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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 29
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Chapter 29

Adam lets go of me, and I turn to him with curious eyes. How did he get me to confess something that

even I didn’t know I was feeling?

“Your power is not going to reveal itself until you begin to trust yourself more. You need to have

confidence; you need to believe that you have the fire within… And it would help if you buried that fear

that’s preventing you from moving forward. Fear isn’t your friend Amiera. You need to be strong to be

the host of a fire so powerful.” Adam explains to me.

“Did you really read many books about me?” I ask him. It’s the only reason I could think of

to explain how he knew so much more than me.

He looks away from me then, “I have.”

“Why?” I ask him. “Why was it so important that you read so much about me? Is there some reason

that you’re not telling me?”

Without warning, Adam grabs my waist and walks with me to a nearby desk. “What are you doing?” I


“Yes, there is plenty that I haven’t told you that I’m keeping from you.” He answers me. “I’ll let you in on

one of your biggest secrets that even you do not know. When we’re like this, closer than anyone else in

this world wants us to be, you are at your strongest. Whenever I touch you, whenever I kiss you,

whenever your body feels release given to you by only me, (This will be daily updtaed at

www.jar.com)your power intensifies to the point that it’s hard to control.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Igasp when his mouth crashes down on mine as if to prove his point. This feels just right, like an

explosion has just taken place inside of my body like I’m finally where I need to be. I want this; I need


Adam pulls my hair back and slams my body against the desk. He grips my waist and shoves his body

hard against mine. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)I can’t control the whirlpool of

desire that floods my body, even if I wanted to.

He unbuttons my shirt and pushes my bra out of the way. I feel exposed under his hungry gaze, but I

don’t try and stop him when he leans down and covers my n****e with his mouth.

“Adam!” I cry out. He pulls back and rests his forehead against mine, “say it, say my name.”

My lips part in shock. Does he really want me to say his name? “Say it,” he growls.

“A-adam.” I stutter. tell me something I would have never known had he not admitted it to me.

“You’re not the only one who likes hearing their name, Amiera,” he tells me. “But I only wish to hear it

from your pretty little mouth.”

I gasp from listening to him admit that to me. I never thought that someone like Adam

would like to hear me say his name.

“Tell me,” he whispers as he cups my breasts in the palm of his hands. “What else do you like that I do

besides saying your name?”

My cheeks are flushed from both pleasure and embarrassment. I don’t understand how he can look this

calm while saying things like this. There are many things that I love that he does, too many to count.

gasp when a tiny black hole appears and begins to caress the hollow between my breasts. It’s almost

cold, like ice. It stays there for a few seconds before disappearing. And then Adam leans down and

kisses the same spot with his very warm lips. The mixture of hot and cold sends my body haywire with


“Are you not going to tell me?” he demands as he grips my ass in his hands and squeezes(This

will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)


“I like when you t-touch me,” I say between moans. “Touch you where?” he growls. “Where do you like

when I touch you, Amiera?”

Before I can respond, his hand pushes my skirt up, revealing the marks he claims were given to show

other men that he put them there. Adam Ashford, my murky prince, wants other men to know what he

did with me. I don’t know why that makes me so happy.

His eyes zero in on my light blue panties, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look at me with so

much desire in my entire life. I’ve never felt this wanted before, and it feels so good.

“Where? Tell me, Amiera, where do you like it when I touch you?”

“My breasts,” I answer but feel shame immediately after.

“And where do you want me to touch you next?” He asks, not giving me a chance to think more of the

words leaving my mouth.

My cheeks are burning more than ever, how does he expect me to answer that? His hands slide up my

legs and near my now-soaked panties. “Tell me, where?”

“M-my p***y. Please, Adam, please touch my pussy.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

he’s doing, he bends down and kisses me there. He pulls my panties to the side and licks at my


Tcry out from the pleasure; I’ve never felt anything this amazing before. I don’t even feel

like we’re still in the training center anymore where anyone can walk in and see us; I don’t care

where we are; I just don’t ever want this to stop.

But then it does. He stops and takes my happiness away with him. I’m left feeling confused and

needing so much more.

He fixes my skirt and buttons my shirt before leaning his forehead against mine.(This will be daily

updtaed at www.jar.com)

“You taste so f*****g good, so good that I want you served on a f*****g plate to me. So good that I need

to stop before I take things too f*****g far and take you against this motherfucking desk.”

Doesn’t he understand that I need this right now? Can’t he see that it’s exactly what I


He pulls away from me, “that’s it for training today. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

My heart drops; that’s all that this was to him, training? He did say that us touching and being close

would help increase my power. Was he trying to help awaken it?

I try not to pout as I walk past him. I’m upset with both him and myself.

But does this mean that tomorrow would be the same thing? Would we have another session of

touching and kissing… And the occasional licking? My cheeks are red when I remember where he was

just a few minutes ago.

I need help. I did. Lord help me, I’m looking forward to our training more than I’ve ever looked forward

to anything in my life before.