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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 107
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 110

Lake POV

I’ve been excited since we decided to tell everyone else about the pups at dinner tonight. To say that I

was shocked when Gabriella said she was ready to tell the pack tomorrow is an understatement. I’m

ready to tell every person we know. After I took Gabriella to the new pack house, we decided to head

back to our room so we won’t be late for the dinner. We have a few hours, so we decided to just spend

some time vegging out. I lay my head on her belly as we lay on the couch in our room. “Hey little ones,

we’re going to tell the whole family about you tonight” I say and she laughs. I lay my cheek on her belly

just enjoying the feel of her skin against mine. I get a link and lift my head. Archer asks to speak to me

alone in his office. “Your dad wants to talk to me in the office.” “I won’t be gone long.” Gabriella asks me

what he wants but I’m not sure. He didn’t really say what he needed me for, but it doesn’t matter.

Archer is more of a father to me than Raymond ever was. I push the thoughts of my father away and

head to the office.

I walk in and Archer is seated in the guest chair. I know that Gabriella and I are the Alphas of the pack

now, but it still feels weird for him to sit in a guest chair. I take my seat and he smiles at me. “I won’t

keep you long, I know you need to get ready for our special dinner.” I nod and he continues. “I’m proud

of you Lake.” “I know I’ve said it before but it needs to be said again.” “The goddess makes no

mistakes but some wolves wouldn’t have seen being mated to Gabriella as a gift.” I know he isn’t

specifically talking about my father but his image pops into my mind. He was wrong about a lot in my

life and I’m glad that it was my mother that instilled what was important about mates in me. “Loving and

accepting Gabriella was the easiest decision I’ve ever made in my life.” “She isn’t weak because of who

she is and she doesn’t make me weak.” “If any thing she is my strength and the fact that a wolf pack

sees her as a leader speaks volumes about that strength.” He smiles and nods.

“The next part of your journey will not be easy but I have faith you both will be each other’s anchor in

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whatever storms come your way.” “I know Gabriella is afraid just as Sabrina was about carrying wolf

pups, but they were picked by the goddess because she knew they were what we both needed” he

says smiling. “You will need to remind her of her strength when the fear of carrying pups or making the

wrong decisions creeps into her mind.” “I will remind her every day that she is everything to me, the

pack, and our pups.” “Good, now you better go get dressed before my mate kills me for making you

late.” I laugh and we both stand. He bro-hugs me before I head back upstairs. When I walk in, she is

still sitting on our couch watching tv. “How did your talk go with dad?” “It was nice but he told me to

make sure we aren’t late or your mom is going to kill him.” She smiles and when she stands, she’s

wearing an oversized sweater and jeans. I wrap her in my arms and lay a soft k!ss on her l!ps before I

jump into the shower. I’m dressed and ready to go in ten minutes, which is good because we are

expected in the dining room in five minutes.

Gabriella POV

It’s still surreal that I have three pups growing in my body. While Lake is downstairs talking to my father,

I lie on the couch with my hands on my still flat stomach. After a few minutes of imagining myself with a

big belly, I get up to get dressed. I know what the doctor said about showing very soon and even

though I’m not, I still throw on an oversized sweater and jeans. Once Lake is dressed, we head to the

dining room. I’m excited to tell my brothers and our family about the pups. I’m also excited to find out

about Tabby and Johnathon’s pup. When we walk in, I’m in shock. Not only are my brothers there, but

my Aunt Willow, Uncle Harris, Aunt Tracey, Uncle Levi, and Nicholas are on one side of the table. My

Grandma Fern and Grandpa River are sitting on the opposite side of the table next to Serina. Now I’m

nervous and excited. Everyone gets up to greet us. Once I’ve been hugged by everyone, we take our

seats next to Serina. My parents take their seats before Tabby and Johnathon come in and sit down

next to Lake. “Now that we are all here, we have some big news to share with everyone”, my mother

says. I want Tabby to go first, so I interrupt her before she calls on me to announce our pups.

