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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 110
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 113

Gabriella POV

“Jocelyn, I know that you have no reason to trust us, but I promise if you do, you and your pups will be

safe.” “How can you promise that to me.” “I’m a stranger to you and your pack?” “My very presence

here is putting your pack at risk.” “As I told you despite the fact this is a wolf pack we have many

members who are not wolves.” “I know your human in a wolf pack but that is a far cry from other super

naturals.” “I mean no disrespect Alpha Gabriella, but as you know my pups are part vampire and this is

a wolf pack.” “Wolves aren’t exactly huge fans of vampires.” I smile “I understand why you think that but

if this pack was like others, I’m sure I wouldn’t be an Alpha as a human.” I see the moment she realizes

how true what I just said is. “Can you give us a chance to show you that you will be accepted by this

pack?” She nods but I can still see the apprehension on her face. We need to find out what coven was

involved in this.

I link “Lake can you give me a moment to speak to her with Serina alone.” “She might not be

comfortable telling us what happened in front of you.” “Of course, love.” “I’m going to go find Harris.” “I

think meeting him will help her see that we will accept her pups.” “That’s brilliant, thank you Lake” I say

and cut the link. “I’ll be back in a moment” Lake says and k!sses my cheek before he leaves the room.

When I look back at Jocelyn, she looks confused and concerned. “I asked him to step out while Serina

and I speak with you about what you have been through.” “I understand if you’re not ready to share

everything that happened but we need to know who these ba**ards are to protect you, your pups, and

the pack.” She nods and takes a deep breath.

Jocelyn POV

“Jocelyn, I know how scared you are to trust but I feel these people are being sincere” Emery says.

“We need a safe place for us and the pups.” I know she’s right and I hope to the goddess she’s right. “I

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

was once part of a pack.” “My parents were both omegas.” “My mother worked in the pack kitchen and

my father tended to the grounds around the pack house.” “Did the vampires attack your pack” Serina

asks. “I wish I knew what happened.” “My sister and I shared a room in our cottage.” “Brooke was

eighteen and I was seventeen at the time.” “The day it all happened Brooke told me she had found her

mate but she wanted to wait for him to accept her before she told me and my parents who he was.” “I

was so happy for her and when we went to bed that night she went on and on about how handsome

and kind he was.” “We finally fell asleep and when we woke up we were in what looked like a

dungeon.” “Thankfully we were locked in the same cell.”

Flashback POV

I open my eyes and nothing around me is familiar. The walls are cinderblock and I’m lying on

something that is very uncomfortable. I can feel the panic rise in my body. My first thought is, where the

hell am I? My second thought is, where is Brooke? I sit up and realize she is lying on a cot across the

room. Her eyes are closed and I pray to the goddess that she is just asleep. I walk toward her and lay

my hand on the warm skin of her arm. I shake her slightly, “Brooke, please wake up.” After a few

seconds her eyes fly open, “what’s wrong, Jocelyn?” “Brooke, look around us”, I say motioning to our

surroundings. She sits up and grabs my hand. “Where the hell are we?” “I have no idea Brooke, I just

woke up a few seconds ago.” “The last thing I remember is going to sleep in our room. She walks over

to the door of the cell and starts to yell. “Brooke, what the hell are you doing” I say as I come to stand

next to her. “Trying to find out why the hell were here.” A few seconds later we hear a door open and

the sound of footsteps. I take Brooke’s arm and pull her back from the cell door, trying to put distance

between us and whoever is coming.

