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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 32
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Chapter 32


I’m fuming when I leave Amiera’s home. After everything I’ve done to get her to trust me, Lizzie goes

and screws everything the f**k up. She had no right to messing with my plans.

Islam my room door shut, and the anger only intensifies when I spot her on my desk. Who let her in

here without telling me first? It never bothered me before, but today it did; I did not want to see her face

after what she’d done.

I grab her hand and pull her away from my desk. She has some nerve showing up here after the mess

she’s just caused for me. I have to wonder if she’s doing this deliberately to sabotage my plans. Why

would she try and turn Amiera away from me?

“What the f**k were you thinking, Lizzie?” I demand. “What are you talking about?” (This will be

daily updtaed at www.jar.com)she asks innocently. Her fake ignorance pisses me off more

than before.

“You were not supposed to kiss me just for Amiera to see. I know it was intentional; I know that you

knew she would have seen everything. Just what the hell is going through your mind? Are you not

thinking straight these days?” I shout at her.

“Women like her want what they can’t have, Adam.” She says calmly, too calm for my liking. “I was

doing you a favor; if she saw me with you, it would make her realize more what she feels. Can’t you

see that? I was only helping you, but yet you’re here yelling at me for no

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“You f*****g hurt her!” I roar.

She blinks once, then twice, and I realize the mistake I just made.

Oh, f**k me! I wasn’t even sure why I said that. It came out of nowhere and was probably

the rawest emotion I‘ve felt in a while. How could I have not known that seeing her in pain had

bothered me this much?

“What does hurting her have to do with anything?” she demands. “Her feelings should not

matter at all. We are supposed to be partners for life; we both have the same goals, and we’re working

towards them. Now you’re acting differently; I’m not even sure that we want the same things in life

anymore. Why are you mentioning her getting hurt all of a sudden? It wasn’t a problem before. Don’t

tell me that you’re starting to care for her, Adam. Are you?”

“Of course not!” I lie to both her and myself. “But you’ve just broken her trust in me. Can’t

you see the damage that you’ve done? Now she believes that I’ve been lying to her all along. (This

will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)It’s going to take some time before I can fix what has

been broken by you.” stop her from doing something like this in the future. One more stupid stunt, and

Amiera may never want to speak to me again. Just the thought of this makes me turn into a full panic

mood. Lizzie must understand how important it is that she does not interfere again.

“I need you to promise me that you won’t interfere again,” I tell her. “I need you to do this. Whatever

happens, you need to control your anger and let it happen. She can’t suspect anything; if she does, it

will ruin everything. Are you going to let all your research go to waste? You can’t; you need to let go of

whatever it is you’re holding against her and focus on what’s important. We have the same goal that

has not changed. Let me do my part, and you need to do yours.”

Lizzie doesn’t seem to be happy about my order, but she still nods her head. I’m not sure if I can trust

her, however. This means that I need to be careful around Lizzie, especially whenever Amiera is


I may hate to admit it, but the truth remained that seeing her crying today moved something within my

heart. I’m not happy about it, but something happened to me when I saw her in tears. I hated that I was

the one to make her cry and I didn’t want to let that happen



I couldn’t trust Adam’s words anymore. He was letting the bond between him and the flaming whisperer

get between our plans. We’ve been waiting on this day for years, planning and prepping. We did

everything right, everything, and now he would throw it all away for some

stupid feelings?

I didn’t think this was just about gaining her trust anymore. Adam may very well be protecting her

even if he hasn’t admitted this to himself as yet.

This meant that I had to do everything in my power to separate those two before they could get any

closer. If I didn’t act soon, Amiera might be the one to change Adam, rather than he get her to join our


I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about that happening. He would be a disappointment to dark

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whisperers everywhere. I cared about him enough not to let him make

that mistake.

He would thank me for doing him this favor; he would thank me for guiding him back to the right path.

He needed me, he may not know it now, but he does. That girl was making him

The Adam that I knew would be a cold-hearted asshole that was only interested in his own personal

gain; this Adam was beginning to care about people that he should be using to get what he wanted.

I grab the key from the draw and head towards my room. I open the door and walk towards my bed.

(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)After making sure that no one was in here with

me, I shoved the mattress to the other side and pulled out the tiny box.

I’ve searched far and wide for this. It’s why I left Adam in the first place, to find this potion. I unlock the

box and pull out the glass bottle with the clear liquid inside of it. This will be the potion to change all of

our lives forever. Even Adam doesn’t know that I have this with me. He thought that I was doing more

research about the flaming whisperer, while that was true, I did find this extraordinary liquid.

Now I just needed to find the right time to use it against Amiera.

Hopefully, things wouldn’t have to reach this stage, maybe Adam would come to his senses, but if he

didn’t, if he continued to go against my wishes, I will use this.*

It was my backup plan, and I was smart for coming up with it. Even if Adam chooses to fall for the

flaming whisperer and not claim his rightful place as king of the lands, this will be alli need to make sure

that everything happens the way that I want it to.

Amiera will die, one way or another, and Adam will be king. Everyone will bow before him, and I will be

his queen, just like it was always meant to be.