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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 102
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 105

Derrick POV

I run down the hallway and when I reach the waiting room, I don’t even stop when Atticus yells my

name. As soon as I’m outside, I start to shift. “Derrick shift back now” I hear Atticus and Haze

immediately responds. What the f**? I’m a rogue. His command shouldn’t work on my wolf. I stalk back

toward him. “Where the hell are you going, Derrick?” “Atticus, I am not your pack member and you

have no right to stop me.” “So your just leaving your mate when she needs you the most.” I don’t even

think about it, I just pull back and punch. As soon as he hits the ground, I expect him to get up and kill

me. I just hit an Alpha. Rogue or not, that’s a death sentence. He gets to his feet and looks at me.

Instead of anger, I see sympathy on his face. “I’m sorry Atticus.” “Derrick, I don’t need you to be sorry, I

need you to think about what your mate needs more right now.” “How can I not kill that ba**ard for what

he has done?” “I never said that you won’t kill his a**.” “I said stand by her and make sure that she

knows she is your priority, not revenge.” I know he’s right but what if she doesn’t want me to be there.

This I could handle but her rejecting me will break me completely.

He puts his hand on my shoulder. “I know your afraid after everything that’s happened but here is

where you have to be b.rave.” He’s right, I just pray to the goddess I don’t fvck this up. I walk back into

the hospital with Atticus. Monica looks relieved when she sees me. I start back down the hallway until

I’m standing in front of the door to her room. I take a few deep breaths, breathing in her scent. “You are

a good man” Haze says. “You didn’t think that a long time ago when I listened to our Alpha and rejected

our mate.” “I never thought you were a bad man, Derrick.” “Doing the wrong thing doesn’t make you

bad, it means your human.” “Now you have a chance to do what’s right for us and our mate.” I smile

and I hope he’s right. I knock before I walk back in and I see a spark in my mate’s eyes before she

drops her gaze from me. The Alpha nods at me. “I’m sorry I ran out, I wasn’t thinking.” She picks her

head back up this time holding my gaze. “I’m glad you came back.” Her words give me hope.

“Gabby and Serina can I talk to Derrick alone please.” “Of course, we will go check on Tabitha.” “Link

me if you need us.” They hug my mate before they leave, closing the door behind them. “Did you mean

what you said before that you were scared?” I smile “absolutely.” “Can I sit and I’ll tell you why?” She

motions to the chair that is by her bed. I sit and ready myself to tell the most important woman about

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

my biggest mistake. “Before I tell you this story, I want you to understand that I accept you.” “You are

my mate and nothing you told me changes how I feel.” I see a tear run down her cheek. I want to reach

up and wipe it away but I don’t know how she would feel about me touching her right now. She wipes

the tear away and I continue. “I wasn’t always a rogue.” “I was a Beta once and our pack was very

involved with a nearby coven.” “I never agreed with working with the coven because they were black

magic but I had to listen to my Alpha.” “This is hard to say because I hate myself for what I did and I

don’t want you to hate me.”

Cynthia POV

“He is nothing like that ba**ard Conrad.” “He wants us, Cynthia” Macie says. I hope she’s right. When

he says I might hate him, I put my hand on his, wanting to reassure him I’m here. I’m afraid of what he

is about to say, but I keep in mind people can change. “You are my second chance mate.” I smile when

he says that because we are each other’s second chance. Then I realize what he said about hating

himself. “Tabitha was a witch in that coven and when we met for the first time, I realized she was my

mate.” I’m horrified, he’s the man that rejected Tabby. “He isn’t the same man, Cynthia” Macie pleads

with me. “I was coward and followed orders.” “It is the biggest regret of my life.” “That’s why when I

found you, I panicked.” “See he wants us” Macie says. “How can I accept him after what he did to

Tabby?” “That isn’t fair he made a mistake and you shouldn’t hold it against him.” I feel so torn inside.

Almost every part of me wants to accept this man and love him, but what about Tabby? As if my

thoughts conjure her, the door opens and she walks inside.

Derrick stands with worry written all over his face. Tabby walks toward me and leans down, wrapping

her arms around me. “You are strong and resilient.” “My past doesn’t need to dictate your future” she

whispers in my ear. She leans back and the smile on her face melts away the guilt I was feeling about

accepting Derrick. She walks around the bed and I watch her stick out her hand. Derrick takes it and I

can feel the tears streaming down my face. “I forgive you and I want you to be happy with Cynthia.”

“Thank you, Tabitha.” “Just remember who I am because if you ever hurt her I will make you

disappear.” His face is comical and I can’t help but laugh. “I have to get back to my love” she says

before she walks out of the room. Derrick turns and sits back down in the chair. Before he starts to

speak again, I stop him. “Derrick, what is your full name?” He hesitates before he answers me. “My full

name is Derrick Phill!p Stone.” I take his hand in mine. “I, Cynthia Marie Long, accept you Derrick

Phill!p Stone as my mate.” The smile that spreads across his face is amazing. “Thank you for giving me

a chance.” “I, Derrick Phill!p Stone, accept you Cynthia Marie Long as my mate.” I hate that we can’t

complete the bond but I have to heal. “I can’t” he stops me. “We will complete the bond when your

healed and ready.” “There is no rush.” “I just want to sit her and hold your hand.”

