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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 5
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After class finishes, things become even more awkward. Bryan tries one more time to talk to me, and I

shut him down again. Hopefully, he would eventually learn that I want nothing at all to do with him.

I keep my head down as the whispers around me continue. I assume that it would be like this for a while,

at least until another juicier topic than this comes around. But honestly, what could beat this? I don’t think

anyone else would have to suffer an embarrassment as considerable as this one.

Still, I have to wonder who the angel was trying to inform me of this from the very start. I was dumb not to

look into it the first time I received that message. I wish that I could meet that person and thank them for

spilling the beans. If it weren’t for them, I would still be living in the dark. I’m sure that my hero wasn’t the

only one to know about this cheating scandal; everyone around me must have known. I was just too

blinded to see what was right there in front of me.

I’m so caught up in my thoughts that I bump right into someone. My body turns into an immovable stone

when I realize who it is.




I squeeze my eyes shut as the whispers take over my mind. I don’t understand it, and at times, it’s


“Did I hurt you?”

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His voice is almost like angels and demons combined in one. Both sweet and rough at the same time. It’s

difficult to explain, and anyone would think I’m crazy if I ever tried to explain this to them.

I open my eyes and drawback in shock. My body feels like there is actual electricity running through my

veins. I can’t explain it, but I know that it’s only happening because he is here, my murky prince.

“Adam!” I hear Ashley scream. She is even more popular than Aria and Bryan. She’s been crushing on

Adam, and everyone in school knows that.

His eyes darken for a quick second, and in that second, I feel the wetness between my legs again. This

time, his jaw clenches, and his fists tighten at his sides. I’m close enough to notice his reaction this time.

My cheeks turn red when I realize that he may honestly know what he’s doing to my body.

His jaw clenches some more, and he doesn’t say anything else as he walks away from me, towards

Ashley, the girl that’s crushing on him.

I need to remind myself that he does not belong to me and can date whoever he likes. However, my

traitorous heart does not want to hear that.

I want to scream in frustration at the problem between my legs and the more severe pain inside my


I needed to escape to the washroom, something I always did when I was faced with more problems than

I could handle.

The moment I push the washroom door open and walk in, someone else steps in behind me. My body

stills when I see who it is.

“Can we talk?” Aria asks.

I take a deep breath and try to remind myself that she was once a dear friend of mine.

“What would you like to say?” I ask her. “Because I can’t think of anything that you can say that could

make what you did any better.”

She bites her lips and looks down at her black heels, “I know that you won’t accept my apology for what I

did. I never wanted things to happen like this; we were planning on telling you when we thought that it

was the right time for you to find out.” she explains.

I want to laugh.

The right time for me to find out? How could there possibly be a suitable time to find out that your

boyfriend and best friend were seeing each other behind your back?

“I want to say so many things to you, Aria, I do, but when I think about it, I know that I’ll be wasting my

breath. You and Bryan never really cared about me; what would make you care now? I’ll tell you what, I’ll

go about my life pretending like you two never existed, and I hope that you both do the same.”

“Amiera, you have no one else but us. Why can’t you accept what we did, and we could all go back to

where we were, as friends?” she demands.

“I rather have zero friends than have a friend like you,” I tell her.

Aria’s eyes widen, and I don’t wait for her to say anything more. I grab my phone off the counter and

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storm out of the washroom.

I hate that she’s right, I may not have any other friends, but I still had a family. Even though my parents

were strict and cared about their image and our kingdom, they were only doing their jobs. I knew that

deep down, they cared for me and would fight anyone that posed a threat to me.

Then there was my popular older brother Noah; he was a star at our school, the top player in our sports.

He also cared deeply for me and would be returning from a school trip tomorrow. I’m sure that he would

be pissed to learn about Bryan and Aria.

My sister Belle would also be returning from a fashion show tomorrow as well; she’d competed against

other schools, and from what I’ve heard, she’d won.

As I said, I was the only one in our family that didn’t have something special about me that made my

people proud.

A post of Aria and Bryan pops up on my phone. I hold my breath at how happy they both look. I read

through the comments, and most of them are lovely; they’re letting them know that they make a beautiful

couple. There are also some mean comments; they mentioned Ashton and me, stating that Bryan and

Aria were backstabbers. It was nice to know that not everyone was on their side. I wish that were the

case in school, where people would genuinely like me as well.

But having been here for long enough, I understand that no one would ever like me as much as they do

the popular ones.

Now that Aria and Bryan were out of my life, I had to find another way to survive here. I didn’t have

anyone to rely on anymore; I was totally on my own.