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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 101
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 104

Lake POV

I step out of the room and cross the hall to an empty room so the doctor can check Cynthia over. As

soon as I close the door, I roar and Razor is ready to takeover. I pace back and forth trying to calm

myself. They are all monsters my father, Jessica, and this fvcking rogue that violated Cynthia. “I don’t

understand how he got into the territory” Razor growls. “I don’t know either but he violated her and he is

going to die for what he has done.” I take some deep breaths before I link Lance the head warrior to

meet me outside the pack hospital. I walk toward the waiting room and as soon as I see Derrick, I feel

sick. I know what I would do if any man even looked at my mate let alone put his hands on her. I’m sure

my eyes are black. Atticus and Derrick both stand rushing toward me. “What is happening to Cynthia”,

Derrick demands, and I know I can’t tell him but I want to. I would want to know.

“The doctor is still with her.” “Bullsh*t you know something and I deserve to know.” “She is my mate” he

says and steps into my space. As an Alpha in any other situation, I would consider this a challenge, but

right now, this is a desperate man who is hurting for his mate. Atticus pulls him back from me, but he

frees himself from his grip. I raise my hand indicating to Atticus to let him go. “Derrick, I understand you

want to know everything that happened to your mate just as I would, but if I tell you is that fair to her.” I

see hurt flash across his face and he steps back from me. I put my hand on his shoulder “when she

wakes up, I will let you know and hopefully she will be ready to see you.” “Thank you, Alpha.” “I need to

speak to Lance but I won’t be long.”

Gabriella POV

I sit holding Cynthia’s hand. I look over at Serina and she looks as broken as I feel. No one should

have this happen to them. A few seconds later and Cynthia’s eyes start to flutter open. My heart feels

like it’s going to pound out of my chest. Her eyes fly open completely and she screams. “Cynthia your

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safe, your at the hospital.” She isn’t listening and I can see her wolf is at the surface. Serina stands and

I watch my sister’s beautiful blue eyes turn an even more brilliant blue like the ocean. “Macie, I need

you to listen to me” Serina speaks but it’s not her voice. It must be Ruby speaking. Cynthia’s wolf

seems to understand and she stops fighting. “Macie, we know that you and Cynthia were hurt by the

rogue.” “You know nothing of what he did to us” she says anger laced through her voice. “He took what

only our mate should have.” My heart breaks for her and I feel helpless in this moment. There isn’t

anything that Serina or I can say to heal what he broke.

“Macie, I know your hurt and angry.” “I know we can’t begin to understand what you went through.” “I’m

sorry this happened to you.” “You have a mate that is going crazy waiting to hear that you’re alright.” I

can see she doesn’t believe my words. “He didn’t want me before I was used and he isn’t going to want

me now.” “That’s not true he was scared.” She laughs “like Conrad.” “Macie, Conrad was an evil man

and I’ve spoken to Derrick he is nothing like him.” “He came her to help the pack and I swear to you

that if you at least talk to him you will see for yourself.” I can tell she is talking to Cynthia and a few

moments later Macie is gone. Cynthia looks into my eyes. “Gabby he” she starts to say and I wrap her

in my arms. “I know I’m so sorry I didn’t protect you.” After a few seconds she pulls back. “This isn’t

your fault.” “I went too far, I was just so hurt thinking that my second chance didn’t want me either.” “We

ran and ran until Macie’s legs almost gave out.” “That’s when I realized we were outside the territory.” “I

never even caught his scent before he was on me.” “I tried to fight him off but between being so tired

and he was strong I couldn’t.”

