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My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38 “D–Don‘t you joke about this!” Kenneth paled in fear. He used to fight Horacio back in the

day, but he had lost–very badly! The Quad Falcons had been the ones who kicked his *ss back then, so

he was well aware of their capabilities!

When he learned about Horacio and The Quad Falcons‘ demise, he was shocked but also delighted.

Now, though, Gabriel was telling him that the young man who had beaten him up minutes earlier was the

one who had killed Horacio.

Gabriel continued to speak with a shuddering voice. “What‘s worse is that Mr. Yarde knows bigshots in

Assos. No one will be able to save you if you offend him!”

Kenneth paled with terror brimming his eyes.

“Why the f*ck didn‘t you tell me earlier!?”

Kenneth fumbled for his phone and called back everyone he had called.

“Mr. Young, you‘re...”

Kenneth trembled with sweat slowly soaking him.

“I made calls just now to ask all the bosses in the construction material field to stop working with

Wolfenden Corp...”

Gabriel felt like a thunderbolt hit him and stood frozen on the spot. ‘Welp, Kenneth is a hopeless case

now! “F*ck! Why are all the lines busy!?” Kenneth was on pins and needles, nearly consumed in


At Wolfenden Corp...

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The operations department manager, Frank Squire, looked incredibly upset with the phone calls he

received and went to Sadie‘s office instantly.

“Ms. Wolfenden, things are bad. A few construction material suppliers have called me to stop working

with us!” Sadie was startled. “What happened?” “I‘m not sure either...” Frank looked visibly dismayed.

“Ms. Wolfenden, this isn‘t a minor issue. Once words get out, issues might crop up with the other supply

chains too...” Sadie‘s frown was knitted tightly when her phone rang. “Dad!”

Liam was the one who called her. “Meeting room. Easton and his party got in trouble.”

Liam sounded incredibly grim.

It took Sadie a moment to process it. ‘Easton got in trouble? Could it be because... he has already gone

to Kenneth and gotten into some kind of conflict with the latter!?‘

“Mr. Squire, go on with your work first. I‘ll take care of this.” Sadie picked up the landline and called

Easton, but the call did not go through. She called The Tetrad directly.

“Hello, Reva Hill from the projects department.” “Reva, where did Easton go?” “Sadie!” Reva answered

quickly, “Easton went to get Mr. Young of Capital Building Material Corp. to sign the contract!”

Sadie trembled in anger and nearly coughed blood.

“Why did he go in such a hurry!? He could‘ve waited for a call from me!” Sadie was so close to cursing

out loud.

“Ask him to come to me the moment he returns!!!

Taking a deep breath, Sadie got up and headed to the meeting room.

The Lawson father and son were already waiting in the meeting room. Liam was there as well, with a

scowl. Easton‘s grandfather, Ben Oxley, did not look great either.

When Trevor saw Sadie entering, he smirked. “Ms. Wolfenden, I heard that Mr. Young is infuriated and

has already planned to boycott our company in terms of construction materials.

“The Tetrad‘s done a good job! Mr. Oxley, your grandson‘s a real genius!”

Ben glowered, but there was nothing he could retort.

. “It was something so simple, yet this is what your grandson‘s done. Tell me, what value does

The Tetrad hold?”

Ben could not even lift his head up in the face of Trevor‘s mockery.

“Mr. Lawson, the urgent matter at hand isn‘t to see whose fault this is but to appease Mr. Young.“,

Trevor leaned back into his chair and replied nonchalantly, “Sure. Mr. Wolfenden, Ms. Wolfenden, Mr.

Oxley, figure out a solution.” Sadie scowled. “I‘ll take Easton and the others to apologize to Mr. Young

immediately when they return.”

“As you wish, Ms. Wolfenden. It‘s none of my business here.” Trevor smiled. The joke‘s on them. He had

already bought Kenneth over, so Sadie would achieve nothing by going there!

Easton had ruined the task, so Trevor now had an excuse to attack The Tetrad. The other shareholders

would also resent Ben and the Wolfendens because their children were implicated. This was killing two

birds with one stone–how could Trevor not rejoice over it?

The door was knocked during then, and Sadie‘s secretary walked in gingerly to speak next to her ear.

“Ms. Wolfenden, Mr. Oxley is back.”

Sadie‘s face fell as she said through gritted teeth, “Get his *ss over here right now!”

Easton walked into the building gleefully while Kavson followed behind him like his lackey.

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Having completed the company task, Easton wore his chin up and chest puffed as he walked. It was just

that his triumph lasted less than three seconds as the receptionist stopped him.

“Mr. Oxley, Ms. Wolfenden‘s asking for you at Boardroom 1!”

There was a pause before Easton replied, “Oh, okay!” As he took the elevator with Kayson, he

ecstatically asked, “Kayson, do you think Sadie‘s going to compliment me?”

“I wouldn‘t know.” Kayson shook his head.

“That must be it!” Easton was grinning widely. This is Miles‘ dirty trick, yet we‘ve resolved


Kayson couldn‘t go to the meeting room with Easton, so he returned to The Tetrad‘s office.

Easton came to the meeting room and knocked on the door before entering with a beam. His

smile froze the next second, though, because the room atmosphere was heavy and tense.

He straightened up and greeted nervously, “H–Hello, everyone!”

The Lawsons wore mocking smirks as they looked at Easton, who seemed jolly, thinking that he was


Sadie was about to explode in rage. Why and how could Easton still be able to smile!?

“Come here!” Sadie ordered coldly.

Tendrils of fear crept to Easton. ‘What‘s going on? Why are they looking so stern? Have I done

something wrong? It can‘t be. The contract is already signed. There should not be anything else...‘

“M–Ms. Wolfenden, this is the task the company assigned to me. I‘ve completed it. Mr. Young has signed

the contract,” Easton said and placed the contract on the table.