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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49 “Something happened that is out of my control.” He tells me. “Us being together will cause more harm than good to your body. | don’t want to take any risks. We need to stay away from each other untill get to the bottom of everything.” “That doesn’t make any bloody sense!” | shout. “How can we need to be close one minute and then far the next? | thought that we were finally making progress in our relationship. We were going to fix the world together and get the elders to be on our side, but yet you're saying something totally different now.l thought that you would do anything for me? All | want is you by my side. Can't you see that? Why can’t you just stay here with me? We can figure this out together. | don’t want to be apart from you, Adam, not now when | need you more than before.” “I'm sorry,” he apologizes. “I'm so sorry.” What was he apologizing for? | know that he’s about to leave me, | can feel it deep in my bones, and now I'm desperate to get to him before he can separate us.

Before he has a chance to react, I'm running straight into his arms. When | reach him, | wrap my arms tightly around his waist, and | feel his body go stiff under my hold.

He inhales a great deal of air, and my heart sinks when | feel his hand on my waist, pushingaway rather than pullingtighter. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)l tighten my arms around him, refusing to let go. I'm terrified of not seeing him again, terrified.

“Letgo, Amiera.” “I don’t want to,” | tell him. “Not until you explain towhat's going on.” | lift my chin and gaze into his eyes. He seems to be having an inner battle within himself, and it tellsall | need to; he doesn’t want this; he doesn’t want to separate us. Then why is he doing it? “Let. Me. Go.” He shouts. “Now!” Igasp at his tone, and my hands slowly fall to my sides. | can’t believe that he’s being this harsh towards me.

He’s never been like this before.

Something crosses my mind just then, and | pull back further from him, wondering if I'd just gotten played by him again.

I narrow my eyes, “did you useagain?” | demand. “Is that why you're acting cold towardsonce more ? Are you happy now that you've gained strength from sleeping with me? So now you decide that you can just dispose oflike I'm nothing.” “What?” He asks. “Is that really what you think?” “If it’s not that, then what is it, Adam?” | demand. “What is it? What could possibly be keeping you from me? What we have is amazing. This passion, this love, everything is pure and beautiful. My body comes alive when you touch me, even now... Even now, | ache for you. | want you close. | want you to touch me.” “Stop talking, Amiera.” He growls. His face is becoming red, and for sreason, | think that he’s trying his best to control himself.

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“I won't!” I snap. “I won't stop telling you how much | love you. How much I love it when you touch me. When you f**k me. When you make love to me. | love it all so much.” Adam slams his fists against the cave. And when he turns to me, | feel like I'm staring into the eyes of a completely different person. I've done it, haven't i? I've managed to free the beast inside of him, and he’s hungry, he’s hungry for me. | can see it in his pretty grey eyes that are turning black with each step he takes towards me.

“I warned you, don’t blme for what happens next.” your legs.

My cheeks are now red, “w-why?” He does it for me, and the hunger in his eyes makesinstantly wet. I'm still only dressed in his shirt without any underwear on. If | spread my legs, he will have full access to me. But isn’t that what | want? Adam drops to the ground and, before | have a chance to react, lifts his shirt and presses his lips against my bare p***y. | cry out when he takes a swipe with his tongue. Adam is no longer licking; he’s now sucking and practically eating all of me.

Our first twas amazing, but this was something different. | felt like my flames were being sucked out ofbut yet everything about it felt beautiful. It’s like I'm happy to give myself to him. | don’t care that I'm weak right now; | want this; as long as | have him, | don’t care about anything else.

He grabsand pullsdown on the ground with him so that I'm now on top of him.

Igasp when his d**k slides into my p***y, Adam's eyes have somehow darkened even more than before, and it should frighten me, but it doesn’t.

He roars as he slams into my p***y, over and over again. | cry out from the pleasure that he is giving to me. And when I'm near my breaking point, | see flashes of horror on his face. Why does he look so terrified? Why does be look as though he’s just committed the biggest mistake of his life? (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)And just like that, he’s out of me.

“What did | do?” He whispers with wide, stunned eyes. What did he mean? What's wrong with him? My eyes widen when he flies out of the cave before | have a chance to stop him. | feel the first tear leave my eyes, and | try my best not to break down on the ground.

