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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 11
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 14

14 New Plan

Archer POV

When we get outside, I walk down the sidewalk holding this little girl that already has my heart. I never

expected Brutus to accept her so readily as wolves want their own pups but he has like she was born

his and mine. She is small but in my big arms she looks even smaller. I imagine it looks comical for

anyone that sees us walking. It doesn’t bother me because I love spending this time with her. “Archer

look, pretty flowers.” I bend down picking the pink flower from the grass. Brutus laughs in my mind.

“Alpha picking pretty flowers.” “For her I would pick flowers and have tea parties every day.” We walk a

little farther and she keeps smelling the flower in her hand. “Isn’t she the most perfect pup Archer?”

“She is Brutus and I can’t wait till we see her every day.” “We will protect her and Sabrina with

everything we have in us.”

“Hey what the hell are you doing with her” I hear someone yell and turn to see that pr**k Greg heading

toward us. I immediately want to beat the s**t out of this a**hat but I can’t scare Gabby or hurt a human

if I can avoid it. I would never want her to be afraid of me. “Daddy” she coos because she is innocent

and has no idea what’s happening. Despite all he has done to Sabrina this is his pup too. “Hi princess

daddy missed you.” He lowers his voice “give me my daughter now.” “You need to stay calm Piper.” “If

Sabrina wants me to hand her over than and only then are you taking her.” “Are you f**king kidding me,

that’s my daughter you piece of sh*t” he yells. Gabby buries her head in my chest. I can feel Brutus at

the surface. I’m sure my eyes are black “I suggest you lower your voice and stop cursing in front of

your daughter.” “You’re upsetting her.”

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The apartment door flies open and a very pissed looking Sabrina followed by Willow comes rushing

out. I immediately link Willow to take Gabby inside because I don’t want her to see her parent’s fighting.

“Gabby go with Willow” I say softly before I hand her over. Willow turns walking back toward the

apartment. “Where the hell are you taking my daughter?”

Sabrina POV

“She is taking our daughter away from this situation.” “You will not do this in front of her.” I hate that

Archer is here but right now I’m done caring about my pride. Archer will never know how much I

appreciate that he thought of my daughter’s well-being unlike her own father. “You want to talk go

ahead.” “I’m not talking with that a**hole here.” “Well than leave because he is not leaving.” “I am your

f**king husband.” I can’t even stop myself from laughing hysterically. “Should we call Melissa and ask

her if you’re my husband.” “Oh, I’m sorry you told her that we haven’t had s*x since Gabby was born.”

“Maybe that’s what you told Megan and countless other women too.” “I have no idea what you’re

talking about.” “I don’t even know Melissa.” “I just met her at the hospital when I was looking for you.”

“Everything that comes out of your mouth is a goddamn lie, Greg.” “Our conversations are over.”

“Nothing about us is over Sabrina.” “We are married and I will fight a divorce.” “You are mine.” Archer

steps next to me. “I think its time for you to leave.” “You either come home to me Sabrina or I will take

Gabby from you.” I laugh “I’m her mother I would love to see you try.” “I’m sure I can come up with

some reasons that you’re not a fit mother.” I can see the minute that Archer is about to beat him to

death. I step in front of him and place my hands on his chest. “Please don’t do anything he isn’t worth

it.” “There is nothing he can do to me, he is just talking.” I take Archer’s hand and lead him back into

the apartment.

Greg POV

I can’t believe that f**king lawyer was holding my daughter. When Sabrina comes out, I know she is

going to bring up Melissa. I have no choice but to deny. I can’t believe that b**ch told her. What is

wrong with these women. When I watch her take that ba**ards hand to go back inside the apartment

I’m ready to go insane. He isn’t just helping her divorce me, he is trying to get into her pants. She is just

too naive to realize it. I won’t let that happen. I know Sabrina and she is stubborn but if she thinks she

is at risk to lose Gabby she will do whatever I say. I head back to my car because me trying to convince

her to do the right thing is over. She should have just forgiven me and we could have been happy


Sabrina POV

Once we are back inside, I rush over to Gabby sitting on the floor. I pick her up holding her tight.

“Mama you’re squeezing me.” I laugh “I’m sorry baby I just really needed a hug.” I loosen my grip and

turn to Willow and Archer. “Thank you both for everything but I need to go and figure out what to do

next.” Willow walks over placing her hands on my shoulders. “Come sit down and let’s talk it out

together.” “Honestly Willow this is my problem I’m not going to burden either of you with it.” “You both

have already done to much.” “Sabrina, we want to help so please let us” Willow says. I look to Archer

and he smiles. “I made dinner let’s sit down and eat while we talk.” I’m blessed to have all these people

in my life right now. Besides my father my friends are my support. My mother has never been on my

side. I take a seat and Willow places a plate of chicken with pasta in front of me and Gabby. I cut it up

and she starts to eat. “Is it good Gabby?” “Yes, its yummy” she says with a mouthful of food and we all


Archer POV

“Sabrina where are you going to stay since he keeps harassing you no matter who you’re with.” “I was

hoping to get in contact with someone to look at houses in the area but now I’m not so sure.” “I have to

let him see Gabby so no matter where we live, he is going to know.” Willow links me “what if she stays

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in one of the cottages in the territory.” “I would love that Willow but there is one little problem with that.”

“She doesn’t know about werewolves and she would be living with a pack of them.” “I’m sorry I thought

you were the Alpha and could give orders.” “Ok smarta** I hope that I don’t regret this.” “I can’t lose

her.” Willow nods at me as she takes a drink of her wine.

“Sabrina, I have an idea of a place you can stay until everything is settled with the divorce.” “I own a

large property with lots of cottages that I maintain.” It’s not a lie but I can’t say my pack members live in

them. “What kind of property?” “It’s hard to explain but I have a large house surrounded by cottages

that my family and friends live in.” “I’m confused why you’re offering this to me because I’m not your

family Archer.” “You’re my lawyer.” “I would like us to be friends and I help my friends.” “Like I said this

is temporary and it has a daycare that Gabby could attend right on the property.” “We are self

sufficient.” “Is this like a commune?” “I guess you could call it that.” I can see the apprehension on her

face. “It’s like a gated community that watches out for each other.” “Greg couldn’t bother you there and

you would have time to heal.” She looks at Gabby “ok but just while we get everything situated with the

divorce then I find a permanent place for me and Gabby.” I smile and we finish our dinner.

Fern POV

I walk through the door of the house that I have shared with Thomas since he passed his title to Archer.

I head straight for the office where he spends most of his time. Before I open the door I feel the familiar

pains of this b**tard’s infidelity. It has lessened over the years with all the damage he has done to our

bond but it still happens every time. I throw open the office door and he is b**ls deep in one of the

omegas. He jumps up like his a** is on fire. “Fern I can explain.” I just smile “don’t bother, I, Fern

Lauren Lyons, reject you Thomas Michael Lyons and break our bond.” I feel the pain but I push through

it. I watch him grab his chest and I walk back out the door of this house that I hate. I hear him yell my

name but I will never answer him again. I feel lighter despite the pain and I head back to the pack

house to be with my children.