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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 39
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Chapter 39 ADAM Amiera faints in my arms. The shock of what she just did, coupled with all of the drinks she had, must have exhausted her.

| look around us, and all eyes are still on her. I've seen that look before; people were actually afraid of her now.

I've gotten looks like that my entire life, and I'm not sure that Amiera would appreciate seeing people looking at her like that. It was one thing having people not believing in you, but it was a totally other problem when they were afraid of you.

Her hair has fallen over her face, and her cheeks are flushed while her body is still warmer than it should be.

Seeing her like this only makesangrier at how much it affects me.

This was just the start of Amiera’s power; she was even stronger than this. This is what she meant when she confessed to being scared of what would happen when the fire escaped her. Whether | liked it or not, | knew that I would always be the main reason for the fire inside her to go haywire like it just did.

| feel a stabbing pain in my chest as | remember her words. They've been hauntingever since she said them to me.

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It was so f¥*++*g hard to choose. Even if | decided to be by Amiera’s side, everyone in the entire world would be against it, from my kind to hers, from her family to mine, from Lizzie to her friends. No one would sit back and watch us be together.

| couldn’t deny it anymore; | wanted to protect her, | didn’t want to see her in pain. And | definitely didn't want to see her heartbroken like this while knowing that | was the reason for it.

Falling for Amiera was my mistake, one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made in my life. | was never supposed to like her; it was never supposed to end up this way for either one of us.

But Amiera would never agree to join my side; she would never agree to helptake over the world; she wouldn't sit back and letdo it either. Was | supposed to just forget about a dream I've wanted to be real my entire life, especially when | was so close to finally getting it? | couldn't bring myself to do it no matter how badly | wanted to keep her happy and safe. But still, it was hard to let her go.

Letting her go would be the best decision for the both of us, but it f**<*g burned to be away from her. It was like having her engulf my body in flames; and even that may turn out to be less painful.

| pick her up into my arms, ignoring the calls of Lizzie. All eyes are on us as | walk out of the party with her body held close to my chest.

“Hey!” Abigail calls behind me. “I'll get her home; you can give her to me.” until | was sure that she was safe from any harm.

“Hey!” she screams louder this time. “What are you planning to do? Drop her hyourself? What would her parents say when they see you with her? If you're trying to help her, you're only going to make things worse by doing this. | can promise you that | would keep her safe.” “Keep her safe?” | growl. “Were you not the one encouraging her to drink? Aren't you partially drunk yourself right now?” “That's not fair,” she snaps. “I only encouraged her since she was already so depressed because of you and Lizzie. Isn't Lizzie the woman that you love? Why the hell are you still concerned over Amiera? Are you trying to take advantage of her unconscious state to gain more power? If that’s the case, then you're even sicker than people say you are.” sok “Did anyone ever tell you that you're f****g irritating?” | snap, annoyed with Amiera’s best friend.

“Did anyone ever tell you that you're an asshole?” she bites back.

| take one more look at Amiera in my arms, and | know before giving her back that Abigail just suggested the right thing to do; no matter how much | hate leaving Amiera in this state, | know that | can’t take her hmyself.

“Where is your driver?” | ask her.

She looks surprised that | finally gave in.

“|-its there,” she stutters.

| follow her direction and walk with Amiera in my arms towards the parked car. | open the door and let her in.

“Make sure that she gets hsafely,” | tell her friend. “It’s necessary that her family checks on her. What happened today has completely drained her both physically and mentally.

A doctor should also check on her to confirm that she’s safe from any harm.” Abigail nods, and | fix her with a penetrating gaze, “it's important that you make sure this happens.” She throws her hands up in the air, “I’m sure that | can take better care of my best friend than you can.” | close the door behind both of them and head over to my jeep. | wasn’t about to let them out of my sight so easily. | follow the driver until they reach Amiera’s home; | park a distance My drive hwas a frustrating one. | knew letting her friend take her today fromwas the right thing to do, but damn, did | hate having to let her go.

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‘I love you. | still love you even after what you've done to me.’ | pull the Jeep to the side of the road and slam my head against the steering wheel.

Why are those words affectingso much? Why can’t | get it out of my fx#*+*g head? This is not what ifx****g want. | don’t want to feel anything for her; | don’t want to lose everything_I've ever wanted in life... | don’t. It's not my fault that she’s in love with me; it’s not her fault either. Even after knowing this, | can’t help the gut- wrenching feeling of guilt; it’s eatingup inside and drivingcompletely insane.

After a few minutes, | pull the jeep back onto the road. The next t| stop the vehicle is when | reach my home.

As soon as | enter the house, everyone is waiting forin the living room. By the looks on their faces, whatever it is they're about to say, is something serious.

“What exactly happened between you and the flaming whisperer?” my father demands from me.

I'm surprised by his question; how does he know that something unusual happened between the two of us? “You have sexplaining to do, Adam,” my mother tells me.

“What are you talking about?” | ask.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Amber, my sister says. “Maybe it has something to do with this video circulating.” | grab the phone from her hand and take a look at the video.

ig JJ Everything that happened at the party was recorded, from Amiera confessing her love to to her almost setting the entire place on fire.

This wasn’t good.

We were in for sserious trouble.