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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 37
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Chapter 37 | stare at my hands like | don’t even know who they are anymore. | want to go to Adam on the floor but remind myself that he deserves this. He deserves to be in pain after everything he’s done to me. He needs to suffer; he needs to bleed for every tear that left my eyes. | wouldn't let him get away with everything easily. No matter how much it hurtsto see him in pain, | need to be strong and let it happen. | need to constantly remind myself of the pain that he madefeel; it’s the only way to keep doing this.

Adam dusts himself off and lifts himself from the ground. | watch in awe as his wings reveal themselves to all of us; they're still just as beautiful as the last tI'd seen them. The crowd is looking on with excitement now; they have never seen Adam's wings before; | was the first and only one to see it until now.(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) At least | thought | was, but from everything Lizzie had told me, he must have already shown it to her. He wouldn't keep something like that from her if they told each other everything.

“Is that all you got?” He asks. “I'm still standing, aren't /? You need to bringto the ground. Do it. Bringto the ground Amiera, letrest at your feet. Don’t wait any longer; this is your chance.” With that being said, he flies high, even higher than the glass cage. He's giving us enough space to fight. | follow behind him, focused on providing him precisely what he asked for. This was it, the fight everyone was excited to see. | was sure that no one expectedto make it this far, Adam was the stronger one for now, and everyone knew that.

We face each other in the sky, above the grounds, away from everyone. And then it hits me, something that should have sooner.

This was it, the image | had gotten when he'd kissedthat day inside of the jeep. We were in the sky, both looking powerful. Our wings were out, and we looked like something serious was about to happen. Was | able to see the future when he touchedlast time? Even though that sounds preposterous, that’s the only explanation that | have. | didn’t imagine anything; | know what | saw in that vision. Everything was the same, the clothes we wore, the location, even down to the look on our faces.

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“Are we just going to stay here without doing anything?” Adam's voice bringsback to reality. He was still waiting for a fight, and if a war were what he wanted, | would gladly give it to him.

“You don’t look like someone that hates me,” he continues to speak, to taunt me. “If you hated me, you would have finishedoff already,” 1 snap my lips together and hit him with one flafter the next. To my horror, he doesn’t bother to dodge any of my attacks; instead, he takes them he lets himself get hurt. Why wasn’t he fighting back? Why was he lettingwin? “Fight me, damn it!” | scream. | don’t want to fight someone that isn’t fighting back. | want him to hitwith all he got. I knew | wasn’t prepared for it, but | still wanted to know what | was up against | don’t have tto prepare when he flies to me, grabsby my waist, and pullsclose, his lips are near my ear, and | hate how much my body melts into him, “I'll never fight you, Amiera, not today, not tomorrow. Not ever.” “Stop lying to me!” | cry. “I'm fed up with your lies. I'm not falling for them anymore. You are clearly trying to trickjust like you've done in the past. How can | believe you when you say that you're not going to fight me? How can | believe you when Lizzie already toldof your plans? You have already admitted to everything, so stop with the lies. | told you that | hate you, and | mean it. | hate you with a passion.” His finger touches my lips, and my body shivers from the contact, “you don’t hate me. You love me. | know that you do, your mouth may lie, but your eyes cannot.” Suddenly | remember everything Lizzie said tobefore. He isn’t to be trusted. He's going to useto destroy our world, | wasn’t sure how true that was, but | wasn’t about to take any chances. Everything else she said happened to be accurate, so then how could | doubt her words? Adam was the one that lied toabout everything, (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)not her. She was the one Thad to believe, even though I didn’t trust her either.

| angrily shove him away fromand force more fire out of me. | watch as the hungry blaze continues to grow from the palm of my hands.

“Surrender now before it’s too late, Adam,” | warn him. I'm too angry to care about anything other than the anger and hurt | felt inside.

