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My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 4
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Chapter 4

Kayson looked at the proof of marriage in his hand in surprise. ‘This is fake? The woman must be

pretty influential to be able to achieve this then.’ “Oh, okay.” He actually did not mind it at all. It was

good that it was fake—it would save him the trouble in the future. Sadie was still scowling as she said,

“Go back on your own. I still have things to do!” She left with a snap of the head right after that, leaving

Kayson with a twitching lip as he muttered, “What a handful of a princess… “Never mind, it’ll take three

to four months at most. Let’s just return the favor as soon as possible and go back to the mountain.”

Kayson went to a nearby forest to pick some herbs, crushed them, and concocted them into dark inky

medicinal balls. He smiled in approval as a unique medicinal scent wafted. ‘Grandpa Hugh’s damaged

organs will heal with these pills.’ The affliction harming Hugh’s organs had accumulated over the years,

causing his organs to sustain a certain degree of damage. Thus, regular medication would be useless

in Hugh’s case. After concocting the pills, Kayson roamed around the city with the thought of

familiarizing himself with the area. He returned to the Wolfenden mansion around 11:00 a.m. Hugh,

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who had recovered significantly, was sitting on the couch when he waved Kayson over to play a game

of chess with him. “Grandpa Hugh, I’ve concocted a few medicinal pills for you. Your damaged organs

will heal when you take them later.” Hugh looked surprised before he replied delightfully, “Wonderful! I

didn’t expect you to be fretting over me when you went out just now!” “It’s what I should do,” Kayson

replied. Hugh asked warmly, “Kayson, what kind of wedding do you want? I’ll make the call to arrange

everything right away. We’ll try to hold the wedding for you and Sade within the week—” “Grandpa!” A

panicked voice rang from the door—Sadie had returned home. She dashed and said softly, “Grandpa,

I’ve just met Kayson. I don’t even have feelings for him yet. Can’t we postpone the wedding?” She had

called her best friend to pull some strings to get a fake marriage certificate, barely managing to avoid

getting married to Kayson. If they were to have the wedding so soon, it would no longer matter if their

marriage certificate was fake or not! “Besides, I’m swamped with the company matters. The Gillete

Group is cornering us. I don’t really have the time.” Hugh frowned and retorted indifferently, “The

wedding will just take a day—” Kayson spoke up. “Grandpa Hugh, I share the same opinion with Sade.

A wedding without feelings is as good as none.” Sadie shot daggers at Kayson. ‘The b*stard! How dare

he call me by my nickname like we are close!? It’s just that… Forget it.’ She forgave him this time since

he was tactful enough to play along. Hugh replied happily, “Alright then, we’ll listen to you. We’ll hold

the wedding whenever you say so.” “Grandpa, I’m your granddaughter here!” Sadie whined. Hugh

chuckled. “Yes, yes. Kayson will be my grandson as well in time. You’re both equal.” Sadie’s brows

were pressed together. ‘Equal? This bumpkin!?’ Beatrice prepared a full table of dishes, confusing

Sadie. “Mom, why the full spread?” Beatrice’s voice was sweet when she answered, “Your dad’s gone

to pick up Dr. Ewell. He and Kayson have saved your grandfather’s life. Naturally, we have to treat

them to a meal.” Sadie huffed. “What’s that got to do with Kayson? He just got lucky that what he

knows worked. Dr. Ewell’s the real miracle doctor here!” “Sade, watch your manners. That’s rude of you

to say,” Beatrice reprimanded her. Sadie was upset when she noticed the balled-up paper on the table

and opened it, revealing a strong scent. “Ew!” She nearly threw up after smelling it. “What’s this!? Who

wrapped up a few pieces of sh*t and placed them on the dining table? It’s disgusting!” she wailed and

threw the paper ball with the medicinal pills wrapped inside into the trash. Kayson frowned. “Those are

the healing pills I concocted for Grandpa Hugh. They work marvelously.” Sadie glared at him. “Pills? I

call bluff! They stink just like sh*t! You’re purposely disgusting my grandpa, aren’t you!? “Who knows

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where you got that from? Can a bumpkin like you take responsibility if something happens after my

grandpa takes them!?” Hugh was infuriated upon hearing how Sadie insulted Kayson. “Sadie!

Apologize to Kayson!” Sadie was losing her mind. “Grandpa! I will not apologize! Come take a look if

you don’t believe it. What kind of pills are these? It’s sh*t!” She felt wronged and enraged, not

understanding why her grandfather was so biased when it came to this conman. Kayson glanced at the

medicinal pills in the trash and dismissed them, thinking he would concoct a few more the next day and

have Hugh take them privately. Kayson said, “Grandpa Hugh, it’s okay. Sadie is not to be blamed—”.

“Shut up!” Sadie’s expression was frosty as she snapped. “You’ve got no place to speak here. This is

my house!” Kayson was powerless and could only stay silent. Hugh slammed his hand down on the

chessboard, fuming. Beatrice heard the commotion, so she hurried out of the kitchen and tugged her

daughter’s arm. “Dad, Sadie doesn’t know better. I’ll check her later. You haven’t fully recovered. Don’t

get too mad.” Sadie’s eyes were rimmed red, but she bit her lips in refusal to relent. “I think I’ve spoiled

her!” Liam barked. Beatrice replied gently, “I know, right? You’ve been showering her with so much love

since she was a child.” She then glanced at Sadie and dragged the reluctant girl away. Hugh

apologized. “Ah, Kayson, don’t be upset. The girl’s got a temper, but she’s actually quite kind.”