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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 119
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 122

60 It’s Time for Truth

Nicholas POV

“Nick, it’s time to get up. We need to get something to eat before training”, James says. I rub the sleep

from my eyes and sit up. I haven’t slept well since I found out about Liz being my mate. “I don’t think

I’m going to eat breakfast today.” “Nick, maybe you should just reject her”, James says. I feel a twinge

of pain in my chest at his words. Our mates are a gift from the goddess. It’s supposed to be that

moment of pure connection when we find each other. There should be no doubt that she belongs with

me. “Nicholas, we will figure this out. I promise you. I wanted her to be our mate when we found her. I

knew you were right even though I didn’t want you to be. I can’t even feel her wolf.” “What do you

mean, we have mated? You won’t feel her wolf, will you?” “I should still feel her presence if she is our

mate, even without the bond.” “We saw her wolf, Ezra. She has to have one. I’m so confused by all of

this.” “I know you are, we both are.” “Nick, I didn’t mean to upset you. I just hate to see you like this”,

James says. I smile “you didn’t upset me. I just really need to figure out what is happening before I do

anything rash.” “Well, being around her is the only way you’re going to find out if she is being deceitful”,

John says. He’s right and I need to put my big boy pants on and deal with this now. I get up, heading

for the bathroom. “It’s not the only way”, James says, stopping me in my tracks. I turn back and James

is smiling like a child with a secret. “Well,” I say, waiting for him to get on with it. “Tabby would know if

she is being dishonest or tricking you. Maybe you should take her back to the pack to meet the family”

he says with a wink.

I walk over to James, wrapping him in a hug. I step back and James takes a seat in the chair next to

John. “Your brilliant, that is exactly what I’m going to do. What about the training though?” James rolls

his eyes. “Nick, your father has raised you for your role in our pack since you were born. You never

needed this training. I know you worried about being a Beta your father could be proud of, but he is

already proud of you. Our father thinks of you as his own son and knows your abilities. We will stay

here and finish training while you find out exactly what is up with Liz and her wolf”, James says. John is

nodding his agreement with everything James says. “Alright, let’s go have breakfast so I can talk to

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Liz.” I head into the shower to get ready for the day. Once I’m in my sweats and a t-shirt, I head back

into the room. I’m shocked to find Liz instead of the boys waiting for me. “Don’t be mad, I asked them to

leave so we could talk.” I nod and take a seat across from her. “Nick, have you been avoiding me the

last two days? I’m not upset if you have, I just want to know why?” I search for some answer that won’t

make her suspicious or upset. “Nick, I know you said that you’re saving yourself for me, but did you

have someone you hoped would be your mate?” I try to keep my look impassive. How could she know


“No, of course not. I was shocked to gain my wolf so early. I just wasn’t expecting to find you so soon.”

She smiles and stands walking toward me. She takes me by surprise when she sits in my lap. I stiffen

for a moment but then relax. The tingles are confusing and I need to keep my focus. She puts her head

in my neck, breathing deep. Before I realize what she is doing, she slides off my lap and onto her

knees. I immediately pick her up setting her back onto my lap. Her face looks as if I just slapped her.

“Nick” she starts to say and I stop her. “I’m not ready for that yet, Liz. I hope you understand.” “Do you

not want me?” “That’s not it , I’m just not ready to mate yet. I hope you understand.” Her look softens

and she places her hand on my cheek. “Of course, I understand. You’re so different than the other men

I know.” Ezra growls and she smiles. She leans in pressing her lips to mine. I give into the kiss and

when she pulls back, I smile. “Liz, I would like you to go with me to my pack to meet my family.” The

smile on her face falls. “We can’t, we are here for our training. Besides, I haven’t even told my Alpha

that I won’t be returning to my pack yet. I would rather wait till we mark and mate before I meet your

family.” I take her face in my hands. “This is important to me, Liz. I will speak to the Beta and tell him

why we are leaving. I want you to meet my family before we complete our bond.” She bites her lip and

after a few seconds the smile returns to her face. “Alright, when will we leave?” “After training today I’ll

speak to the Beta about our plans to leave. The boys will stay here to finish the training program.”

She kisses me one more time before I stand setting her on her feet. She threads her fingers with mine

and leads me downstairs. When we walk into the dining room, the twins look in our direction. I nod and

they both smile. Once we get our food, we sit down at the table eating breakfast in silence. For the first

time since I found out that Liz is my mate, I feel relief. Tabby will be able to find out the truth and then I

can move forward.

Next Day

Gabriella POV

I head to Jo’s room. Today is the day we go to the Onyx Moon Pack. I’m sure she has to be so

nervous. I’m nervous and none of it happened to me. I just hope that Lake and I are right about this

Alpha. I knock and the door opens on a smiling Serina. She is holding one of the sweet pups in her

arms. I lean in “hello sweet girl”, I say before I kiss her forehead. I walk farther into the room and

Wesley is lying in his bassinet awake. I scoop him up, kissing his forehead and breathing in his scent.

