gabby while she

grabs the bags from the house. A few seconds later a car pulls in behind mine. Brutus and I are on

alert. An older version of Sabrina gets out of the car and heads in my direction. When she reaches me

she starts to point her finger in my face. “You should be ashamed of yourself, she is married.” She

looks over noticing Gabby for the first time. “I’m not sure who you are but I suggest you calm down in

front of Gabby.” “I don’t know who you think you are but that’s my granddaughter.” She stomps in the

direction of Tracey’s house. I turn to Gabby who looks concerned. “Everything is fine mommy will be

here in a minute.”

Sabrina POV

“Why the hell would you do that?” “I’m not going to work there without you and see that b**ch every

day.” “Tracey, you have bills to pay.” “I know but I can be a nurse anywhere.” “I have two weeks and

maybe we can find a place to go to work together again.” Before I can even respond the front door flies

open and my mother steps inside. “I don’t remember inviting you in Mrs. Ascott” Tracey says. “Tracey, I

don’t have time for your piss poor attitude.” “I need to speak with my daughter alone.” “I don’t think so,

this is my house.” My mother shoots daggers at her. I step between them. “Mom say whatever you

need to because I’m leaving.” “Leaving with that man outside that’s not your husband.” “Honestly mom

that’s none of your business.” I feel the sting on my cheek from her hand before it sinks in that she just

slapped me. “You have lost your mind and I will not tolerate your disrespect.”

I don’t say another word before I walk past my mother and out the front door. When I reach the car

Archer’s smile fades when he notices my cheek. “It’s fine let’s just leave.” I put the bags in my car

before I get into the driver’s seat. I look up in the mirror before I realize my mother has us blocked in. I

take a deep breath and look up at my mother looking smug with her arms crossed standing on the

porch. Tracey will forgive me for what I’m about to do. I put the car in drive and drive right through her

yard until I’m on the road. Archer must do the same because he passes me and I follow him. I would

love to have been able to hear my mother when she realized I wasn’t trapped as she had hoped.

Archer POV

“Our mate is just full of surprises” Brutus says. “Yes, she is” I laugh. I pull in front of her and we drive

until we reach the road that leads to the pack. I make the left and she follows me down the road until

we come to the gate. When the guard sees me, he opens the gate. I link “the car behind me is with

me.” “Yes Alpha” he says. We pull up to the pack house and Levi is waiting on the steps. I park and

Sabrina pulls in next to my SUV. I go around to grab her bags while she gets Gabby out of her car seat.

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Levi rushes over and smiles when he sees Gabby. I turn to Sabrina “the cottage I have in mind is close

to the main house.” She nods and I turn back to Levi who is waiting for his introduction. “Sabrina this is

Levi, Levi this is Sabrina and Gabby.” He reaches out his hand taking hers to shake. “It’s nice to meet

you, Levi.” She looks down to Gabby who buries her head in Sabrina’s chest. “She’s just shy, sorry

about that.” “No worries she’ll warm up to me” Levi says.

“Levi I will meet you in my office after I take Sabrina to the cottage.” He hands me the keys I had asked

him to bring. “Ok Archer I’ll be waiting.” We start to walk toward the closest cottage. It has two

bedrooms and has a country style motif. I pray that she like it. I want her to be comfortable. I take the

key out of my pocket opening the door and turning on the lights. I hear her gasp behind me. “Is it ok

Sabrina?” “Ok, are you kidding me Archer, its beautiful.” “I’m glad you like it.” “I don’t want to hover

while you check the place out but if you need anything you have my cell.” She turns to me and wraps

me in a hug. I wrap her in my arms wishing we could just stay like this. She pulls back “you will never

know how much all of this means to me, thank you.” “You’re welcome but it really is my pleasure to

help you and Gabby.” I give Gabby a hug before I leave heading back to the pack house.

When I reach my office Levi and my mother are waiting. “Is everything alright mom?” “I’m better than

alright I rejected your father today.” Levi’s eyes get big and I laugh. “I’m glad, what did he say.” “He was

too busy trying to explain why he was f**king the omega in his office.” I growl “he was what?” “Calm

down Archer, it is not the first time and it is no longer my problem.” If I had him in front of me right now,

I would beat his a**. My mother stands coming around the desk. I stand and pull her into a hug before

she leaves me and Levi alone. “I can’t believe that ba**ard was cheating on my mother.” “I know your

poor mom.” “She is going to be fine, she is stronger than I ever realized.”