Derrick POV

Gabby comes back and I want Cynthia to rest while I deal with that ba**ard. “Cynthia, I promise I won’t

be gone long.” I can see the concern on her face. “I won’t be going alone and I promise I won’t be gone

long.” I lean down “may I k!ss your forehead love?” She smiles and reaches up pulling me down

pressing her l!ps to mine. It’s not a deep or passionate k!ss, but it is amazing. A sweet loving k!ss that

warms my chest. I pull back and she smiles. “Please hurry back.” I nod and head for the waiting room.

Atticus is waiting and Lake has joined him. When they see me I can tell their concerned. “I’m going

back and I was wondering if a few soldiers would accompany me.” “I would appreciate the help but

Maurice is mine.” “I know the others won’t hurt me once I tell them what Kenneth and Maurice have

done.” “We will come with you” Lake says. “I can deal with that ba**ard Kenneth while were there

because we have a much bigger fight to deal with.” I look at him confused. “We will fill you in on that

after we deal with these ba**ards” Lake says. I watch them both link with their mates before we all head

out of the pack hospital.

I shift into Haze and we all take off toward the pack. We run as fast as our legs will carry us. When we

reach the edge of the forest near the cottages, I shift grabbing shorts. Atticus and Lake do the same.

They follow me and we walk into the territory out in the open. Several of the pack members come out of

the cottages and look confused. “I’m hear for Maurice” I say into the air knowing that someone has

probably already alerted Kenneth were here.” A few seconds later Kenneth followed by Maurice come

out of the far cottage. “I didn’t expect to see you Derrick after you betrayed us.” I laugh “I betrayed you,

that’s a joke.” “You have betrayed everyone by what you have done.” I can see the questions on

everyone’s face at my words. “That’s right you didn’t tell everyone how you tried to kill an innocent

human for revenge.” I hear the chatter of the pack members. “Is that what you came for to tell everyone

lies Derrick.” “No, I came to kill him” I say pointing at Maurice. “I see you got my message” he laughs.

I growl “you are a pathetic excuse for a man.” “You forced yourself on my mate and for that your life is

over.” I see a hint of anger flash over Kenneth’s face before he turns to Maurice. “Is this true?”

“Kenneth why do you care about some wh*re from the pack?” “I warned you, he’s yours to do what you

want to” he throws over his shoulder as he goes and takes a seat on a nearby porch. “Are you kidding

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Kenneth after he betrayed you” Maurice yells. I don’t wait for Kenneth to respond. I shift stalking toward

him. He shifts and we circle.each other. I have never felt this level of rage from Haze. He rushes

forward and clamps his jaw down on the wolf’s shoulder. He whines and Haze keeps the pressure on

until we hear his bones break. He finally releases him only to clamp down on his side. This time he

pulls back, ripping out a chunk of flesh, dropping it to the ground. The wolf stumbles falling on his side.

Haze comes around until he is near his neck. He clamps down, ripping his throat out. I shift walking

back toward Atticus and Lake.

Lake POV

I expected something different from Kenneth but it won’t save him from his fate. He tried to kill my mate

and for that his life is over. I look around at all the wolves that Derrick spoke about. “I have no problem

with your pack however your leader has committed a crime against my Alpha mate that is punishable

by death.” “So, you all have a choice, whether you will stand by a man that has been doing evil behind

your backs or you can let him stand alone for his crimes.” I look around and I watch as they turn facing

away from Kenneth. He laughs as he walks off the porch toward us. “I don’t need their help to beat a

pathetic Alpha like you anyway.” “That is unless you are going to have your two lackeys help you.” “I do

not need any help to kill you Kenneth and honestly I’m tired of you breathing the same air that my mate

does.” Razor comes forward and we shift. Kenneth shifts into an average-sized dirty brown wolf. In any

other instance, I wouldn’t fight a wolf of this size, but he has lost the right to my mercy.

We start toward each other and he swipes, catching me across the snout. I can tell that he is proud he

landed the hit. “He is going to pay for that” Razor says. “I think we should kill him quickly and get back

to our mates.” “Gladly” Razor says and lunges forward. He bites down on his snout. The force of

Razor’s jaw, because we are so much bigger, breaks all the bones in his snout. He whimpers and cries

trying to pull away. Razor pulls back, ripping his snout off. He immediately knocks him to the ground

and places his paws on the wolf’s chest. He roars before he bends, engulfing his head in his mouth and

biting down. He starts to pull until his head rips from his body. He steps off what’s left of the wolf and

drops his head to the ground. We shift and I slip shorts on that Atticus hands me. I turn to Derrick. “Is

there someone here that can take over leading these wolves?” He smiles “Vanessa, can you come

forward.” A woman who looks to be in her thirtys steps in front of me. “We have no further issues with

each other and Derrick said that you can lead these wolves.” “Does everyone agree with that” I ask all

the wolves standing around. They bare their necks toward her and I have my answer. “Good luck” I say

and turn toward Derrick. “It’s time to go home to our mates.” He smiles at my words. He says his

goodbyes and we head back toward the pack. It’s time to deal with that fvcking coven.