Two men come to stand in front of the cell. They are well built and definitely not wolves. “Welcome

ladies, I hope you slept well” the blonde-haired man says. “Why are we here” Brooke says with venom

in her voice and they both chuckle. “It seems you are feisty, I like that” he says looking at Brooke. “I

don’t know why we’re here but my mate is an Alpha and he is going to have your a**es for taking his

future Luna.” I can’t believe what I’m hearing. She is mated to the Alpha of our pack. They both laugh

like she just told the funniest joke they have ever heard. “That’s funny because he’s the reason you’re

here.” I see hurt flash across my sister’s face and my heart breaks a little. “If you think I would believe

two leeches, you’re crazy.” “My mate would not do this.” The vampire starts to look to Brooke’s neck. “I

see no mark and if I remember correctly, you mutts mark the moment you find each other.” Her hand

goes to her marking sp0t before she looks back at the ba**ard. “Don’t pretend you know our kind

leech.” “Be careful pet I would hate to have to punish you already.” I can tell Brooke wants to say more

but I plead with her to stay quiet. “See be a good girl like your little sister Brooke” the brunette man

says. “Now as of today you two will be pets and used as I see fit.” “So, any hopes you had for your lives

and your futures is over because you belong to me now.” “We belong to no one” Brooke yells at the

man. I tighten my grip on her as the cell door opens and he walks toward her.

Brooke pushes me behind her and before I can pull her away, he has her by the throat. “Now pet, I

warned you once, so now you must be punished.” I start to scream as he drags her out of the cell. The

other man closes the cell door so I can’t follow. “Please she didn’t mean it.” “Don’t hurt her” I plead, but

neither man responds as they take her down the hall. I can’t believe this is happening. Yesterday we

were happy living in our pack with our parents. Now we are in a cell being held by vampires. I sit on the

cot pulling my legs up to my chest as I listen to my sister’s screams. I pray to the goddess to save us

from this place and these men.

End Flashback

Jocelyn POV

“He was never able to break Brooke.” “She fought every day despite me begging her to stop.” “One

night after he found out she lost the pup and she refused to lay with him he took her for punishment

and never brought her back.” “When I asked where my sister was, he just laughed.” “I know she is in a

better place but I miss her every day.” “Over the two years I was there they took a few more girls but

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

they didn’t keep them long.” “They kept getting the she-wolves pregnant but none seemed to be able to

carry the pups to term.” “I myself lost a one before I got pregnant with the twins.” “This time my pups

survived.” “As they grew and started move, I knew I had to get out of there for them.” “I always listened

and the guards came to trust that I would be the good little girl they thought I was.” “When I saw my

opportunity, I took it.” “Jocelyn what coven took you from your pack?” I take a deep breath and say the

name of the hell I have lived in for the last two years. The hell that took my sister from me. “It’s the

Black Blood coven.” “I have no idea how far I ran or how to find it again.” “It’s ok, we will figure that out.”

“Your safe now and that is what matters” Serina says.

Gabriella POV

Lake links me that he is outside with Harris and Willow. “Jocelyn, Lake has brought one of our pack

members to meet you.” “Are you up for that?” “Yes, I am but why would they want to meet me?” “I

promise it will make sense in a minute.” Lake opens the door and walks in followed by Willow and

Harris. She gasps the minute she catches the scent that Harris is a vampire. “I don’t understand” she

whispers. “Jocelyn, this is my Aunt Willow and my Uncle Harris.” “Your mates” she says it like a

question. “Yes, we are, fated by the goddess herself” Harris says. “Harris has been a pack member

since I was a child.” “He is not only a pack member but a part of our family.” “I have a cousin who is a

werempire.” I can see the surprise on her face. “I don’t know what you have been through but this pack

is special and they care about your character not your kind.” I smile when my uncle says that because

truer words were never spoken. She smiles and this time it reaches her eyes. “Once you’re feeling

better I’ll introduce you to Tabby” I say. “Is she a vampire too,” Jocelyn asks. “Nope, a witch”, Harris

says like he just told a big secret. My aunt slaps his arm for answering before I could. “She is a witch

and a member of our pack.” “I can’t believe your pack has accepted all these different super naturals.”

“As I said, we are unique and if you are willing to accept our help you will have a place her with your

pups.” “Thank you, I just hope you don’t regret it.” I put my hand on hers. “We won’t but the evil men

that hurt you will.”