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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 41
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Chapter 41 -ADAM | was hoping to see Amiera in class today, but when there is no sight of her, | know that things at hmust be bad. Her parents would have seen the video by now; it was too late forto get the video down; it wouldn't make any sense. | haven't gotten any sleep since my family showed the video to me. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)! kept replaying it, especially the part where she toldshe loved me.

I still don’t know why Amiera fell in love with me; | did nothing for her, absolutely nothing. Yet, she gavethe most vulnerable side of her without asking anything at all in return from fi Trub a hand down my face and exit the classroom, unable to hide my frustration. | couldn't stop worrying about her to the point that | wanted to storm her hand see for myself if she was okay. | looked around for Abigail to get sanswers, but even she was not in sight.

I'm about to walk into the cafeteria when someone puncheshard across the face. The force pushesback against the wall, and I'm surprised to see that the culprit happens to be none other than Amiera’s brother. When | think about it, | shouldn't be that surprised. | knew that her family would be out to getwhen they found out about the relationship | had with her.

| wipe the blood from my lips and quirk a brow at him.

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“Is there something that you would like to say to me?” | ask him.

His jaw clenches, and he raises his hand towards me, “you hurt my sister, asshole. It's tthat you pay for taking advantage of her. You're a sick freak, and you deserve to suffer!” He sends two giant balls of fire my way, and | use black holes to suck them up before they can reach me.

| tighten my fists at my sides, ready to attack him, when a figure running towards us catches my attention.


| needed to remind myself that this was her brother; if I hurt him, she would never forgive me. While that may be precisely what | need to finally give up on having her by my side and distractingfrom my goals, | can’t find the strength to follow through with it.

| clench my jaw and refocus on bracing against each of his attacks. | couldn't hurt him for her sake.

When | left hin haste, | was not expecting Adam to stand by while my brother continuously threw punches and fire his way.(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) | thought this would be a dangerous fight between two people that | loved, but this was the last thing | expected to see.

I watch in horror as Noah hits Adam with another ball of fire, and he stands there and lets him, almost as if he’s punishing himself for something.

If Adam is supposedly this heartless monster that cares about no one but himself, why would he stand there and let my brother hurt him? It doesn’t make any sense to me. This is exactly what he did in the last tournament; he stood there and letinjure him. Why did he keep doing that? Even last night, when | was intoxicated, he was the one to stop the fire from harming everyone; he was the one to protectfrom myself.

Why did his actions contradict his words? Why did he seem like he cared? Was | stupid for believing that there still was a good side buried deep inside of him? Was | foolish for hoping that his good side would overchis dark side? | can’t help myself when | run through the crowd and jump into the fight. “What are you doing?” Noah demands when | move to stand in front of Adam. “Please, do not hurt him,” | beg. “Can’t you see that he isn’t fighting back?” “Amiera,” he growls. “Move before you get hurt. He needs to pay for what he did to you. He took advantage of your kindness, used you; those were your exact words. He can’t get away with any of that. Not while I'm standing here.” “Amiera!” My father shouts from the crowd. “This is not the place for a woman like you, do not get yourself involved in a fight. This is your brother's choice; move aside.” Of course, he would side with Noah on this matter. | didn’t need them to defend my honor; 1 could do it on my own. If Adam was fighting back, | might have let it happen, but he wasn’t, and this just wasn’t fair. We didn’t take advantage of people; if we did, we were stooping to their level! When | thought that things couldn't possibly get any worse, Adam's siblings, Ashton and Amber, also joined the fight, facing my brother.

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“No one told us that there was going to be a fight today,” Ashton says with a grin. “If that's what you want, a fight is exactly what you would get.” Noah narrows his eyes at Ashton, but something weird happens when he looks at Amber. Was there something going on between the two of them? promptto look towards the person that just spoke.

Adam stiffens behind me, and that’s when | spot him.

The white fox. He was a shapeshifter, not just any kind, the one and only white fox after his family and others of his kind were wiped out centuries back. He was the leader of the elders, the ones responsible for making all of the rules of our land. | knew that they were supposed to hold a meeting, but | never thought that they would actually visit our school today. There was only one thing can kill a white fox; a red sword used to slaughter his people in the past. No one knows where that sword is today; many believe that he had it hidden from all eyes since rumor has it that it can’t be destroyed. A white fox never ages after nineteen, so he still looks like any one of us, except for his red eyes and long silver-white hair. He is good-looking but, at the stime, terrifying.

If you stare into his eyes, you can see the wisdom and years of experience laying there; one can tell that he’s lived centuries just by looking at him.

“It cto our attention that you two were in a relationship.” He speaks to Adam andin an emotionless tone.

Neither of us says anything to that because it was the truth.

“While there are no rules that state a dark whisperer and a fire whisperer cannot date, think that it's essential that we change that rule today. To keep the peace between all families, from today onwards, no dark whisperer can have a romantic relationship with a fire whisperer. If this rule is broken, both of the parties involved will be given death as their punishment.” Death? They couldn't be serious! “How can you do that?” | demand. “We have already agreed that separating is best for all of us, but you can’t punish everyone for our mistakes!” He walks closer to me, and | can sense the anger and possessiveness radiating off Adam with each step he takes towards me.

“I make the rules. | do whatever | think is suitable for the people of my land. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)l don’t want another bloodshed to occur over something as stupid as love. You two are never to see each other again and to ensure that happens; you will both be expelled from school. We will assign professors to teach you from home, and this is a decision that has already been put into paper and signed by all elders. There is no going back from this.” He nods his head at my parents, and they bow before him.

“And as for you,” he says, looking directly into my eyes. “You need to learn to control your power. What happened at that party is unacceptable; many students could have been hurt. decision for everyone.” | couldn’t believe this. This couldn’t be happening!