We sit in silence for a few minutes. A knock sounds on the door and the nurse walks in. “Cynthia your

awake.” “I’m going to go get the doctor to check on you.” She leaves without a word. “Cynthia, do you

want us to leave so you can talk to the doctor alone?” “No please stay” she says. “Of course, we won’t

leave.” The door opens and the doctor walks in “Cynthia it’s good to see you awake.” She smiles but it

doesn’t reach her eyes. “Alphas can you step out while I speak to Cynthia for a moment.” “No, I want

them to stay please” Cynthia says. “Cynthia what I’m going to talk about is very personal, are you

sure?” She nods and takes my hand. Serina moves to stand next to her bed taking her other hand. “We

did an examination and though there was some tearing, the damage shouldn’t be permanent.” She

squeezes my hand and I squeeze back. “So that means that I can still” she stops herself before she

finishes the question, but I know exactly what she was about to ask.

I link the doctor to answer her so she doesn’t have to finish her question. “There is no reason to believe

that you won’t be able to have pups after you are completely healed.” I see a tear stream down her

cheek. She doesn’t respond but I know she is glad to hear the answer as the grip on my hand loosens.

“Thank you doctor”, I say and he leaves the room. I stand and she lays her head against me as I brush

my hand through her hair. We hear a commotion and I have a feeling I know exactly what’s happening.

I start to pull away to go deal with Derrick but Cynthia holds me close. “I will be right back I just need to

settle him down so he doesn’t kill the pack doctor.” “Will you two stay here while I talk to him, please.” “I

will and you don’t have to make any decisions right now.” “Serina, can you go bring Derrick to the room

but tell him to calm down first.” Serina nods at me and heads out the door. “Are you sure you’re ready

to see him Cynthia?” “Yes, I’m sure” she says and her voice never waivers. Despite all that happened

she is strong and in that moment, I know that she will get through this.

Derrick POV

The doctor comes back toward the waiting room and I have tried to be patient but I can’t. Both Haze

and I want our mate. “What is going on, I need to see her now” I say. “You will not see her until she is

ready.” “The Alphas gave you orders.” “I am a rogue, I have no Alpha and I want my mate” I roar.

Atticus and Monica are trying to calm me but I have no calm left. A few seconds later a girl that looks

no older than seventeen comes walking toward me. I feel a power about her that I have never felt from

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another wolf. “Derrick enough” she says. Haze immediately quiets in my mind. “If you want to go with

me to speak with Cynthia you will be calm.” “That is what she needs right now and giving her what she

needs must be what is most important to you.” “It is, I promise I will be calm.” “I don’t want her to be

scared of me.” I take a few deep breaths and she leads me down the hall. Once we are standing

outside the room, I take in a deep breath of her scent. “Go to mate, hold her” Haze growls in my mind.

“Stop it now Haze, this isn’t about us.” He whimpers and I hate yelling at him but he needs to

understand what she needs right now is for us to be here for her whatever that means.

The door opens and when we head inside, she is lying in bed wrapped around the Alpha. My heart

clenches in my chest at seeing my mate looking so broken. “Cynthia” I say her name like a whisper and

she looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “I can’t” she says and my heart breaks a little more. I step

closer but still keep enough distance hoping my scent will offer her some comfort. “You don’t have to

talk just let me.” She doesn’t answer and I take that to mean she is listening. “I’m sorry that I was too

much of a coward to take you in my arms and mark you the moment I saw you.” “I will live with that

regret for the rest of my life but I want you to know that you are my mate.” “I am not worthy of you but I

am selfish and I want to be your mate anyway.” “I don’t care if I have to wait a lifetime for you to accept

me, I will gladly wait it.” “I will try every day to be a better man and worthy of you.”

She picks up her head and our eyes meet. Pain flashes in her chocolate brown eyes. “You may feel

differently when you know what he did to me.” I clench my fists and I pray to the goddess that it is not

what I think. “Who hurt you and what did he do?” I try to keep my voice even so I don’t scare her. “He

said his name was Maurice” she chokes out. A few seconds pass and I feel like I’m being burned from

the inside with the rage that is building in me. “Cynthia, what did he do to you?” “Please tell me.” “I

can’t, please don’t make me say it” she pleads and my composure shatters. “He is going to die today

for what he has done I promise you” I say and rush from the room.