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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 113
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 116

Serina POV

“Sissy, I’m not feeling well this morning and the men just alerted me they have everything Jocelyn

picked out for the pup’s downstairs.” “Do you think you could help her get everything set up” Gabby

asks me through our link. “Of course, can I do anything to help you before I head down to the meet with

them?” “No, its nothing some crackers and ginger ale won’t help. I’ll be over as soon as the morning

sickness subsides. I thought maybe I wasn’t going to have any, but I guess I’m not that lucky.” “Well, if

you’re not up to it, don’t push yourself and I’ll be over to check on you when we’re done.” “Thank you,

sissy” she says and cuts the link but not before I hear her wretch. I would be running there right now

but I know Lake and I’m sure he is holding her hair. I hope my mate is just like him. I head into my

closet to grab clothes. I throw on jeans and a t-shirt before I head downstairs.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I hear a voice that I wish I didn’t “Who is all this for”, Lisa snaps at

one of the men. “I don’t think that is any of your business”, I say as I walk toward them. “Take them up

to the room next to mine please” I say pointing to the stairs. “Excuse me” she says with her normal

att!tude. “You are most certainly excused” I say walking back toward the stairs. “Serina, is everything

alright” Jocelyn asks from the top of the stairs. “Yes, everything is fine. They delivered the items for the

pups, but let’s get something to eat before we tackle putting it together.” “All of this is for a fvcking

rogue and her rogue pups.” I can feel Ruby at the surface but I manage to keep her under control. I

turn back to Lisa and step toward her. “I would suggest, if you don’t want to be punished, you hold your

tongue and be respectful.” “You’re not Alpha yet, Serina,” she says placing her hands on her h!ps.

“You’re absolutely right, but I bet when I tell the Alphas how you’re treating a new pack member they

will be happy to give you your punishment.” I see fear and shock flash across her face before she

stomps off. I turn back and Jocelyn is gone. Goddess she is an a**hole.

I head up the stairs and find her sitting on a chair in her room. The men bring in box after box, stacking

them up. When the last one walks out, I close the door behind him. I take a seat next to her. “Jocelyn,

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

please don’t let the words of a jealous mean girl hurt you.” “She isn’t wrong, up until yesterday”, she

starts to say, and I stop her. “No, she is absolutely wrong. You are not a rogue, but if you were, you are

a far better person than she will ever be.” She smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes. I take her hand in

mine. “She is a mean girl, plain and simple. You are part of this pack now and your important to all of

us.” This time the smile reaches her eyes and I can see unshed tears. She manages to keep them from

falling. “Now, let’s go get breakfast and then get to work setting up the pups stuff.” “Alright, I am hungry

but let me pee again” she says with a chuckle. When she is done in the bathroom, we head down to

the dining hall.

Jocelyn POV

I hate that I let that girl upset me. As an omega, I’m used to mean girls and being looked down upon. I

know in my heart that it says more about them as a person than it does about me. My mother and

father made sure that Brooke and I both knew that our rank didn’t make us any less than others. I miss

my parents. Thinking about the pack and my parents makes me think about Brooke. I wish she had

never been mated to the Alpha. Why couldn’t he just reject her instead of handing us over to those

ba**ards? She would still be alive and maybe she would have had a second chance mate. I would still

have my sister. “Jocelyn” Serina, saying my name brings me out of my thoughts. I smile as she hands

me the tray. Everything looks delicious so I grab a little of each thing. I follow Serina to the table.

“Jocelyn, it’s so good to see you up and about” Luna Sabrina says. “Thank you, Luna.” “No Luna, just

Sabrina.” I smile and set my tray on the table next to Serina. Before I can say anything to the former

Alpha, he smiles “just Archer.” “Good morning, Archer.”

“How are you and the pups feeling?” “We are good. They are really active as usual.” “All my pups were

like that but the boys were the worst”, Sabrina says with a huge smile on her face. We start to eat when

I notice the girl from earlier come into the dining room. Serina must notice her too because her smile is

gone. “What’s wrong, Serina”, Archer asks. “Lisa was rude and mean to Jocelyn earlier.” “It’s alright,

I’m fine Serina.” “I’m not going to let a mean girl make me feel bad.” She smiles at my choice of words.

We finish eating breakfast before we head back up to my room. It’s so weird to say my room. It takes

us a few hours to put everything together. I take a few breaks but Serina is amazing and pushes

through. The ba.ssinets and changing table look perfect in the corner of the room. The clothes are all

hung up in the closet. After I have the pups, I plan on buying gender specific outfits. I want to be

surprised when I give birth. A knock on the door sounds and Gabby pops her head in. “Oh, my goddess

you guys got everything done.” “We did, how are you feeling?” “Better than I was earlier” Gabby says.

