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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 108
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 111

Gabriella POV

We head to the hospital after my mother links us about Serina finding the rogue girl outside the pack. I

can’t believe she went by herself. I know that she and Ruby are strong, but that still doesn’t mean she

should put herself at risk. We reach the hospital and head inside. Cynthia and Derrick are walking

toward us. I smile to see them holding hands as they walk down the hall. As soon as she reaches me,

she wraps me in a hug but says nothing. I hug her back, knowing exactly what she is saying, without

words. She pulls back and Derrick wraps his arm around her wa!st. “I know that Tabby has forgiven

Derrick for what he did but I’m sure it would be hard for her and Johnathon if he was here every day.” I

start to speak and she stops me. “I know what you’re going to say Gabby but honestly after everything

that happened it will be good for me too to start over.” “This will always be my home and you will

always be my friend but we both need to start fresh together.” I understand but a part of my heart

breaks for all that has happened and to lose her as a pack member. “Gabby, we will see you all the

time, this isn’t goodbye.” I look at her confused. She just said they are leaving the pack. “Alpha Atticus

has offered us a place in the sister pack.” I smile “I’m glad because you’re important to us and I don’t

want you to forget that.” I wrap her in a hug one more time. Lake shakes Derrick’s hand before they

head out of the hospital.

Lake leans in and k!sses my forehead. We head down the hallway and my parents are sitting on chairs

outside one of the rooms. They both jump up when they see us. “Where’s Serina,” I ask harsher than I

mean. “You need to calm down Gabby” my father says. “I’m sorry I just don’t understand why she

would go out of the territory without one of us.” “I understand and I agree but you also need to

remember she is an Alpha just like you.” “Her wolf is always going to want to protect those that are

weaker or in need.” The anger I feel for her putting herself at risk lessens. “I just want to make sure she

is safe, no matter her t!tle she will always be my little sister.” My father smiles and my mother wraps me

in a hug. She whispers “she is strong just like you.” I pull back, taking a deep breath before Lake and I

go into the room. Serina is sitting in a chair near the bed. I look at the girl who has wounds on her face

and arms. She is covered by a blanket but I can clearly see the bump of her belly. Out of instinct, I

place my hands on my own flat belly protecting the pups growing there.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Serina POV

I’m sitting next to the bed of the woman Ruby and I found outside the territory. I can’t imagine who

would hurt her like this, knowing she is carrying a pup. I listen to the beep of the machines and watch

the steady rise and fall of her chest. The doctor just left but all he could tell me is that her vital signs are

stable. He will be back in a few minutes to check on the pup. I say a prayer to the goddess that her pup

is alright after all she has endured. I hear the door open expecting it to be the doctor, but I turn to find

Lake and Gabby standing near the door. I stand going over to speak to them. I know she’s unconscious

but that doesn’t mean she can’t hear us. “I know you’re probably upset” I start to say, but I’m stopped

when I’m engulfed in Gabby’s arms. “I was upset but only because I was worried” she whispers in my

ear. “I know your strong but it’s hard to not act like the big sister.” I chuckle “I don’t ever want you to not

act like my big sister.” “I promise you just like I did mom and dad that we will always be careful.” She

pulls back and k!sses my cheek.

“Tell us exactly what happened, Serina” Lake says. “Ruby and I were out on a run when she caught the

girl’s scent.” “She also scented blood.” She ran determined to find her even though she was outside the

territory. Gabby smiles “that’s the Alpha in her dad said.” “Her need to protect the weak and injured.” A

sense of pride swells in my chest that I’ve been blessed with Ruby. “Once we shifted and I was able to

look her over more closely, which is when I noticed she was very pregnant.” “I knew there was no way I

could get her back myself and I didn’t want us out there any longer than we had to be so I linked dad.”

Hurt flashes across my sister’s face and I know exactly what she is thinking. I take her hand. “We both

have to change the way we think.” “My instinct is still to call dad but he isn’t the Alpha anymore, we

are.” She smiles “I get it, believe me, sometimes it’s still strange for me.” A light knock sounds on the

door and the doctor opens it. He wheels in the ultrasound machine. “I’m going to step out and give her

some privacy for the doctor to do the scan”, Lake says. I have no intention of leaving her side until I

know she is alright. I’m not sure why I feel so protective over her but I do. “I’m going to stay with

Serina”, Gabby says.

The doctor wheels the machine over and exposes her belly that has scars all over it. My heart clenches

in my chest. The only reason wolves scar is if we are given silver to stop our healing. Someone has

been torturing this poor girl. He begins to move the wand over her belly and when the screen lights up I

see two outlines. Two perfect little faces on the screen. The nurse comes in handing papers to the

doctor. I hear him gasp and look back at the screen. “What’s wrong”, I speak and I can feel Ruby at the

surface. He stands coming around the bed and pulls down her gown, exposing her marking sp0t. I

don’t understand what we’re looking at and, by Gabby’s face, neither does she. He turns to both of us

with sadness in his eyes. “Alphas, this woman has been used for breeding.” I feel bile rise in my throat.

