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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 21
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Chapter 21

I don’t know what I was thinking about dressing up for school today; everyone looked at

me differently. I don’t think that lever wore makeup to school before and today was a first. Now that I

thought about it, when did I ever really wear any makeup on my own without someone intervening for

me? I only did it today because my sister insisted, okay, that was a lie. I also did it because I wanted to

see Adam’s reaction if he saw me all dressed up. This wasn’t even my dress; it was something my

sister had picked out from her closet. It was slightly inappropriate for school, and I was lucky that my

parents didn’t see me leave the house like this. That didn’t mean that they wouldn’t spot me going in

later. I shake my head; I’ll study about that later.

I freeze when I see Adam walking down the hallway, and my heart stops beating when his gaze falls on

me. His eyes don’t look at the dress. Instead, he’s staring at my face. He makes me feel very aware of

the makeup there now more than ever.

He ignores some girls trying to talk to him and walks over to me. I gulp when he takes a

few more steps closer to me so that there isn’t much space between us.

He sticks his head to the side as he continues to study me.

“Are you wearing lipstick?” He asks while continuing to examine my face.

My face is red, and I can’t form any words on my lips.

“Did you put on makeup for me?” He asks in a teasing manner. I’m positive that all of the blood in my

body has now traveled to my face from the embarrassment of his question.

How could he possibly know that?

My gaze goes behind him, and I notice that many girls from school have decided to stop

and stare at us. If I weren’t careful, everyone would start talking about us, and the news would go

straight to my siblings. I couldn’t afford for that to happen. Noah especially will freak out if he sees us

like this.

“I don’t think that we should be this close since my brother and sister are back,” I say to him, unable to

look him directly in his eyes.

Adam places his two hands on my locker and leans into me. “Or what?” He whispers, his sweet breath

fanning my flaming red cheeks.

I can’t think clearly when he’s standing so close to me and looking at me the way that he’s doing right


“Get the hell away from my sister!” Noah shouts from across the hall. I jump at the interruption, but it

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doesn’t affect Adam one bit. His tongue is pressed up against his cheek, and

“She had something on her lips,” he says to Noah. “I was only getting it off.”

With that being said, he turns and strolls away.

I grab Noah’s hand to stop him from going after him. “Don’t get into a fight with him, please. We are

already still in trouble from the last fight you had with Bryan. Let’s stay under the radar for a while until

we get back into our parent’s good side.”

“Why was he even so close to you?” Noah demands.

I shrug my shoulders, “I do not know brother,” I lie; I couldn’t tell Noah I practically kissed his bare chest

already or that I was in a shower all alone with him in his room. I shiver at the thought of my brother

finding any of that.

“I think that he’s just trying to mess with Bryan since he messed with Ashton.” While I was

sure that was not the only reason, I am beginning to believe this lie.

He did start showing me more attention ever since the cheating scandal happened. Was it

really true that he was only trying to mess with Bryan? The last time in the cafeteria, he stopped by my

table only when he saw that Bryan was there. There may be more truth to this lie than I know. After

being betrayed by Aria and Bryan, I don’t think I can trust anyone’s

intentions again.

“Listen to me,” Noah says; the seriousness in his voice makes me look at him. “Stay the hell away from

Adam Ashford. He’s not someone that you should even look at. He’s dangerous and manipulative. I

don’t like what I saw between the two of you just now. It makes me think that something is going on, but

I know you’re smarter than that. So I’ll dismiss it for now.”

My brother’s faith in me makes me feel guilty about my actions. I felt like I wasn‘t even sure who I was

anymore. The girl who always played by all of the rules not only lied to her parents about where she

was going but was also pining for the enemy.

“What’s going on with the two of you?” Belle asks as she joins in on the conversation.

Noah shakes his head, “Nothing.” He tells her as he walks away, leaving the two of us behind.

“Is it just me, or is Noah extra tensed these days?” She asks.

Now that she asked the question, I also realized that he was indeed extra tensed. Was something

bothering him that we didn’t know about? Noah wasn’t someone that spoke to anyone about his

problems; he loved handling everything on his own.

“What happened to your lipstick?” she asks; I’m surprised it took her this long to see it.

you enter the classroom.”

Inod, and before I can respond, I hear someone shouting my name.

