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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 42
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Chapter 42 ADAM The white f*****g fox. | should have known that he would have gotten involved when he saw that video of Amiera confessing her love forin front of hundreds of people.

Homeschooled? I've never heard of something so preposterous in my entire life. And did they really think that a stupid rule could keepaway from Amiera? If | wanted to see her, nothing and no one would be able to stop me.

This is precisely why | wanted to overthrow every single one of them. They shouldn't be rulers; they didn’t deserve to be.

But this could also be a plan from the elders; | already knew how much they hated our kind. If | disobeyed them, they would now have a reason to kill me. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)They couldn’t do it before because everyone craved a world where we all lived in harmony with each other. They've avoided getting rid of us because they knew that many of their people would die.

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History would repeat itself. The white fox’s kind was almost wiped out; he was the only one to survive. The blood clan murdered them. A group of special witches unhappy that a girl from their tight group fell in love with a white fox. The families were prominent on the purity of their blood; they did not want their kind to mate with anyone outside of their people.

It was the worst battle our land has ever seen. The blood clan was supposedly wiped out, but there have been rumors that a girl survived. No one knows for sure; if she did survive the slaughter, someone is hiding her, and they've done a pretty good job at it all these years.

This rule is just another schof that sly fox. He knew that Amiera and | had a bond, that it would drive us almost crazy to never see each other again. I'm positive that he was also worried about the extent of Amiera’s power. The elders didn’t like anyone or anything to be more potent than they were. | wouldn't let him win, however.

And they knew that | would only becstronger the more intimate Amiera and | became, not onlybut her as well. I needed to see Amiera; we needed to talk about this entire situation.

| walked off earlier and left her behind to talk smore with her family. The white fox had already left, but | had a feeling that he would be back again soon.

| wrote a note on paper; it wouldn't be safe to try and contact her through any devices; | assumed they would track everything to ensure that we were not meeting.

Now it was important that | got it to her without anyone suspecting anything. | waited until | saw her by herself before walking up to her and slipping the note into her | don’t wait for her to say anything. We couldn’t be seen speaking in public anymore. Not until fixed the mess that the sly fox caused.

I was initially losing reasons for continuing with my dream of ruling all nations, but he gavea good one. That way, | can see Amiera again; | won't have to listen to his foolish rule.

Either way, | wasn’t about to listen to it. | would fix things, but | needed Amiera’s support.

-AMIERA | stare at the letter in my hands. Adam was askingto break the rule and meet him at the lake, the slake he carriedto in his jeep. | wasn’t sure that this was the right thing to do. I still did not trust him, and the white fox had already passed the rule. If we were caught sneaking off to meet each other, both of our lives would be in danger.

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Talso was not sure that | could sneak out of the house without anyone noticing me. But | had wings now that could takewherever | wanted to go; | didn’t have to go through the front door. If | moved fast enough, no guards would spoteither.

| can’t believe that I'm even thinking about going through with this plan. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)Yet something is tellingthat | should, that it’s crucial that | do. Adam had to have a reason; he wouldn't askto meet him unless something needed to be said. If this was the last tfor us to see each other again, I was willing to take the risk.

| slipped out of my window, and when the coast was clear, | flew over the palace so quickly that if any guard had spotted me, they would second guess themselves.

It doesn’t takelong to reach the spot, and when I do, Adam is already there waiting for fi His arms are crossed over his chest, and he’s looking directly at me. His hair is in a mess, and his eyes are filled with so much loneliness and sadness that I'm tempted to run to him, anything to take that look away from his beautiful eyes.

| need to remind myself that this could just be another one of his schemes; | couldn't fall for it. | was only here today to hear him out one last time. | needed to know what he had to say tobefore | regretted it for the rest of my life.

“Why did you callhere today?” | ask, making sure to keep my distance from him. “As you know, we put our lives in danger whenever we meet like this. It's now against the rule. It isn’t the sas it was before.” doesn’t have to be this way. We don’t have to listen to them. | have ways to ensure that they can’t do things like this and get away with it. But | can’t do it on my own; | need your support.” | narrow my eyes, “do you think that I'm that stupid to fall for this little charade? | already know that you want to useto take over the world, and you think that I'll just sit back and help you achieve this?” He sighs, “this isn’t aboutanymore. It's about those elders trying to separate dark whisperers and fire whisperers. He's keeping them apart, can’t you see that? He's keeping US apart!” “Us?” | demand. “Since when have there ever been an us? That changed the moment you betrayed me. | fell in love with you, and you used me. | may not be happy with the decision that the elders made, but that doesn’t mean that | will help you either. | can’t trust you; | don’t trust you.(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) | won't let you hurtagain, Adam, | won't!” sok “Please listen to me,” he insists as he approaches me. “I will not hurt you. Do not listen to what anyone else has told you. It’s true that | only pursued you because | wanted to gain strength, but | didn’t expect you to be... So frexkxg irresistible. Everything that you do pullsin. We can’t just stand back and let the white fox make stupid rules like this. How can he force people not to love each other? How can he force them to be apart? He has something else on his mind. He wants to get rid of us because he wants to be the most powerful; he’s scared of our power, of what we are capable of.” | don’t know what to say to that. | couldn’t deny that something seemed off with that fox. But I also couldn't deny that it wasn’t any different with Adam. They both could be power-hungry individuals.

“We can do so much together, Amiera,” he whispers as he leans into me. “If you just lettouch you, hold you give to you what both of our bodies need. We can be stronger than anyone else in this world. You just need to let it happen.” My lips part when he grips my waist and lays a soft kiss on my neck. My body awakens with just that slight touch; I didn’t expect anything different. | still want him; | hate myself for it, but I do.

I miss his touch, and I crave it so much. Would it be so bad to let him touchfor the last time? To let him holdand kiss me?