“Explain what you mean exactly” Gabby says. “The bites on her neck are from more than one vampire

and the pups in her belly are hybrids.” “She has been used to feed and breed.” I feel frozen in place

after listening to his words. That can’t be true. What kind of monsters would do such a thing? I can feel

Ruby at the surface and I manage to push her down. We need to be calm and find out all we can. “Are

the pups alright”, I ask. The doctor looks confused by my question. I repeat myself and he finally

answers. “Yes Alpha, the pups look healthy.” I nod and he leaves the room.

Gabriella POV

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I go to the door after the doctor leaves because Lake and our parents

need to know what we were just told about this poor girl. Lake comes to stand next to me. I’m sure he

can feel my anger and sadness through our bond. He takes my hand in his as my parents go to stand

next to Serina. As I retell the story, both my father and Lake growl. “We will post warriors at her door to

alert us when she wakes”, Lake says. “No, I’ll stay with her”, Serina says. I go over to hug my sister. I

know she feels responsible for this girl since she found her. “The minute she wakes up, link us.” “I

promise, I will.” “Please tell the boys I’m sorry I won’t be at the party.” “Of course, I’m sure they will stop

by to see you before they leave” I say and we turn to go. As we walk back to the pack house, the

thoughts of everything this woman has been through plague my mind despite my efforts to push it

away. When we reach our room, Lake leads me over to a chair and pulls me to sit on his lap.

“Gabriella, I’m as upset as you are about what has happened to that poor she-wolf, but we need to

make sure she is not a threat to the pack.” “Razor doesn’t think she is but we need to be sure.” I hate

that he is right after all she is the one that is lying in the hospital bed but the pack’s safety has to be our

first priority. He places his hand on my face and looks into my eyes. “Love, she is safe and we will

make sure whoever used her this way pays for it dearly.” I press my l!ps to his and thank the goddess

that Lake was picked for me.

Once we are both dressed, we head down to the party. Everyone is having a good time and I try to

focus on spending time with my brothers and Nicholas before they leave. We are all sitting around

having dinner. Nicholas stands “I’m going to bring some food over to the hospital for Serina and say my

goodbyes.” “That’s a good idea, we will come with you”, James says. They head toward the food and

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

out of the banquet hall. My brothers have grown up so much and I’m glad they decided to become

ranked members of the pack.

Serina POV

“Ruby” I say her name hoping she isn’t angry that I stopped her from coming forward earlier. “I’m not

upset, Serina.” “You did the right thing, we needed to stay in control.” “I just can’t believe that there are

men out there that would do such horrible things.” “I wish there wasn’t Ruby but there are.” After

everything that happened with Lake and Gabby, I know there are. A knock sounding on the door stops

our conversation. I turn to see Nicholas, followed by my brothers walking in with food. I smile, “you

didn’t have to bring me food.” “Yes, we did, you didn’t eat”, James says, and I laugh. Nicholas hands

me the plate. They all look in the direction of the girl. “Is she alright,” John asks, as he walks closer to

the bed. “I hope she will be, but she hasn’t woken up yet.” I notice the beeping of the monitor seems to

speed up and she looks like she’s in pain. “James go get the doctor.” My brother rushes out and few

minutes later he returns with the doctor. I usher them out so the doctor can check her out without them

present. “Well, we should get back to the party since it’s for us” my brothers say. They take turns lifting

me up in a hug. They have grown so big it’s hard to believe that I’m the older sister. They start up the

hallway and Nicholas wraps me in a hug. Ruby makes the strangest noise in my mind. He sets me on

my feet. “You take care of yourself and the pack until we get back Rina.” “I will just make sure you pay

attention in class this time.” He rolls his eyes but hugs me once more before he heads up the hall. I feel

a sense of loss that I won’t see them for a year, but I know this is important to them.

I head back into the room and the beeping has returned to the slow steady rhythm. The doctor turns

toward me. “Her vital signs still seem good and whatever was happening seems to have stopped.”

“Thank you, doctor”, I say, and he heads out of the room. I sit back down in the chair and place the

plate on my lap. “Hey Ruby, what was that noise about?” “Nothing, I just think that Nicholas is cute.” I

chuckle “do you forget we will have a mate so you need to keep those hormones in check.” She

snickers and recedes in my mind.

Drayce POV

“Tell me how it is that you allowed the one she-wolf who managed to carry our off-spring to term to

escape” I yell at the soldier I put in charge of watching over her. “Sir, she was asleep and both the

doors were closed.” “She must have had help.” “I don’t want to hear your excuses.” I run my nail across

his throat. He grabs trying to stop the bleeding, but his efforts are pointless. He falls to the ground and I

turn to West. “Clean this mess up and find the girl now.” “Yes sir” he says before he picks up the soldier

and leaves my office. I need those hybrids alive.