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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 103
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 106

Tabby POV

As I walk bapy. Now I just need help my mate and to end those ba**ards. I walk back in and Johnathon

looks like his peacefully sleeping. I wish that was really true. I don’t know how long what Serina and I

did will hold off the effects of the soul spell. We don’t have time to wait to find out. The girls look up

when they realize I’ve come in. “Is she alright” Serina asks with concern in her voice. It’s amazing how

much she has matured since she has gotten Ruby. Make no mistake that she has always been a level-

headed girl, but now I can see the Alpha in her. I hope whoever her mate turns out to be knows what a

gift they have received from the goddess. I smile at Serina’s question. “It will take some time but she

will be.” “They both will be.” She smiles and hugs me.

I walk over, taking his hand in mine. “I know you can hear me love.” “I promise you that I will be back

soon and we can see our pup together for the first time.” I see a tear run down from the corner of his

eye. The fact that he doesn’t link me makes me concerned about the amount of time we have left. I turn

to Gabby and Serina. “We need to gather as many men as we can so I can do a protection spell on

them.” “It won’t make them completely invulnerable to injury, but it’s better than them facing warlocks

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

and witches with nothing.” I watch Gabby link and she looks back to me. “I will have two warriors

posted here to protect Johnathon and Cynthia.” “Lake is on his way back with Atticus and Derrick.” The

warriors arrive to stand guard and we head out to the pack yard. Archer and Sabrina are also waiting. I

watch as Lake, Derrick, and Atticus’s wolves break through the trees. Lake immediately shifts, pulling

on shorts and scooping Gabby up in his arms. I love that they found each other and are so happy.

Once he has breathed in her scent, he sets her on her feet turning toward me. “We are ready when you

are Tabby.” I look around at all the people I consider family. I take a deep breath and get my bearings

before I address the wolves.

Derrick shocks me by stepping forward. “I’m going to stay with Cynthia, Tabitha.” “You deserve the

pleasure of ending them after what they have done.” “I would love to be there to watch them suffer, but

my mate needs me more than I care to watch them die.” I smile because he really is a better man now

and worthy of Cynthia’s bond. I nod and he runs toward the pack hospital. “These witches and warlocks

are black magic and they will not think twice about using lethal magic against you.” “That being said, I

want you to all close your eyes.” None question me and do what I ask. I close my eyes, I spread out my

arms and begin to chant a protection spell over about a hundred wolves that are standing before me. I

feel stronger than I have ever felt and I smile to myself. When a witch is pregnant, her baby can boost

her magic. Our pup is a hybrid which comes with even more power. Terrance and Brice are going to be

very sorry for fvcking with my family. I open my eyes and I can see the wolves have felt the energy I

have passed to them. They begin to shift and Razor lays down, allowing Gabby and I to climb on his

back. He takes off in the direction of the coven.

A portal that is oval in shape has appeared where the field was. There is about twenty cottages and a

large mansion. “Let’s go, I won’t be able to hold the cloaking open for very long.” The wolves start to

run through and we follow them. We wait for Tabby and once she’s inside, the opening is gone. We can

look out at the woods like we’re in a bubble. We hear a horn blast and twenty men come running out of

the large mansion. We stand in front of our warriors. Tabby steps in front of all of us. “I have no

business with any of you, but make no mistake, if you do not give me Terrance and Brice, I will kill you

all.” I see fear flash across a few faces and others who think this is a joke. They are about to find out

what happens when you piss Tabby off and they are going to be very sorry.

Terrance POV

I’m in my office just about to head downstairs and to that wolf pack with my best warlocks. The phone

rings and I stop putting it to my ear. “This is Terrance” I say and for a moment there is silence.

“Terrance, it’s Simon.” “Simon, I’m sorry I don’t really have time to talk right now and I haven’t heard

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from Patricia.” “Of course, you haven’t because she is dead just like your father.” My blood runs cold in

my veins at his words. “What’s the matter Terrance, cat got your tongue?” “What have you done

Simon?” “I took a life for a life.” “I thought it was only fair.” “You took my daughter from me and I took

your father from you.” I scream and slam the phone down on my desk. I pick up the paper weight

throwing it as hard as I can at the wall. I place my hands on my desk and begin taking deep breaths to

calm myself down. How could he have come into my coven and killed my father? He will die for what

he has done and I will take control of his coven too.

“Terrance, we have visitors, you might want to get down here” Xavier one of my ranked warlock, says in

my mind. What the fvck is happening now? “I’m on my way.” I teleport so I’m standing on the steps of

the mansion. I’m looking at a hundred wolves and a very pissed looking Tabitha. I smile, she came to

me. That is very convenient, isn’t it? Does she really think that these mutts are any match for dark

magic warlocks? I start to walk toward them until I come to stand in front of my men. She watches my

every move. “Welcome home Tabitha.” She snickers at me. “This is not my home and it never will be.”

“Now, now don’t be that way.” “I know you want to save your precious mutt.” Her eyes flash with anger.

“I don’t need you to lift the soul spell to save my mate.” “That will happen when you die.” I chuckle “so

confident, I like that.” “Tabitha, I have no plans to die today but I will be making you mine.” “Over your

dead body” she says and raises her hand in my direction.