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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47 ADAM “Amiera 7" | lay her body down on the ground and checked her pulse.

Something is not right; Amiera shouldn't have fainted right after having s*x. That should have never happened.

(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)l wasn’t too rough with her; | was gentle. If anything, she should be stronger now. | was expecting flames to be all around us, | thought | would have to use up plenty of my power to control it, but none of that happened.

Why was that? Why did she feel weak to me? Something insidekept tellingthat | was missing an important piece. Did | not read everything about the flaming whisperer? While | did feel more powerful, she did not. And that’s just not supposed to happen. She’s supposed to be awake and stronger than ever. The forest is supposed to be up in flames after what happened between us.

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Her eyes open a bit, and | lean over her body, “are you okay?” She gavea weak nod, “I'm only a little weak.” There was also a weird feeling inside ofas | stared down at her; every time! was near her, it felt like | was sucking all of the power straight out of her body, but that made no f*****g sense. She was supposed to makestronger but not by feeding her energy to me.

The darkness inside offeels like it's about to burst free, and the need to take over the world has somehow grown stronger in a few minutes. That makes no f*****g sense to me. | was ready to give up everything to be with Amiera, but somehow, after sleeping with her, my mind just suddenly changed ? | needed answers. There was only one other person that | could think of to givethe answers | was seeking.

That was Lizzie.

She studied the flaming whisperer just as much as me. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)She should have an idea of why this is happening, but would she tellthe truth? We weren't on the best terms right now, and she was already trying to take over the world without me.

Thad to try, at least. | had to figure out what was going wrong between us before | pick Amiera up into my arms and fly with her to the nearest cave that | can find. | place her down gently and cover her with my shirt.

“I'll be back with food and clothes soon. | can’t take you back to your home. Not until we figure out a way to confront the elders.” | tell her.

She nods before her eyes close once more. | hated leaving her here by herself, but | couldn’t bring her withto Lizzie. | had no idea what madness she was up to; Amiera would be safer here, especially when she was already this weak.

I know exactly where to find Lizzie, and it’s almost as though she knew that | would be here. The look in her eyes alone tellsthat she knows so much more than | do. I'm not happy about that.

“Why did you start the war without informingfirst?” | ask her, trying my best to stay calm under the circumstances. | need her to be in a good mood; it's the only way to get her to explain what's happening to Amiera.

“You were growing too soft on me,” she answers. “If | waited on you, nothing would need my help to escape. It was the only way to get you out, don’t you realize that? | was only doing what | thought was right.” “Is that truly why you did it, or do you see it as an opportunity to double-cross me?(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)” | ask her.

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She laughs, “I can’t believe that you would asksomething like that. After everything that we've been through together? Don’t you know that | can’t be queen without you? | need you, so why would | try and double-cross you?” I sigh and push my hands in my pocket. It was tto ask her the question 1 really cto ask.

“So,” Lizzie says tobefore | can say anything. “Did you sleep with the flaming whisperer?” Her bold question alarms me. Why did she ask that? What could she possibly know to ask that question? She laughs, “you look stronger; | have to assthat you two slept together.” While it was confirmed that sleeping with Amiera would makestronger, | feel like there is plenty that she still isn’t telling me.

“Is there something that you aren't telling me?” | demand. “I've been feeling strange lately. | feel like the darkness is slowly swallowing me; | don’t think this is normal. Did you learn anything about this? What is it that you haven't told me?” She laughs and leans against a dresser. Her happiness tellsthat | would not like whatever it is she’s about to say to me.

“You see, Adam, while you were wasting time, | was out searching for ways to make our dream ctrue,” she says suddenly. “And that’s when | cacross this special potion that promised to make everything | ever wanted cto life. | used this spotion on you a few days ago before these crazy things happened. | had to be prepared for anything you see. And | must say that | made the right decision judging by your expression right now.” Fear and anger cdown onlike a waterfall at her confession. My body is shaking with rage, and I'm begging_myself that none of this is true. Yet, the more she stood there grinning, | knew that the chances of this being a lie were very low.

“What did you do?” | roar.

“The potion that | gave to you is an exceptional one, Adam. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)Whenever you're intimate with Amiera, you will suck her power and make it into your own, feeding the darkness within. Not only will you becthe strongest being alive, but you'll also be just as evil.

And Amiera, of course, will die.”