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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 104
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 107

Tabitha POV

I raise my hand, preparing to kill them all if I have to. I hear my pack growling behind me and I have no

fear. I watch a warlock step forward, to Terrance’s surprise. I look to him, “I may be a black magic

warlock, but I will not fight for a man that doesn’t protect his own coven.” The shock must be evident on

my face. He starts to walk away and others begin to join him. “You fvcking pathetic traitors.” He raises

his hand and I create a shield blocking his attack. His energy ball dissipates as soon as it touches the

shield. He wh!ps his head in my direction. There is a handful of men and women left standing behind

Terrance. “You have made your choice, now you will join him in death.” Terrance attempts to cast

against me but I again block his attack. I see a flash of fear cross his face when he isn’t successful.

The pack begins to spread out until the remaining warlocks are surrounded by wolves. I see Gabby

perched on Razor’s back, smiling at me. Ruby, though smaller, is magnificent standing beside Razor.

“Do you remember the day your family took my parents from me?” He laughs “your parents were

pathetic and thought they could go against the coven.” “They got everything they deserved.” I raise my

hand and begin to twist his arm until I hear the breaking of bones. He screams “you fvcking b**ch, what

the fvck did you just do.” “Did you think that I was weak and this would be easy for you?” I laugh this

time. “Where is your pathetic father so I can kill you both at the same time?” He doesn’t answer and

tries to cast against me again. When nothing happens, the flash of fear is now full-blown panic. “What’s

the matter, is your magic gone Terrance?” “That’s not possible.” “I’ll ask again where is your father?” He

still doesn’t answer and I look to the warlocks that have left him to die. Before I repeat myself, the

warlock steps forward “his father is dead, killed because of his actions.” “He killed his own beloved

because he wanted you for power.” I turn the anger growing with the knowledge of all he and his

ba**ard father have done. “You killed your own beloved for power.” “Yes, and yours should be

imprisoned in his own body by now” he smiles.

I can feel my body being engulfed in rage. I look down at my hands and they are glowing blue. I look

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back at Terrance and he takes a step back from me. “What’s the matter Terrance?” “I thought you

wanted my power but here you are ready to run like the b**ch you are.” “Tabitha” he says with fear in

his voice. My name on his l!ps sounds very wrong and I’m done looking at him. I raise my hand “pain” I

say and he falls to the ground screaming. I look to Gabby and nod. The wolves start to stalk toward the

remaining warlocks and witches. “Stop” I say and Terrance is in a ball at my feet still whimpering.

“Tabitha please” he pleads as if I will show this monster any mercy. I raise my hands lifting him off the

ground in front of me. He starts to speak my name but I wave my hand, silencing him. “For all you have

done against your beloved, my parents, and my beloved, your life is forfeit.” “I pray the punishment that

I am about to give you is nothing compared to what the goddess does to you.” I concentrate my energy

on his body picturing his blood heating up. I watch as his skin starts to turn red and the sweat begins to

pour off his face. He again starts to scream with the pain of boiling from the inside out. I watch as his

body starts to melt until he is just a puddle of flesh on the ground. I look toward the wolves and all the

warlocks and witches have all been dealt with.

I feel the rage start to fade and look down to see the blue glow is gone. The warlocks who abandoned

Terrance walk back toward us. “Who is next in command?” The warlock steps forward that refused to

stand with Terrance. “I am second in command, my name is Xavier Frank.” “Xavier, my business with

your coven is done but make no mistake that if I get wind of anything I don’t like I will come back here

and finish you all.” “Your leaving, the coven is your right for killing Terrance.” “I want nothing to do with

this coven and I appoint you its leader from this day forward.” “Don’t make me regret that decision.” “I

promise you that you won’t.” “Where is Megan?” He drops his head. “She’s gone” he says. “Gone like

he killed her or gone like she left this coven.” “Terrance thought he had killed her but I saved her.” Why

would he save her? “I had planned on over throwing Terrance and the coven would need a leader.” “I

couldn’t let her die by his hand, his own sister.” He has no idea that she is just as evil as that ba**ard I

just killed. “If she returns to this coven I want to be notified immediately.” “Of course, ma’am.” I chuckle

“my name is Tabitha Blade” I say. Razor comes to stand next to me and the warlocks back away from

my family. I get on Razor’s back in front of Gabby and we turn heading toward the cloaking shield. I

pray I never have to return to this coven again.