“There you are!” Abigail shouts from a distance as she runs to catch up to me.

“I see you’ve found a new friend,” Belle says with a pleased smile. “Just make sure this one isn’t a

backstabber and boyfriend stealer like the last.”

I shake my head as she walks away, just as Abigail reaches by my side.

“Do you have anything interesting to tell me today?” she inquires. “Did anything happen between you

and Adam again?”

“Shhh,” I whisper as I look around for my brother. “No one can know that I went home by him. My

brother is already becoming suspicious, and the last thing I want to do is cause him to get into another

fight because of me.”

Her eyes widen, “I forgot about that. How did your parents react to the fight yesterday? The whole

school is talking about it.”

I sigh, “we spent more than an hour having to listen to their lectures. I keep disappointing my parents.

It’s the last thing I want to do, but things are just happening left, right and center. I can’t catch a break.”

Anyone who has always been the good girl all her life knows what it feels like the moment that you

make a mistake; it feels like everyone is judging you and like you’re disappointing the

people close to you.

I’ve reached the point where I’m not sure leven want to be a good girl anymore. It’s hard to constantly

watch every step that you make and still get nothing in return.

“Let’s not think about any of that.” She says, trying to cheer me up.

Inod and follow her into the classroom. I immediately spot Bryan and Aria once again at the front.

They’re all up on each other just like always. Those two have no shame for what they

did. It’s not like I didn’t already know that; it’s just that each time that I see them together like this, I’m

reminded of what they did to get to that position.

They both look up, and I’m satisfied when I see both of their eyes widen. My look today was leaving an

impression on everyone at school. Bryan looks at me from head to toe, almost as though he cannot

believe that it’s me, and Aria is looking at me how she usually looked at

someone she saw as competition.

They’re not the only ones looking at me; everyone in the class is as well. Not just the guys,

at it.

Abigail and I take our usual seats, and I turn around to see if I can spot Adam. To my surprise, he isn’t

there, but there is a chance that he will enter the classroom late like he

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usually does.

When an hour passes, and there is still no sign of him, I’m hit with a disappointment so intense that I

silently scold myself. I know that having anything to do with him is wrong and could land me in so much

trouble, not just with my parents but also with my overprotective brother.

I also know that I need never go back to his home again. Getting away with it once was enough; I didn’t

want to take such a significant risk again. Even though Adam has only just started showing me any

attention, I’ve always had a connection with him. I’ve always been

slightly obsessed with him, and I always thought it was harmless since I never expected to act

on my feelings.

But now that he was showing a questionable interest in me, I couldn’t seem to be able to

control myself.

When the bell rings, my heart shatters with disappointment. He didn’t attend class today. Was he not as

desperate to see me as I was to see him? Of course not, Amiera!

I’m hit with more disappointment when I don’t see him for any other classes. It’s the end of the day, and

not seeing Adam is hurting me.

Abigail says goodbye to me when her driver reaches, and I’m left alone waiting for my


I cross my arms over my chest and sigh in frustration.

What could he have been doing to not show up in class today? Lizzie was also not in class; did they go

somewhere together? Like, skip school to go on a date?

I shake my head to stop thinking about it; the more I did, the more it hurt. I suddenly decide that I

should wait in the limousine for my siblings instead of being all depressed inside the school’s

compound. I don’t get to go far, however.

Adam is looking at me and blocking my way. He pulls his hand out of his pocket, and I’m surprised to

see that the lipstick stain is still on his finger. It’s the end of all classes for the day. Did he keep that for

so long? Surprising me, he brings his finger to his mouth and rubs his bottom lip. My eyes go wide with

desire as I see my lipstick stain now on his pink lip; my dirty thoughts imagine him kissing me and

causing that mark on his lips when I know that it’s only

a pounding in my chest and a shiver of need down my spine. His lips curl into a smirk as he

turns and strolls away.

I don’t know what just happened, but my murky prince has somehow managed to arouse me from afar

yet again. He didn’t have to do anything at all, and my body went all crazy for him!

The Virgin Alpha

Reverse Harem Alpha Michael Car is everything an Alpha should be, powerful, handsome, strong,

dangerous, and rich. The only thing is he is still a virgin. Groomed by his father to be the Alpha he is

today but cared for by his mother, she taught him