The bathroom door opens and Jo comes walking out smiling at the two of us. “Pretty soon you will have

three of your own, Gabby.” I smile “I know I can’t wait.” “Me either, I’m going to be the best aunt ever”

Serina says. She absolutely will. “Are you ready to do this today, Jo?” She takes a deep breath

“absolutely.” I hand Wesley to Jo and she kisses him before she lays him in the bassinet. She walks

over kissing Brooklyn and hugging Serina. “I pumped enough milk to get you through until we get

back.” Serina nods “don’t worry, I promise I will keep them safe.” “I know you will Serina” Jo says We

head downstairs and Lake is waiting for us. He is dressed in a dress shirt and slacks. He is the hottest

man I’ve ever seen, no matter what he is wearing. “Be careful love”, he links me. I look at his face and

he winks. I roll my eyes and he pulls me into his arms. He buries his head in my neck “you’re looking

very hot yourself, love.” I’m wearing a dress that gives room for my bump. I laugh “my belly is getting

bigger by the day.” He growls “that makes you even hotter being round with my pups.” I slap his arm

and he finally releases me. Jo is smiling at us but I can see sadness in her eyes.

I walk over and take her hand to lead her out to the SUV. Lake gets into the driver’s side after he helps

me into the passenger seat. The drive takes us about an hour and a half. We approach the gate and a

guard steps to Lake’s window. “What is your business here?” “We have a meeting with Alpha Jayden. I

am Alpha Lake Solace and this is my mate, Alpha Gabriella Solace.” He looks into the back seat and

Jo has her head down. “We were only expecting the two of you.” “This is my sister and future Alpha of

the Scarlett Rose pack” I say sternly and the guard looks shocked at my tone. He looks to be linking

before he returns to the building to open the gate. Lake pulls through, driving up to a large pack house.

I look back at Jo and she is breathing fast. “Jo look at me. You are safe. No one will hurt you while we

are with you. Slow your breathing down Jo.” She takes some deep breaths and once she seems

calmer, we get out of the SUV. Once I’m out, I take her hand again as we walk toward the door with

Lake by my side. A guard is waiting to lead us inside. “Alphas, please follow me” he says as his eyes

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

land on Jo. “Jocelyn”, he says in a whisper.

“Take us to your Alpha now”, Lake says, and the guard turns immediately following Lake’s command

without another word. We follow him and once we are inside, people are staring at Jo. I squeeze her

hand to offer her reassurance that we are almost there. “Jocelyn Curtis, is that you”, a male voice

comes from behind us. Jo stiffens and I can feel the fear rolling off of her. He comes to stand in front of

her. “Where have you been and where is your sister” he asks harshly. Before she can answer, I step in

front of her. “If you will excuse us, we have a meeting with the Alpha.” I can see my words piss him off.

He turns to Lake. “You would do well to teach your human Luna her place when she is speaking to an

Alpha.” Lake growls but I take his hand. “Are you Alpha Jayden?” He turns back to me. “No, I’m his

father.” “Then you’re not the Alpha of this pack” I say before I turn leading Jo up the stairs without

another word. I can hear his footsteps behind us but we continue to follow the guard. Once we arrive,

the guard knocks before he leads us inside the office.

Jocelyn POV

“Jocelyn, you are strong. Do not let this pack make you feel weak. They are weak,” Emery says. As we

walk through the pack house, I feel everyone staring at me. I focus my eyes forward until I hear a voice

that makes a pit form in my stomach. I turn and Alpha Joseph is walking toward us. Emery growls and I

wish I was anywhere but here right now. The anger that rises in my body when he dare speak about my

sister scares even me. When I watch Gabby put him in his place, I smile inside. She truly is an amazing

Alpha. As we approach the Alpha office, I say a prayer to the goddess for strength. The guard leads us

inside and a very different Jayden is sitting behind the desk. He has come into his Alpha role. He was

never scrawny but he has built more muscle in the years we have been gone. When his eyes land on

me he gasps. He rushes over picking me up off the ground. “Jocelyn, where have you been? Where is

Brooke” he asks. He sounds so sincere. A throat clears and he sets me on my feet. I turn and Alpha

Joseph is standing there with a look of disdain on his face at his son’s actions.

“Jayden, I want these wolves and that human gone now.” Lake again growls, but Gabby manages to

keep him under control. “That human was disrespectful to me and I demand they leave and never

return to our pack.” “Father leave now. I have arranged this meeting and you will not be rude to my

guests.” “Jayden, I am your father and the former Alpha of this pack.” “Then please act like it, father.

Leave and I will find you after my meeting.” I’m shocked at the way Jayden just put Joseph in his place.

I’m so confused by his actions. Why would he care where Brooke is if he had us taken away by that

f**king coven? “Maybe he didn’t” Emery says.