“Tabby and Johnathon had their first ultrasound today.” I turn to Tabby and she smiles. She takes

Johnathon’s hand and they both stand. “We are having a girl.” There are screams and hoots along with

congratulations all around the table. “Now, I believe that we aren’t the only ones that have big news”

Tabby says, winking at me and Lake. This time Lake and I stand. He squeezes my hand and everyone

is staring at us with huge smiles on their faces. I’m sure they think they know what we are about to

announce but they are in for a shock. “Lake and I found out yesterday that we are also expecting.” My

aunts both run around the table hugging us before my grandmother gets to me. “You are all jumping

the gun, there’s more” Lake says with a huge smile on his face and everyone freezes with their eyes

focused on me. “We aren’t just having one pup.” “Twins Aunt Willow yells.” I raise my hand showing

three fingers. If I thought they screamed before, it was nothing compared to now. “Oh, my goddess,

three pups” my grandmother says with tears in her eyes. She hugs me tight like she doesn’t want to let

me go. “I’m so proud of you Gabriella.” “Thank you, grandma but I can’t take credit for all of this.” “No, I

don’t mean about the pups.” “I’m talking about the woman and leader you have become.” She k!sses

my cheek before I’m passed around for hugs again. Once everyone has congratulated us both, we all

take our seats to eat our dinner.

The Next Day

Serina POV

I wake up and head into the bathroom. I shower and when I’m done, I head into my closet to find

comfortable clothes. I promised Ruby that after we helped my mother set up for the party we could go

on a run. I head downstairs and grab a muffin and milk. Once I make it to the banquet hall, I’m shocked

to see that everything looks done. I look around and that’s when I see my mother walking toward me

with Tabby. Now it makes more sense why everything is done, I chuckle. “Good morning, sweetheart”

my mother says before she k!sses my forehead. I hug Tabby telling her how nice everything looks. “Do

you need me to do anything else, mom, before I go for a run?” I see concern flash across her face

because my mother worries about her pups even when she knows I have my wolf. “Is anyone going

with you?” “Mom, Ruby and I will be fine, I promise.” “Alright but don’t be gone for to long.” “The party

starts in a few hours.” I nod and k!ss her cheek before I head out of the pack house.

I walk up the path to the clearing and start to take off my clothes. “That isn’t necessary” Ruby says to

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me. “Yes, it is, these are one of my favorite pair of jeans.” She laughs “just trust me and shift.” I roll my

eyes but do as she asks. As soon as I give Ruby control, she takes off. I will never tire of the feeling of

running in wolf form. It is truly amazing to feel the wind rushing past our fur. She is faster than any other

wolf in the pack. As we run toward the border, I remind her not to leave the territory. She ignores me

completely and crosses the border heading into the woods outside the territory line. “Ruby turn around,

we can’t be out here.” “I smell something and we need to check it out.” “Ruby mom is going to kill us for

leaving the territory.” “Ruby what do you smell?” “I smell rogue and blood.” “Holy sh!t, that’s all the

more reason for us to get help before we get ourselves in trouble.” As soon as the words leave my

mouth, I sp0t a body lying about twenty feet from us. Ruby stalks forward and when we get close

enough, I can see it’s a woman lying face down.

Ruby breathes deep and bends nudging her with her snout. She m0ans and I feel panicked. She’s alive

and someone left her out here to die. “Ruby, we need to shift so I can help her.” We shift and I look

down in shock. My clothes are on and they are completely intact. “How” I start to say, but then I stop

myself. My clothes are not important right now. I bend down and roll her onto her back. That’s when I

notice that she is around Gabby’s age. I start to look down her body for injuries and that’s when I notice

her belly. I’m sure my eyes get big with the shock I feel. “Ruby, she is very pregnant.” “We need to get

her to the hospital and figure out where the blood on her clothes is from.” I don’t wait for Ruby to

answer. I link my father “dad, I need your help.” He immediately answers “what’s wrong sweetheart?” I

explain where I am and what’s happening. He cuts the link without a word.

A few minutes later, Brutus and several warriors approach us. My father shifts and rushes to me. “This

was very dangerous, Serina” he says, before he turns to the girl lying on the ground. He scoops her up

without another word. Once we reach the pack hospital, my mother is waiting. I can see she isn’t happy

and I’m sure my father told her where I was but right now the focus is on the girl I found. My father

places her on the gurney and the nurses wheel her through the double doors. My mother turns toward

me “what were you thinking leaving the territory.” “I’m sorry mom, Ruby could smell the girl and we

needed to help her.” “You scared me, I know you’re strong, but you’re my pup.” I smile “I know that

mom and I promise you that Ruby and I will always be careful but we are an Alpha of this pack.” My

father smiles at my words and my mother wraps me in her arms. “Just promise me that you will always

be careful.” “I will.”