As we run, I pray that Johnathon is awake and waiting for me. This time as we approach the cloaking, I

wave my hand, opening the portal so we can all run through. I feel like it takes forever to reach the

pack border. Razor runs straight to the pack hospital. I k!ss Gabby before I slide off and run into the

hospital without another word. I reach Johnathon’s door and I say a quick prayer before I open it. I

reach for the handle but the door flies open. My beautiful mate is standing there with relief all over his

face. I’m sure I look the same. I’m lifted off the ground and there is no place I would rather be in this

moment. He sets me on my feet and slams his l!ps down on mine. He deepens the k!ss and I feel it all

over my body. Before it goes any further, he pulls back, resting his head against mine. “You have no

idea how worried I was.” “I have never felt so helpless in all my life.” “I’m fine, we both are.” He pulls

back with the biggest smile I have ever seen.

He goes down onto his knees with his face near my belly. “Did you keep mama safe little one?” I laugh

“yes I most certainly got help from our pup.” He lifts my shirt and k!sses my belly. I hear someone clear

their throat and I turn to see Serina and Gabby smiling at us. “We wanted to make sure you were both

alright” Gabby says. I hug them both. “Thank you, for being my family and standing with me against

that ba**ard.” “You never have to thank us for that” Serina says. Johnathon hugs them both and before

they leave Gabby looks concerned. “I heard them say that Megan” I stop her. “Don’t worry about her.”

“She will have her day but she is no threat to us now.” They both smile and head down the hall.

Johnathon leads me inside the room. “The doctor won’t let me leave yet so we will be sleeping here

tonight.” “That’s good because we can have our first ultrasound tomorrow before we go home.” I take a

quick shower and when I come out of the bathroom, I slide into bed next to him. I meant what I said to

Gabby I’m not worried about Megan and for the first time I feel like there is no more threats to my

family. I lay my head on his chest and fall into a peaceful sleep. I dream about our life with our pup and

a happy future.

Gabriella POV

I walk with Serina back to our parent’s wing. After we fill them in on everything that happened. My

mother looks shocked. “She boiled him” she says. “I have never seen anything like it mom.” “She

seemed more powerful than normal.” My father smiles “she was.” I wait for his explanation. “Tabby is

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pregnant with a hybrid.” “Their pup is werewitch which means they will be powerful too.” “The pup

probably gave her own very powerful magic a boost.” “That’s awesome” Serina says and I chuckle.

“Yes, it is very awesome.” “Alright I better go to my room before Lake comes looking for me.” I k!ss my

sister and parents before I head to our room. The new pack house is almost ready and I can’t wait to

have something that is both mine and Lake’s. My sister will be moving onto the floor below us and my

parents will maintain this pack house. We have made more than enough room for our expanding pack.

I reach the room and head inside. Lake must be in the shower so I decide to join him. I open the

bathroom door and he takes my breath away. He is under the spray and water is running down his

muscled back and a**. I follow the path of the water down to his feet. He really is the se.xist man. I look

back up before I pull my shirt over my head and he is smiling at me. I wait for him to tease me for being

caught but he just watches me undress. Once I’m completely undressed, I get in the shower and he

wraps his arms around me. “I thank the goddess every day that she brought you to me.” He slams his

l!ps down on mine before I can tell him I feel the same way. Once I’m breathless he pulls back lifting

me and placing me against the wall so his face is at my core. He takes a long l!ck and it sends heat

through my body. He begins to l!ck me like a starving man and I’m his last meal. I know I won’t last long

if he continues what he is doing. I grab his hair and that seems to increase his pace. “Lake” I gasp and

he bites down on my cl*t pushing me over the edge. He doesn’t even give me time to come down from

my high as he slides me down his body impaling me with his c0ck.

He starts to pound into me relentlessly. He reaches down and begins to circle my cl*t with his thumb as

he pounds into me over and over again. I can feel the org*asm building again. He leans in and sinks his

canines into my marking sp0t and I scream out my release. The org*asm is so intense I see stars. My

core starts to milk his c0ck and he empties his seed deep inside me. After we both come down, he

lowers me to the floor. He k!sses me softly this time. “I love you Lake”, I say when he pulls back from

the k!ss. “I love you more” he says. He takes the body wash and begins to wash my body. I never knew

how intimate it would be to have him washing me. I try to take the body wash to return the favor but he

stops me. “Not right now, I want to take care of you.” He bends down running his hands up and down

my legs. When he reaches the top of my th!gh his hands stop. I look down and his eyes are wide. What

the fvck could be happening now? “Lake what’s happening?”