He sighs, “do what you must, Amiera. It has to be done. Don’t delay it any longer.” | don’t wait for him to say anymore. The fire escapes fromand hits him head-on. His eyes connect with mine, and | feel a tear roll down my cheeks as | watch him drop straight back down to the ground.

| try to hold back the tears, but they continue to flow down my face like a fountain. | didn’t want to hurt him. | know that | said | did, but the truth was that | didn’t. He was right; I still loved him with all my heart. | wanted him to be good; | didn’t want him to be my enemy. | have to hurt me? When | get back to the ground, many fire whisperers are cheering for me; | can see the pride in their eyes as they watchland onto the floor. Adam had already picked himself off the ground and is currently making his way out of the glass stage. It’s hard to watch him go like this. He didn’t try to fightonce; even though everyone was cheering for me, | felt like | didn’t deserve it. | was proud of myself for finally being able to create fire, but this fight was not a fair one.

Abigail runs toand pullsin for a hug. “You did it! My best friend is fx***xg awesome!” | smile against her embrace. “You're the awesone. I'm so proud of you.” Everyone begins to congratulate me, and | know that I've wanted this for the longest while, but I'm anything but happy.

“We're hosting an after-party tonight!” Bryan announces suddenly. “You're all invited. We need to celebrate the victory of our flaming whisperer. The location; the f¥***xg beach!” A party hosted by Bryan? That doesn’t sound like a good idea to me. But it was yet another party to celebrate my achievements, so how could | not attend? “We need to pick out our outfits!” Abigail squeals with excitement. “I have the perfect bikini for you.” Bikini? Again, | didn’t think that was such a good idea. But whenever Abigail decided on something, it was difficult to convince her out of it. Most likely, I'll end up wearing what she wantsto. If not for her, I'm sure that my sister would also forceinto something.

Later that day, I'm staring at myself in the mirror with wide eyes. | feel exposed like this; the white bikini is barely covering anything.

“Can’t | wear that cover-up?” | ask her while pointing at it in her closet.

She shakes her head at me, “con; we are going to be late. I'm sure everyone is waiting on you, after all, this party celebrates you, no one else. I'm going to get us both there on time.” After learning that I'd won Adam in battle, my parents had agreed for Abigail's driver to drop us both at the party. Of course, after hearing that Bryan was in charge of the event, they had no complaints.(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) They still wantedto fix my relationship with both him and Aria; | didn’t see that happening anytsoon, however. already parked and waiting for us.

She laughs, “I'm just proud of you; that’s all. I'm here to celebrate your achievements with you. So fix that frown, and let's get to partying!” 1 wish that I could share her excitement. All | can think about is whether or not Adam will be there. Whenever | attended parties, and he attended, things never went as planned. Something always happened between us, and | didn’t want that to happen this time.

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The car stops suddenly, and we both get out. There are cars parked all over, and | can already tell that this is probably the biggest party I've ever attended, not that I've attended a lot. | just know that Bryan had invited way too many people to this thing. | was already regretting coming here tonight.

The beach house is packed with people, and thankfully everyone is too preoccupied with what they're doing to notice me. | was already uncomfortable in this tiny thing Abigail madewear;! didn’t want too much attention on me. Which was ironic considering this party was supposed to be all about me.

There are balloons with my non the ceilings and decorations everywhere, all praising the flaming whisperer.

| don’t know why but it makesfeel uncomfortable. Maybe it’s because I'm scared of letting everyone down.

“Let's walk down to the beach,” Abigail tells me, and | nod in agreement.

So far, there were no signs of Adam or Lizzie. However, it can just be that | haven't seen them as yet. The place was so packed that it was possible that they were somewhere around, just surrounded by more of their loyal followers.

As we walk down to the beach, I'm not as lucky as before, many eyes turn to me, and | hate how sof the men are looking at me. As always, I'm only happy when one man looks at me.

Igroan aloud, | need to catch a break. Why do my thoughts always go straight back to him? Tonight should be all about me. It doesn’t matter where Adam was or what he was up to. Tonight | need to be myself, and | definitely need to try and be happy again... Without him by my side.

However, all of that goes out the window as soon as the cool air hits my face and the beach comes into my view.

It was absolutely breathtaking; | can’t remember the last tI've ever been to one. This view should makehappy; it really should, but | feel anything but that.