How could he do this to me? How could he hurtyet again? | thought that this the was genuine; was he that good at acting? The tears are flowing more now, and I'm losing the battle.

Just as I'm about to scream from the pain, Adam is suddenly in front ofagain. He grabsby my waist and pullsout of the cave with him.

“They've found us,” he tellsas he tightens his arms around me. What was he talking about?” “Who's found us?” demand. “The elders.” He answers. “They're all heading our way.” I look down and realize that he’s right; they're already below us. The only elder that can fly is also behind us.

“What are we going to do?” | ask him, “I will have to fight them.” He answers me. “You're too weak to join me.” “Cant we try talking to them first?” | plead with him. “Do they look like they want to talk, Amiera?” he demands from me.

“The elders are strong!” | point out. “How do you plan on fighting all of them on your own?” “I may not be able to kill them, but | can weaken them long enough so that we can get a chance to escape again.” “I'm not going to let you do it on your own.” | protest. “You don’t have a choice,” he growls before releasingin the air. berore jauung to the grouna.

| watch in horror as Adam goes for the flying one first. The both of them attack each other head-on. The first thing that | notice is that Adam's strength has increased tically. His storms of darkness are much more powerful, and it almost seems like he’s even pulling power from the sky.

The elder doesn’t stand a chance and immediately falls to the ground. The others are watching with anger. | notice that the white fox is nowhere around. Where could he be? Adam goes for the rest of them, and while they were all-powerful in their own ways, they also did not stand a chance against Adam.

There is something wrong; however, Adam doesn’t look like he’s only going to fight them. He seems as though he wants to kill them all. We didn’t agree on that. | didn’t want him to kill anyone.

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Ifly towards them and stop between the elders and him. “Don’t,” | beg him. “You're better than this. You don’t need to kill them. Let's just go.” “Step aside, Amiera.” He roars. “This is the only way for us to be together. | need to get rid of these pests.” “No!” | scream. “You will not do that. You are better than this. You're a good person. You will not kill them.” “MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!” He roars. My eyes widen when his darkness blasts forward towards me. | hit it head-on with my ball of flame. “Run!” | shout to the elders. “Leave before it's too late!” They are hesitant at first, but they eventually leave without any protest. It's just Adam andleft now.

His darkness seems to be stronger than mine. When has it never been? But something still feels off. His darkness appears to be sucking in all of my fire. | don’t think that | stand a chance, not like this. | was already weak, and now I'm worse than before. The more we fight, the more | feel myself begin to lose strength.

I don’t know how long I can keep this up for; | can feel myself losing the fight.

Still, I won't give up. | need to stop Adam. | need to stop him before he does something that he regrets. This isn't him. He's better than this. Something is causing him to behave like this, he will never attack me, he said those words tohimself, and | believed them.

| push him back with everything | have left and cry out when | feel him push back ten times more, Adam goes rigid at my cry. He stops suddenly when | begin to drop to the ground; he flies towardsand yanksin his arms.

His face is grief-stricken as he looks down at my pale face. He is in shock, and he looks like someone who can’t believe what they just did.

He drops to the ground within his arms, and tears are streaming down his face now. It's the first tthat I've seen him cry. My murky Prince is crying, and it breaks my heart. | want to tell him not to cry, | want to say that it’s going to be okay, but now | know that it’s not. This feeling inside ofisn’t normal.(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) It's scary, and | feel like I'm drifting towards the light.

He isn’t the only one terrified now. I'm also terrified of never seeing him again, of never seeing my family again, of never seeing Abjgail again.

He cups my cheeks in his hands, and | feel his tears drip onto my face, one after the next. “I'm sorry. Please forgive me. | couldn't protect you; | couldn’t save you from myself.” What did he mean by that? Protectfrom himself? “Lizzie,” he gasps. “She used a potion on me. One that I've never heard about. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)It activated when we slept together for the first time. It's why you fainted after. The potion allowsto suck your power, to take everything from you. Apparently, fighting with you also feedsyour strength. | tried to stay away from you; | tried to leave before it was too late, and I'm sorry that I've failed you.

I'm so sorry that I've hurt you, Amiera. This is all my fault. All my f*****g fault.”