“I remember morning sickness, it’s no fun.” I place my hands on my belly rubbing in circles. “How are

you feeling” she asks me. “Good, I’m getting a little nervous but I’m good.” I’m so happy that my pups

are going to be born surrounded by all these amazing people.

Drayce POV

A knock sounds on the door and West walks in, followed by Prudence. West says nothing and leaves

the office. “Prudence, I’m glad to see you took me up on my offer.” “I haven’t yet, but I’m intrigued to

hear exactly what you want and what your willing to pay.” I wave my hand offering her a seat in front of

my desk. She hesitates but then takes a seat. “So what exactly do you want from me Drayce?” “I need

to locate my pet and my children that are growing inside her.” “Hybrids I assume” she says. “Yes, half

wolf and half vampire.” She smiles “if I agree to help you locate her what do I get out of the deal?”

“What is it that you want Prudence?” She thinks for moment before she finally answers me. “You said

the word children, didn’t you?” “Yes I did.” “I want one of them as payment.” “What do you want them

for?” “That is none of your concern.” “You are asking me to give you one of my children, I think I have

the right to know what for.” “Please don’t act like you care about these children as a father. They are

something to make your coven stronger. So, make your choice because I’ve told you my price.” F**k,

one is better than none. “Fine, just locate them.”

“I will need something of hers to use for the location spell.” I take my phone out of my pocket and place

it to my ear. “West bring me something of Jocelyn’s from her cell now.” A few minutes later, he walks in

with some clothing that still smells of her. He hands it to Prudence before he leaves the office again.

“Take me some place quiet so I can start the location spell”, Prudence says. I show her to an office two

doors down from mine. “This will take time so do not rush me or interrupt me.” I nod and head back to

my office. Once I’m inside, the phone rings on my desk. I put it to my ear. “Why is your coven members

in my territory?” “What the hell are you talking about?” “I had two pack members that were drained and

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I want to know what the fvck your thinking after the deal we made.” “None of my coven has been back

to your pack since I took those two girls off your hands.” “So, some random vampires are attacking my

pack.” “Honestly, I have no idea who is attacking your pack and I don’t really care.” I slam the phone

down. “West come to my office.” A few minutes later the door opens and West rushes inside. “What’s

wrong, where is the witch?” “Calm down, this has nothing to do with her. I just got a call from that

a**hole Alpha about his pack members being attacked by vampires.” “None of the coven would do that

without orders.” “I know that, so find out who it was.” He nods and leaves my office.

Gabriella POV

After I left Jocelyn’s room, I head to the office to check on Lake. After he left me, he was going to work

on some paper work in the office. When I walk in, he looks up smiling. I walk over and he pulls me onto

his lap. He places his hands on my belly and begins talking to our pups. “How are you feeling love?”

“Much better than earlier.” “I wanted to talk about a couple things if you have a minute.” “Of course, I

do.” “I thought since Serina has her wolf, we could reach out to Elder James about having her

ceremony. I think she is ready to take her t!tle.” “Do you want to talk to her first and make sure she

agrees?” “Yes, I do, but I wanted to talk to you before I brought it up to her.” “I agree completely that

your sister is ready to become Alpha. What’s the second thing?” “After Jocelyn has her pups, I would

like to go to her pack and speak with the Alpha about what happened to the girls.” I can see concern on

his face. “I think that Jocelyn deserves answers after losing her sister.” “The Alpha may not welcome us

into his pack but I agree with at least trying love.” I wrap my arms around him. “Thank you, for always

listening and treating me as an equal.” “That’s because you are my equal love.”

“Sissy, can you come to the office for a minute and bring Jocelyn?” “Absolutely, we are on our way.” A

few minutes later, they come in and take a seat. “What’s up, is something wrong” Serina asks. “No,

Lake and I just wanted to talk about your Alpha ceremony.” She looks shocked by what I said. “I

assumed that would happen when I turned eighteen.” “We don’t think it’s necessary to wait and you

deserve to have the t!tle now.” She smiles before she comes around hugging us both. “I’m ready and

so is Ruby.” “Jocelyn after you have the pups we were wondering if you wanted to go with us to speak

to the Alpha of the pack about what happened to you and your sister.” I see fear and anger flash across

her face. “You don’t have to come if you don’t feel comfortable but we can’t let him get away with what

he has done.” “No, I need to go and face the man that is responsible for taking Brooke from me.”